DayZ Mission System

DayZ Community - I am not sure why I keep getting this spam in my RPT. I have checked and double checked my server_cleanup.fsm file and it is exactly like it should be (or as it is shown in all the other posts) yet I still get the following error in my RPT:


if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest>
5:53:31 Error position: <== 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest>
5:53:31 Error Generic error in expression
5:53:31 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 30
5:53:31 Error in expression <

if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest>
5:53:31 Error position: <== 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest>
5:53:31 Error Generic error in expression
5:53:31 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 30
5:53:31 Error in expression <& (vehicle _x getVariable ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObj>
5:53:31 Error position: <!= 1) && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObj>
5:53:31 Error Generic error in expression

And this goes on for about 20 more lines just repeating....


Hello and Happy Holidays Everyone -
Anyone have a clue about my post above #462? I am looking at my server_updateObject page on line 30 where it shows

if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

This looks correct; yet I keep getting this spam posted above in in my RPT.

Is there something I am missing in this report? Is there a different error causing this that I am not seeing? Any help would be much appreciated!!
are you running any AI? If so what framework? If you're running Sarge, you may need to change that, I don't know about DZAI but that probably has its own as well. I believe you're talking
if (_object getVariable "Sarge" == 1) exitWith {};
Thanks for the response Danger. No...just running the standard Mission framework...not Sarge or DZAI. Not sure what is causing this error to spam my talking 1000's of lines now.

Does "Mission" have to be defined anywhere? In all the posts/tutorials it doesn't say has to be...but just a thought

Hopefully someone will have an answer :)
ok and one more thing sorry if you said this somewhere already, what are you running vanilla dayz or epoch or something else?
can you paste your server_updateobject.sqf here? I don't fully understand the RPT but it seems that its saying something about this
<& (vehicle _x getVariable ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObj>
Also this may or may not help you here, but I run the HALO respawns and so I had to quote out this section here (right below the line you're supposed to edit) and so perhaps quoting this out will help you. This is how mine looks
if (_object getVariable "Sarge" == 1) exitWith {};
if (!_parachuteWest) then {
    if ((typeOf _object) in SafeObjects) then {
    } else {
        if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then
            _object_position = getPosATL _object;
            #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG
                diag_log(format["Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at pos [%2,%3,%4]",
                typeOf _object,
                _object_position select 0,
                _object_position select 1,
                _object_position select 2]);
                _isNotOk = true;
Dangerous - here is my server_updateObject:

[_object,_type] spawn server_updateObject;
private ["_object","_type","_objectID","_uid","_lastUpdate","_needUpdate","_object_position","_object_inventory","_object_damage","_isNotOk","_parachuteWest","_firstTime","_object_killed","_object_repair","_isbuildable"];

_object = _this select 0;

if(isNull(_object)) exitWith {
diag_log format["Skipping Null Object: %1", _object];

_type = _this select 1;
_parachuteWest = ((typeOf _object == "ParachuteWest") or (typeOf _object == "ParachuteC"));
_isbuildable = (typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects;
_isNotOk = false;
_firstTime = false;

_objectID = _object getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
_uid = _object getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];

if ((typeName _objectID != "string") || (typeName _uid != "string")) then
diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
//force fail
_objectID = "0";
_uid = "0";

if (_object getVariable "Mission" == 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {
//if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then
if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0" && (vehicle _object getVariable ["Mission",0] != 1)) then
_object_position = getPosATL _object;
_isNotOk = true;
// do not update if buildable and not ok
if (_isNotOk and _isbuildable) exitWith { };

// delete if still not ok
if (_isNotOk) exitWith { deleteVehicle _object; diag_log(format["Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at pos [%2,%3,%4]",typeOf _object,_object_position select 0,_object_position select 1, _object_position select 2]); };

_lastUpdate = _object getVariable ["lastUpdate",time];
_needUpdate = _object in needUpdate_objects;

// TODO ----------------------
_object_position = {
_position = getPosATL _object;
_worldspace = [
round(direction _object),
_fuel = 0;
if (_object isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
_fuel = fuel _object;
_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_worldspace,_fuel];
//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
_key call server_hiveWrite;

_object_inventory = {
_inventory = [
getWeaponCargo _object,
getMagazineCargo _object,
getBackpackCargo _object
_previous = str(_object getVariable["lastInventory",[]]);
if (str(_inventory) != _previous) then {
_object setVariable["lastInventory",_inventory];
if (_objectID == "0") then {
_key = format["CHILD:309:%1:%2:",_uid,_inventory];
} else {
_key = format["CHILD:303:%1:%2:",_objectID,_inventory];
//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
_key call server_hiveWrite;

