DayZ Debug Monitor

Hello people, seems like this thread is a bit old and probably forgotten but i'm still going to ask my question ;)

I have been using a certain Debug Monitor before this one and really liked the setup it was using (The way it looked ingame) but i had problems using it since it was spamming my .rpt log and lagging the server... Basically had to uninstall it...

Anyways, i am now using this one with no problems regarding the log spamming but wanted to know if it was possible to set this one up the way the other one was ? (The way it looks ingame)

This is the code from the old one, if anyone can transfom it for it to display as it is but with this debug monitor here ?

if (isNil "custom_monitor") then {custom_monitor = true;} else {custom_monitor = !custom_monitor;};
while {custom_monitor} do
    _kills =        player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
    _killsH =        player getVariable["humanKills",0];
    _killsB =        player getVariable["banditKills",0];
    _humanity =        player getVariable["humanity",0];
    _headShots =    player getVariable["headShots",0];
    hintSilent parseText format ["
    <t size='2'font='Bitstream'align='center'>%1</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Blood:</t><t size='1' font='Bitstream'align='right'>%2</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Humanity:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%3</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Murders:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%4</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Bandits Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%5</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Zombies Killed:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%6</t><br/>
    <t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='left'>Headshots:</t><t size='1'font='Bitstream'align='right'>%7</t><br/>
    <t size='2'font='Bitstream'align='center'>2ch DayZ Server</t><br/>
    ",dayz_playerName,r_player_blood,round _humanity,_killsH,_killsB,_kills,_headShots];
sleep 1;

Thanks a lot for the help anyone could give me ;)
Yes I've been trying to figure something like this out myself. Well i want to give the blood count to the none admin screen as well.
Anyone know the proper way of find days survived?
I use to use dayz_skilllevel but currently in 1.7.7 it will just say "any" now, perhaps theres a new variable?
do you have what changes are made to the compiles file so i dont have to use your custom one? messes up my server.


edit: nvm turns out we dont need to link to your variables or compiles for it to work.
I'm trying to get my ducks in a row before I start implementing and need some clarification. (looking at the triggered version, on cherno map,

Download the debug directory... got this and pretty straight forward.

Edit the init.sqf, comment the one compile line and add the new compile line... again straight forward.

You mentioned "instance ID"... where?

Is there more to this?

I've made many changes, implementing various addons to my server (mission.pbo), so doing a compare of files will show many lines of mis-matching code.

Would really like to make this feature available. Thank you in advance for your time.
I got this monitor working great, but no zombies are spawning.

Can this be because of the variables??
I've recently seen a graphical altimeter on a few servers that appears in the lower left of the screen that actually looks like an altimeter instead of using the debug monitor. Anyone seen it or know how to do it? I haven't found it by searching yet.

output text to that area ... just like the rules.sqf puts it in the screen during startup. just need to find the position of where you want that to be printed.
You mean its a dial, right? with the numbers in the center .. That is done in the mission file.
So since you are asking, I am assuming you dont yet realize that when you join a server and its saying "downloading mission", you are actually downloading their mission and you can pilfer whatever you want ...
That's right, I knew that - just had a lapse in memory. Anyway, found the .paa file and the altimeter code. It's from Overwatch so now to see about making it work in Epoch.
