Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

For your problem building camo nets, I had the same issue. What you need to do is open your createvehicle.txt and find
5 "B_"
Add the filters so it looks like this
5 "B_" !"Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"

Now you should be fine, so long as you added the other building things to createvehicle.txt already?

i have those camo nets in this filter: 1 "Land_" !="Land_Fire_DZ" !="Land_fort_bagfence_long" !="Land_BagFenceRound" !="Land_fortified_nest_big" !="Land_Fort_Watchtower" !="Land_fort_rampart_EP1" !="Land_HBarrier_large" !="Land_fortified_nest_small" !="Land_Misc_Cargo2E" !="Land_pumpa" !="Land_CncBlock" !="Land_prebehlavka" !="Land_tent_east" !="Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetB_NATO" !="Land_CamoNetVar_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetVar_NATO" !="Land_CamoNet_EAST" !="Land_CamoNet_NATO"
i have those camo nets in this filter: 1 "Land_" !="Land_Fire_DZ" !="Land_fort_bagfence_long" !="Land_BagFenceRound" !="Land_fortified_nest_big" !="Land_Fort_Watchtower" !="Land_fort_rampart_EP1" !="Land_HBarrier_large" !="Land_fortified_nest_small" !="Land_Misc_Cargo2E" !="Land_pumpa" !="Land_CncBlock" !="Land_prebehlavka" !="Land_tent_east" !="Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetB_NATO" !="Land_CamoNetVar_EAST" !="Land_CamoNetVar_NATO" !="Land_CamoNet_EAST" !="Land_CamoNet_NATO"

Yeah, me too, but the B variants also need to be listed (or perhaps only, I've never checked) under the 5 "B_" filters. :)
Hey Rosska85 are you running this on epoch or and would you mind sharing your files associated with the basebuilding addon? I have tried my best to get this all tow ork and keep everything else working as it should but I always ALWAYS seem to break at least one thing.. If so I would appreciated it..
Hey Rosska85 are you running this on epoch or and would you mind sharing your files associated with the basebuilding addon? I have tried my best to get this all tow ork and keep everything else working as it should but I always ALWAYS seem to break at least one thing.. If so I would appreciated it..

I'm afraid I don't run it on Epoch, so my files would not be of any help to you. I was under the impression that Epoch included a base building system though, does it not?
It does have its "Own" Basebuilding but ive still got players clambering for this version as it offers fuel tanks and full buildings that can be built
It does have its "Own" Basebuilding but ive still got players clambering for this version as it offers fuel tanks and full buildings that can be built

Ah I see. Well like I said I've never run Epoch (my players aren't interested in all the other changes from it, all they want from it is the base building stuff haha), but if you want to upload your PBO files (mission and server) I can take a look at it when I get a chance and see if I can figure out what's wrong with it.
Ok yeah sounds good.. Ive completely removed it and sstarted from scratch with my own server pack thats working pretty well right now the only issue i seem to be having is missions arent being started but thats for another thread.. Ill see if i can find my older pbos where this was installed and upload them then.. If not Ill try and reinstall it
Trying to get this running on 1.8 and I've hit a slight snag. The server_monitor.sqf has been changed a fair bit since and no longer has the code you're supposed to add his after, I've tried a few different places that looked 'kind of right' but with no luck.

The bit that isn't there any more is this
        if (_object isKindOf "TentStorage") then {
            _pos set [2,0];
            _object setpos _pos;
        _object setdir _dir;
        _object setDamage _damage;

Has anybody else tried this on 1.8 yet and found where to enter his code for this file?
yea i found the right spot just add it after the newly edited tent clause but battle eye kick now are a issuse after building items goodluck and if you work out the battleye plz post
eg after "#endif
else { // else for object or non legit vehicle
if (!(_class in SafeObjects )) then {
_damage = 1;
if (_damage < 1) then {
// Rule #1: Tents will be always spawned if non empty.
// Rule #2: Objects are not spawned if inside/close to building.
// Rule #3: Rule #1 is higher priority
_worldspace = [_class, _point, _booleans] call fn_niceSpot;
if (_booleans select 3) then { // is in building
if ((_class != "TentStorage") OR {(_inventory call fa_tentEmpty)}) then {
_action = "FAILED";
_damage = 5;
diag_log(format["Won't spawn object #%1(%4) in/close to a building, _point:%3, inventory: %5 booleans:%2",_ObjectID, _booleans, _point, _class, _inventory]);
yea i found the right spot just add it after the newly edited tent clause but battle eye kick now are a issuse after building items goodluck and if you work out the battleye plz post
eg after