_object_damage = {
_hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints;
_damage = damage _object;
_array = [];
_hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit;
_selection = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
if (_hit > 0) then {_array set [count _array,[_selection,_hit]]};
_object setHit ["_selection", _hit]
} forEach _hitpoints;

_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_array,_damage];
//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
_key call server_hiveWrite;
_object setVariable ["needUpdate",false,true];

_object_killed = {
_hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints;
//_damage = damage _object;
_damage = 1;
_array = [];
_hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit;
_selection = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
if (_hit > 0) then {_array set [count _array,[_selection,_hit]]};
_hit = 1;
_object setHit ["_selection", _hit]
} forEach _hitpoints;

if (_objectID == "0") then {
_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_uid,_array,_damage];
} else {
_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_array,_damage];
//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
_key call server_hiveWrite;
_object setVariable ["needUpdate",false,true];

_object_repair = {
_hitpoints = _object call vehicle_getHitpoints;
_damage = damage _object;
_array = [];
_hit = [_object,_x] call object_getHit;
_selection = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _object) >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
if (_hit > 0) then {_array set [count _array,[_selection,_hit]]};
_object setHit ["_selection", _hit]
} forEach _hitpoints;

_key = format["CHILD:306:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_array,_damage];
//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
_key call server_hiveWrite;
_object setVariable ["needUpdate",false,true];
// TODO ----------------------

_object setVariable ["lastUpdate",time,true];
switch (_type) do {
case "all": {
call _object_position;
call _object_inventory;
call _object_damage;
case "position": {
if (!(_object in needUpdate_objects)) then {
//diag_log format["DEBUG Position: Added to NeedUpdate=%1",_object];
needUpdate_objects set [count needUpdate_objects, _object];
case "gear": {
call _object_inventory;
case "damage": {
if ( (time - _lastUpdate) > 5) then {
call _object_damage;
} else {
if (!(_object in needUpdate_objects)) then {
//diag_log format["DEBUG Damage: Added to NeedUpdate=%1",_object];
needUpdate_objects set [count needUpdate_objects, _object];
case "killed": {
call _object_killed;
case "repair": {
call _object_damage;
this is unfortunately drastically different than mine... sorry man Im stumped. I have one last all of the missions do yours say
_hummer setVariable ["Missions",1,true];
Also, I just looked at the github and it seems the missions have been drastically overhauled... do you by chance have these new missions with each mission have something like this?
_coord1 = [4908.355,11216.505,0];
_coord2 = [6162.9888,11324.005,0];
_coord3 = [7761.3657,11569.265,0];
_coord4 = [8336.6055,10441.17,0];
_coord5 = [7201.0664,10400.667,0];
_coord6 = [6249.1104,9579.043,0];
_coord7 = [4763.3818,9802.2734,0];
_coord8 = [3675.6865,7353.2798,0];
_coord9 = [6815.6362,5599.0854,0];
_coord10 = [7532.0742,8164.3203,0];
_coord11 = [6046.6455,8771.2178,0];
_coord12 = [5266.6836,7273.8135,0];
I do, and i have the same problem.
I used to have Missions but now i tried Sarge value both in the missions and anything i am spawning custom made (crates etc)....but i also get the same spam:

23:28:12 Error in expression <";

if (_object getVariable "Sarge" == 1) exitWith {};

if (_object getVari>
23:28:12   Error position: <== 1) exitWith {};

if (_object getVari>
23:28:12   Error Generic error in expression
23:28:12 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 30

I have removed the hacker check from the .fsm file and added it in the server_functions.sqf and i am calling it from there of course.

server_checkHackers = {
    if (DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd > 3) then { DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil; DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = 0; };
    if(!isNil "DZE_DYN_HackerCheck") exitWith {  DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd + 1;};
    DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = true;
        //if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
        if (vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
            diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));
            (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;
            _x setDamage 1;
            sleep 0.25;
        sleep 0.001;
    } forEach allUnits;
    DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil;

and my server_updateObject.sqf

private ["_object","_type","_objectID","_uid","_lastUpdate","_needUpdate","_object_position","_object_inventory","_object_damage","_isNotOk","_parachuteWest","_firstTime","_object_killed","_object_repair","_isbuildable"];

_object =     _this select 0;

if(isNull(_object)) exitWith {
    diag_log format["Skipping Null Object: %1", _object];

