DayZ Admin tools

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battleye script #230. what did i do wrong now? lol

edit: i'm pretty sure it's something to do with the scripts.txt throught ftp. i've copied the one given, and i get booted. i use the stock one and i just don't get a menu.
the only other thing i have turned on right now is autorefuel, so theres the fact that:

5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"dayzSetFuel_code" !"dayzSetFuel = _val;" !"Scripts\kh_actions.sqf" !"Scripts\kh_vehicle_refuel.sqf"
has to be the last line. is this creating an issue?
Do i need to download something extra? because when i teleport i get teleported but my screen starts to flash, when i press w+space i just get teleported back...
Any solutions?
hello iv got it working but only the debug comes up when i press the binded keys am i missing sumthing?
same problem as the guy above but i get the debug monitor but not the rest any chance someone could take a peek at my file please just to see if im doing anything wrong


  • dayz_mission.pbo
    148.8 KB · Views: 2
you people are TOTALLY not reading the readme

"in admintools\AdminToolsMain.sqf and debug\playerstats.sqf
locate this code
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["#######","#######"]) then {
change ###### to your admins player id's"

and if you had read the thread, you would've seen the problem came from people not understanding what PlayerUID it wanted(i was the first one on the thread i believe).
run arma2
go into player profile
click edit, or edit profile or whatever the hell it says there.
the number you need to copy/paste is the one in that window in the lower left.

I set mine to "Home" and "End" As they are not being used,

end actually does get used, and become quite the pain in the ass if you use it.
the little bit of time i had the admintools running properly,
end spins you clockwise, delete spins you counter.
i changed mine to insert and home. those two don't do anything.

NOW, how bout a little help on the actual problems fellas?

i'm narrowing my issue down slowly.
server is on .st
ive got both mods(refueling and admintools) turned on now with rmod box UNchecked.
but when i hit my hotkey for my adminmenu it get kicked script restriction #230. if i hit my option to refuel i get #44.
i'm down to figureing that it's my battleye scripts.txt
i'm pretty sure i have it edited with the lines that were originally said to edit in, i didn't want to do the entire copy/paste on the scripts.txt because the last time i did it gave me blackscreen wait for host.
iv got the same mods as you installed and thort my auto refuel script would be a problem but i just pasted the code on the end ov the script.txt file and bang all mine work in hermony!
I caved again, and copy/pasted the scripts.txt(after backing the default up this time) i'm working again.
server is in my sig if anyone wants to see.

how do you use the teleport function i click esp/ teleport an all it says it sumthing about marker being added to the map i take it thats esp but how does the teleport work please anybody?????

read the forum bro.
you select esp/teleport then hit M to open ur map
find where u wanna go and alt+click

sorry for the caps, but it is a major glitch
When teleporting, it will put you where you wanna be, but when it spits you out at your target destination, you're about a foot off the ground above a marker and you can't move, well, you can run in place. sometimes you can get out of it and start moving again. but the three times i got out of it, i have no clue about what i did.
this part of the mod really needs looking at.
I caved again, and copy/pasted the scripts.txt(after backing the default up this time) i'm working again.
server is in my sig if anyone wants to see.

read the forum bro.
you select esp/teleport then hit M to open ur map
find where u wanna go and alt+click

sorry for the caps, but it is a major glitch
When teleporting, it will put you where you wanna be, but when it spits you out at your target destination, you're about a foot off the ground above a marker and you can't move, well, you can run in place. sometimes you can get out of it and start moving again. but the three times i got out of it, i have no clue about what i did.
this part of the mod really needs looking at.

after you teleport are u pressing w+spacebar ? that will unfreeze ur player!
once you have all of this done pack and replace your mission.pbo
in game press F5 for debug and F6 for admin tools

Replace my mission.pbo with what? Where can I find this mission.pbo?
were do you get your server from ? my is from so my mission file is located on the bottom right corner of my admin panel!

I got it from here.

Edit: I kind of got it to work. Everytime I press Home, I get the menu and all is fine. But I can only press it once before I have to log out and back in. How do I fix this?
well dont know if it is mentioned or not....
but once u enable esp/tele u can press F7 to get some settings for it... like show/hide tents, animals.......
well dont know if it is mentioned or not....
but once u enable esp/tele u can press F7 to get some settings for it... like show/hide tents, animals.......

Nope, doesn't work. I've tried all the F1-12 keys. Nothing helps.
I would love to see a remove tent feature added to this that would delete a tent you are looking at from the database or at least give you the ID number so you can do it manually. I am tired of people setting up tents in dumbass spots and then not being able to find them in the database easy.
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