Awesome! Thanks man, I'll check that out shortly. Once I get my BE filters sorted I'll post what I've added. :)
if you work out the battleye plz post

Ok, well I've got it mostly working now. The kicks you were getting, I'm guessing were publicvariable related?
If so, then it's thanks to the changes compounded by the new BE filters for 1.8. I've made all the edits needed for and uploaded the files here. Just copy them over to your mission folder and replaces the existing ones.

Along with those you only need to add two things to BE (that I've found anyway).
In createvehicle.txt, find
5 "B_"
And change it to
5 "B_" !"Land_CamoNetB_EAST" !"Land_CamoNetB_NATO"

Now it should work ok. Problem is though, it will write to database, it will remove from database, but if you restart the server then try to remove things they wont delete from the database... :(

I've already tried changing the call in player_remove.sqf to
call server_deleteObj;
But no luck.
Oh, and I noticed another strange bug which implies something is in the wrong place, when I try to build a tent it's giving me the "you must have the exact amount or blah and no more"...

Edit: I think the reason it's not deleting things from the DB after restart is because it's sending a delete by _id but then sending the UID... So it doesn't match anything in the DB for it to delete. Will see if I can figure out why.

Edit 2: Well after 6 hours of banging my head on the keyboard hoping for success, I decided to roll back and test a theory. Turns out the problem with deleting from DB after restarts isn't from base building, it's that nasty bug from rearing it's head again and the fix here no longer works because the coding has changed so much.
can anyone point me towards why my buildings are not saving to the db?

i managed to get this in my rpt:
 4:07:53 "HIVE: Buildable: "CHILD:309:0:[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]:""
4:07:53 "HIVE: Buildable: "CHILD:309:0:[]:""
4:07:53 "HIVE: Buildable: "CHILD:309:0:[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]:""
4:07:53 "HIVE: Buildable: "CHILD:309:0:[]:""

but it seems its not passing any info about what to write to the db?

Maybe i should mention im running overwatch 0.2.4 ... its getting late and im a bit frustratet by now, sorry
Since I installed the epoch update has all my building have moved
My building is found above ground in levitation
After install BB1.2 it's ok

But other problem:
With BB1.2 i can not build anything or edit code without disappearing item
the problem is BB1.2 but if I do not call my building will still end up levitating
Can you help me? someone managed to run BB1.2 or later, with
if you have a tutorial it will help me

I use a HFB whitelist server between friends without BE
i noticed now that i cannot build tank traps, and stashes anymore, i guess this takes over the fuctions of it and maybe i just need to add it to the build list ... however, beartraps are not saving either anymore but tents seems fine

does it matter what number the deplyable have in the deplyable table as long as its there or does it have to be exactly like it is in the sql file?
i noticed now that i cannot build tank traps, and stashes anymore, i guess this takes over the fuctions of it and maybe i just need to add it to the build list ... however, beartraps are not saving either anymore but tents seems fine

does it matter what number the deplyable have in the deplyable table as long as its there or does it have to be exactly like it is in the sql file?

The order of the items in the table doesn't matter, so long as they are all there and no duplicates.
This replaces the player_build file so you wont be able to build tank traps and stashes without the build menu options now.
Well a little update, I got Base Building working on 1.8, it adds and removes from database even after restarts. No errors popping up in the logs. Now the only problem is tents, since it looks like 1.8 tents use the player_build.sqf instead of the tent_pitch.sqf, so I can't build tents now without triggering the "you must have the exact amount blah blah blah"... I've tried merging the files a little but had no luck.

Think I'm done for tonight, will either try again tomorrow or just work on adding the tents to the build menu and leave them that way.