Black Forest Outpost - Chernarus

Hertizch, I was hoping you could maybe help me out.

I'm trying to install your Black Forest Outpost. I'm running my first server and I am extremely new to server editing. In your instructions you have this:

Put the file blackForestOutpost.sqf somewhere in your server folder wherever you prefer.
Open server_functions.sqf and add in this line at the end:
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\blackForestOutpost.sqf";
Remember to change the path to where you placed the file.

I was looking for my server_fuctions.sqf and I didn't see it. I read some of your comments and I seen some people were installing this in a different way such as them using there init.sqf instead. Now for some reason I'm thinking I should be doing it this way. Can I just put the blackForestOutpost.sqf in my custom folder (which has the other sqf files such as self bb/debug monitor ect) and then put the fileline in my init.sqf?

I'm sorry If I didn't explain this more clearly. I'm really new and desperately trying to understand. I appreciate any help you can provide me.
In regards to my last post it worked. I guess just trying it really pulls off. Sorry about that and thanks this is great!

What is the possition of this outpost so I can put a marker in my missions.sqm?
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