Adding snow to your server

I would love to see this in combination with the dynamic weather effects script in the dayz_code. Any ideas how to add snow to this?
I've been flat out with Celle, once the boneyard is finished getting this integrated is next on my list.

I'm not sure on how to fix your problem clownkiller as I haven't spent much time with this script, I just chucked it on my server, freaked some people out for 10 minutes and then cached it.
Tried this out and I was kicked for #21. I saw Omer's post and pasted those lines after the stated lines and I'm still getting kicked. Can someone give me more detailed instructions? Thanks!
This is how they look after I added the lines you posted...

setfog (line 45):
setfog (line 45): 5 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"FOG\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setFog _targetWeatherValue;\n};" !"0 setFog _initialFog;\n\nif (_initialOvercast == -1) then {" !"0 setfog bis_fog;" !"tviewdistance 900;" !"bis_fog = 0.8;" !"setviewdistance 900;" !"0 setovercast 0.9;" !"0 setrain 1;"

setOverCast (line 50):
5 setOverCast !"\"setOverCast\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;\n0 setFog _currentFog;" !"if (_currentWeatherChange == \"OVERCAST\") then {\n_timeUntilCompletion setOvercast _targetWeatherValue;" !"0 setOvercast _initialOvercast;\n\nif (_initialOvercast >= 0.75) then {" !"0 setfog bis_fog;" !"tviewdistance 900;" !"bis_fog = 0.8;" !"setviewdistance 900;" !"0 setovercast 0.9;" 1"0 setrain 1;"

SetViewDistance (line 86):
5 setViewDistance !"\"setViewDistance\"," !"setviewdistance 900;"
I looked at the scripts you use and how do you run this not having BE error #21 ?
This will happen because you ''createVehicleLocal'' particles on the client side.

I have more or less the same issue..
Hi piXel
This does kick up script rescription 21, as well as a couple more. But it's not a major issue for us as our server is whitelisted
here is mine:

16.01.2013 13:30:26: piXel (x.x.x.x:2316) b532aeb7611374b6ab1e83cedde1477d - #21 "osATL _anomaly select 2)-2.5];

_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal getpos _anomaly;
_light setLightBrightness 0.05;

Ok add this to "createVehicleLocal" on scripts.txt
!"osATL _anomaly select 2)-2.5];\n\n_light = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal getpos _anomaly;\n_light setLightBrightness 0.05;\n_ligh"

Should work just fine now
@ Omer Thx very interesting knowledge. Although I am currently rewriting and testing createVehicle.

But what does os and n mean in your script? and does it have to be this complete.
!"osATL _anomaly select 2)-2.5];\n\n_light = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal getpos _anomaly;\n_light setLightBrightness 0.05;\n_ligh"

Or will the following work too.

!"osATL _anomaly select "
16.01.2013 01:09:41: Mister MR2 ( 3029c6f50a6c259d622ad02e221cac26 - #21 ";
_alpha = 0.02 + random 0.02;
_ps = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;
_ps setParticleParams [["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffect"
Also, I followed this:
Ok add this to "createVehicleLocal" on scripts.txt
!"osATL _anomaly select 2)-2.5];\n\n_light = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal getpos _anomaly;\n_light setLightBrightness 0.05;\n_ligh"
Should work just fine now

and im still getting kicked for 21
I'm still waiting on help as well lol. I also tried another effect that a friend sent me and I got the same restriction.
I'd be interested in the snow falling slower if that's possible, perhaps making it a bit lighter.... If anyone finds out how, mind sharing?
For people with script restrictions, deleting your scripts.txt is the easiest way to make it work. There's remote code exectuions so skiddies don't usually get caught in scripts.txt anyway!


I've got it randomized but there is a lot of overlap with the dynamic weather effects in dayz code so I'm working on that now!

I've also noticed that snow can fall when your inside a building. I've pulled a function to check if a player is in a building and to turn it off if they are, but I'm hoping to improve it so visability is increased while in a building. I was also hoping to have a 50m gap inbetween the snow and you, have you seen a way to do it in the code? I'm looking now but any help will speed up the process.
mind sharing your random function? ive taken the snow script removed some lines so it wouldn't interfer and placed it in the dynamic weather sqf in day_code however since theres no randomness to it it just runs all the time.