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  1. H

    Need help adding scripts? Contact me via Skype!

    Hello! I have over 1 year behind me helping server owners out with server side/scripting problems, and I'm here to help you! If you are stuck setting up a server or adding any kind of scripts, just add me: Skype: hoplit_next I'll try my best to help you all out! Feel free to contact me. -Hoplit
  2. H

    Dayz Epoch DZE_ commands?

    Hey! I was wonderinf if someone has a list of the DZE_ codes for epoch that you can place in init.sqf config section. Exmaple: DZE_GodModeBase = true; DZE_TRADER_SPAWNMODE = false; Other kind codes like these would be nice too! Thanks
  3. H

    [NEED HELP] Adding buildings with .sqf method?

    Hey guys! So I'm tired of inserting the biedi files into the database so I tried another way. I don't know if I did something wrong, could somebody take a look at it? Also added the [] execVM “extabuildings2.sqf”; to my init.sqf. but I don't see any buildings in my server. This is the...
  4. H

    Weapons, vehicles, skins with

    Does anybody has a list of them?
  5. H

    Strange problem with scripting

    FIXED!! PLEASE DELETE THE POST! Hey guys! So I have a customer who are running Chernarus, and the provider is I already helped a lot of people in scripting, and for a quick test I only added Sarge's AI to see if it works. When I load the PBO files in, update the scripts.txt, the...
  6. H

    [REQUEST] Working base building 1.2 with

    Hi! I correctly installed this script, and it worked in game. But I think I have a problem that a lot of admins have. When I restart the server, the script doesn't saves the buildings into the database. Anybody got it working? I am running Chernarus.
  7. H unbanning skins?

    Hi! I have a server, and I'm really interested of custom skins. The problem is I only have access to dayz_mission.pbo, and dayz_server.pbo. I read about copying the client dayz_anim or dayz_code files to the server, and forcing the players to use that file with unbanned skins, but I...
  8. H Custom helicrash loot

    Hey Guys! I followed a tutorial on this forum and it says you have to edit a couple things in spawnCrashSite.sqf to have custom loot at your helicrash. I had to replace this code: _num = round(random _randomizedLoot) + _guaranteedLoot; _config = configFile >>...
  9. H Full moon nights

    Hey Guys! I saw a tutorial about how to make full moon nights, but it doesn't work. Anybody have a working code/script for it? I only have access for mission.pbo and server.pbo
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    [NEED HELP!] 1.7.6 Helicrash customization

    Hey guys! I tried to add more helicrashes to my server, I think it worked, but the players said they have found like 5 crashed helis, but it didn't smoked, ant there wasn't any loot. I just changed (50 * 60) to (5 * 60) Someone could help me out?
  11. H

    Custom music while loading screen?

    Hey guys! I have found an epic song and is that possible to put it into my server, and players can listen to it while, they are logging into the game?