DayZ Debug Monitor

I used PBOmanager to install this but cant seem to get it working. I have a server but i know im able to do this. Please can some one tell me step by step how to do it to see what i did wrong

Note: Says when i join "cant find variables.sqf" then it will stop at 39 of 40 kb and you cant spawn in.

If its saying it cannot find the Variables.sqf file, then there's your problem. The instructions on my github page are pretty concise, sorry can't help you any further. The missing file error is your problem, go over the readme again.
Any further issues or questions about MY version of the Debug Monitor, that's the Dual ADMIN version, please post them on the projects official forum page here.
i try it for all ways on but dont work by me

Then there is a problem with your mission file, or you're not following the instructions properly. I don't want to sound harsh, but you can't expect anyone to help you if you keep your bug/problem reports vague. "I try it for all ways on but don't work by me" is not going to help me or anyone else, help you.

What do you expect me to do or say with so little information to go with?

Also, please post your questions relating to the Admin debug monitor to:
hey i posted this on the git but might help others here

using if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) will bug out in vehicles making all players uid in vehicle that of the drivers ie admin gets in drivers seat and others in car see the admin debug or player drives and admin see's normal debug

if ((getPlayerUID player)

tested and fixed :)
hey i posted this on the git but might help others here

using if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) will bug out in vehicles making all players uid in vehicle that of the drivers ie admin gets in drivers seat and others in car see the admin debug or player drives and admin see's normal debug

if ((getPlayerUID player)

tested and fixed :)

Thank you for that, I will update the github now. Only just woke up, so give me a few minutes to find myself lol.
Well i did actually look at my code and i dont get it.
    //Debug Info
            _headShots =    player getVariable["headShots",0];
            _kills =                player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
            _killsH =              player getVariable["humanKills",0];
            _killsB =              player getVariable["banditKills",0];
            _humanity =            player getVariable["humanity",0];
            _zombies =              count entities "zZombie_Base";
            _zombiesA =    {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base";
Well i did actually look at my code and i dont get it.
    //Debug Info
            _headShots =    player getVariable["headShots",0];
            _kills =                player getVariable["zombieKills",0];
            _killsH =              player getVariable["humanKills",0];
            _killsB =              player getVariable["banditKills",0];
            _humanity =            player getVariable["humanity",0];
            _zombies =              count entities "zZombie_Base";
            _zombiesA =    {alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base";

    (name player),
    (player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
    (player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
    (count entities "zZombie_Base"),
    ({alive _x} count entities "zZombie_Base"), // SEE WHAT I ADDED HERE?
    r_player_blood  // YOU PUT IT HERE!!!!
If you read the first post, you'll see that there is an always on version. You shouldn't be hard coding user actions anyway, just in case one of your players has already assigned that specific key to another user action ;)
I want it to be toggle-able but when setup using the tutorial on the github, players have to change user action 20 in controls to scroll lock to use the menu?