Custom texture on a board

I found to make the image on the sign show properly make the image as 1024x512 then when it is done smoosh/resize the image to make it 512x512.
So what does this do?

[] spawn spawn_dzbf;

I get an error if it is in.

Whether it is in or not, no billboard. Here's my fsign.sqf.

File Name: FSign.sqf
File Created: 2/9/2014
File Version: 1.0
File Author: Foamy
File Last Edit Date: 2/9/2014
File Description: Adds "Sign" Objects to world.

// Add Signs Below this Line

// Sign Location <--- change to your loc
private ["_vehicle_50"];
if (isServer) then {

_vehicle_50 = objNull;
if (true) then
_this = createVehicle ["SignM_UN_Base_EP1", [11676.1,15216.9]], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle_0 = _this;
_this setDir 0.00;
_this setVehicleInit "this setObjectTexture [0,""quarantine.jpg""]";
_this setPos [11676.1,15216.9]];

I'd expect a sign even if my image isn't on it - but nothing - no errors or warnings in the .rpts either.

Changed it to "WarfareBunkerSign". Still no sign.
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if your server has already loaded and you create something with a setvehicleinit command, at the bottom of the file you need to have this command

You are correct IMHO though, that would put the image on the billboard and the billboard should still be created regardless. So you probably have some other issue also.
If you use the syntax highlighting of notepad++ it will highlight matching brackets when you click on one of them. Makes it easy to see when you have an additional closing brace ...

the spawn_dzbf issue:
What that guy did was use compile command to load his entire billboard script into a 'function' called spawn_dzbf and then he spawns his function where you just execute your fsign.sqf script. Just a different method to execute the sqf file. It doesn't work on your computer because you are loading builds/bill.sqf into the function which is a file that does not exist on your computer, you have fsign.sqf ... stick with what you are doing unless you were to call this script often .. like hundreds of times ...

spawn_dzbf = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\builds\bill.sqf";

in my server_monitor.sqf:
[] spawn spawn_dzbf;
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D'oh! I had a bracket mismatch. I usually do the bracket check, and also run it through Squint. It was getting late though and I guess I overlooked it.

Thanks for your help, Blanks!