DayZ handcuff player help

One question though. Is it possible to restrict to only curtain players, prevent traders from being arrested and moved around etc, prevent zombies from being arrested, and so they can't arrest in safezones. I know that's a long list, but it would be much appreciated. I am not experienced in c++ so I am looking for a coder to higher for a server I work for. Thanks in advance to the replies.
Inkko doing great work so far and there are only a few steps left to make a final release.
Things like only Players and such shouldnt be that hard to make, but first we need to make the script working in every aspect. After that we can customize it a bit further.
But like I've said he is doing great and its going to be great ;)
okay @SchwEde id pay for a release NOW :D i had this workign and other than the arresting traders flaw, (wich is easily fixable) but other than that, detain, escort,search, release worked perfect. bit of glitch escorting into a car but atleast they cant move + get teleported to you escorted agai nonce out of the vehicular device.
Thank you very much @gopostal ! That was really nice for you to say that. Also does anyone know a fix so you can't arrest traders, put your tied people in vehicles and so that only people who's GUID I put in can use it? I know this is heavy alpha I am just wondering.
It won't be hard to add player ID exceptions and block the traders. In fact it might be better to include rather than exclude 'arrestable' classes, maybe even putting them into an array that is configurable by the admin. At the very least I'd make a config that set up choices in arrestable classes and let the admins pick true or false.
For example I'm going to allow arresting of DZAI generated bandits thus setting the stage for players being able to 'drop' them onto another person's base where the fall would kill them as players. Really it opens a lot of things up, maybe a mission where you have to arrest a specific member of a group...stuff like that. Anyway I would like to see some level of flexibility with this.
Yea that is a really cool idea. The problem is that I have very basic c++ skills so i have no idea where to start with this. I am really looking forward to this. I am also looking to hire a coder for my server. If anyone is interested feel free to pm me.
I do some light helping out and although I don't charge anything I really don't want to take on a full "set the server up" project. I will tell you that the guys I've been helping have complained of being scammed by people offering to help then disappearing so be careful.
@gopostal @James184 just back up your server before, that way i they fuck you, you have all files, they change pw? you can just re change wiht your email... james feel free to hit my ts if you need help, gopostal doesnt know me well but im sure he can say im a very nice guy :) but what canadians arnt... im not to good with codes liek this lol ones you gotta put together yourself and what not...but my server has almost every single script known to epoch (except arrest it broke on me :/) name i have it :D
@novaline oh brutal man...well fuck your ts come share mine :) PLUS we still have to talk about our plans dude... come hop on teamspeak when you got the chance...
I think their is not sure because I have a note 3. Any update on the handcuff script yet or no? Also do you need help with getting it working @sadpanda ?
Heres a look at what I have been working on
private ["_amount","_id","_i","_timer"]; //no idea if these are needed
waituntil {alive player}; // waits till player is logged in
// loop that checks if player has been detained
// globalization: reassigns variable and animation if player forces client to close
// Timer resets if released and re-detained, or if player forces client to close and rejoins
sleep 10;
_amount = 600;
_timer = 600;
while {true} do {
    // Checking if player is in animation (for combat loggers)
    if ((getPlayerUID player) in PVDZ_ply_Arrst) then {
    detained = true;
    if (player getVariable "Detain" == 1) then {
        // player is in proper animation?
    } else {
        // if player forces client close re-animation
        player setVariable ["Detain",1,true];
        sleep 10;
        [objNull, _newCiv, rswitchmove ,"CivilSitting"] call RE;
    sleep 10;
    player disableSimulation false; // less intense disable input (not sure if we can force players into cars with this disabled)
    } else {
        detained = false;
    while {detained} do {
        // Timer counting down from 600 seconds, restarted if re-detained or logging out and back in.
        for "_i" from 0 to _timer do {
            cutText [format["You are tied up for %1 seconds",_amount], "PLAIN"];
            sleep 1; 
            _amount = _amount-1;
            // If released ends timer and starts the release process.
            if (player getVariable "Detain" == 0) then {
            _amount = 0;
            _timer = 0;
        // release process
        if (_amount < 1) then {
            player setVariable ["Detain",0,true];
            detach player;
            player disableSimulation true;
            [objNull, player, rswitchmove,""] call RE;
            if (!isnil ("PVDZ_ply_Arrst")) then {
                // id removed from array
                _id = getPlayerUID player;
                PVDZ_ply_Arrst= PVDZ_ply_Arrst-[_id];
                publicVariable "PVDZ_ply_Arrst";
            } else {
                // just incase something goes wrong undefine the variable
                PVDZ_ply_Arrst= nil;
                publicVariable "PVDZ_ply_Arrst";
            detained = false;
            _amount = 600;
           _timer = 600;

This is just a separate check to handle players that logout while detained to force them back into animation and reassign the detained variable, it will disable input, and have a timer that counts down for the detained player.

I'm still working on it but this should help make the script function better overall.
looks great! If anyone needs help with the handcuff script, I have it working on my server. The only thing I am having a problem with is that traders can be arrested.
@James184 have you got it to work where you can detain players and put them in vehicles? and also with infiSTAR's anti hack it bans anyone on my server who uses the menu as it thinks its a cheat so ya