_type =     _this select 1;
_parachuteWest = ((typeOf _object == "ParachuteWest") or (typeOf _object == "ParachuteC"));
_isbuildable = (typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects;
_isNotOk = false;
_firstTime = false;

_objectID =    _object getVariable ["ObjectID","0"];
_uid =         _object getVariable ["ObjectUID","0"];

if ((typeName _objectID != "string") || (typeName _uid != "string")) then
    diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);
    //force fail
    _objectID = "0";
    _uid = "0";

// Missions
if (_object getVariable "Sarge" == 1) exitWith {};

// Halo Jump
if (_object getVariable ["bis_fnc_halo_now",0] == 1) exitWith {};

if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {
    if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0" && (vehicle _object getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1)) then
        _object_position = getPosATL _object;
        _isNotOk = true;

// do not update if buildable and not ok
if (_isNotOk and _isbuildable) exitWith {  };

// delete if still not ok
if (_isNotOk) exitWith { deleteVehicle _object; diag_log(format["Deleting object %1 with invalid ID at pos [%2,%3,%4]",typeOf _object,_object_position select 0,_object_position select 1, _object_position select 2]); };

_lastUpdate = _object getVariable ["lastUpdate",time];
_needUpdate = _object in needUpdate_objects;

As you can see everything is fine....I dont understand what is going on..
I am exactly like my friend above me....Default epoch no DZAI no sarge....
I don know where how the bots spawn, but its basic epoch files. Only a few customizations (refuel, etc)

In the server_function.sqf i had :

_object setVariable ["Sarge",true];

it should be :

_object setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

inside this function :

"PVDZ_OBJ_DEPLOY" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_array = _this select1;
_positn = _array select0;
_player = _array select1;
_select = _array select2;if(_select in['Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1','Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1','M2StaticMG','CSJ_GyroC','CSJ_GyroP'])then{
_object = _select createVehicle _positn;if(!isNil "dayz_serverObjectMonitor")then{dayz_serverObjectMonitor set[count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];};if(!isNil "PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor")then{PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor set[count PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor, _object];};
_object setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true];
_object setVariable ["ObjectUID","1",true];
_object setVariable ["Deployed",true,true];
_object setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

_log = format ["OBJECT DEPLOY LOG: %1 spanwed a %2 at %3.", name _player,_select,mapGridPosition _positn];
diag_log (_log);}else{
_log = format ["OBJECT DEPLOY LOG: %1 tried to spawn %2 at %3.", name _player,_select,mapGridPosition _positn];
diag_log (_log);};};
So far no errors
Last edited:
I don't use epoch, or DZAI , but why are you filtering "Sarge" when you don't use Sarge?

Well i had Missions (i am using the EMS) but had the same problem there as well...and someone said use Sarge value or DZAI cause Missions is used now ?
Im not really sure about using Epoch, google dayz epoch and go to the website and try and find the missions mod in there. It will have detailed directions for epoch
No matter which missions system i use i get the same error....i even tried to do this:

line30 - if (isnil {_object getvariable "Sarge"}) then {_freakingVal = 0;} else {_freakingVal = _object getvariable ["Sarge","0"];};
line31- if (_freakingVal == 1) exitWith {};

but still get:

19:35:48 Error in expression <riable ["Sarge","0"];};
if (_fuckingVal == 1) exitWith {  };

if (!_parachuteWes>
19:35:48   Error position: <== 1) exitWith {  };

if (!_parachuteWes>
19:35:48   Error Generic error in expression
19:35:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 31
No matter which missions system i use i get the same error....i even tried to do this:

line30 - if (isnil {_object getvariable "Sarge"}) then {_freakingVal = 0;} else {_freakingVal = _object getvariable ["Sarge","0"];};
line31- if (_freakingVal == 1) exitWith {};

but still get:

19:35:48 Error in expression <riable ["Sarge","0"];};
if (_fuckingVal == 1) exitWith {  };
if (!_parachuteWes>
19:35:48   Error position: <== 1) exitWith {  };
if (!_parachuteWes>
19:35:48   Error Generic error in expression
19:35:48 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 31

ok Im gonna try and help you out since no one else is trying... I don't know much about epoch but I would suggest you go to the dayzepoch site and find the instructions for the AI mission on their and follow those instructions.... I'll even link you to them....

following those instructions the first thing you should do is completely delete this line in your server functions
//if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
The instructions wanted you to replace that line, not comment it out. Idk if that makes a difference but it looks messy so get rid of it.

Otherwise this looks good, what version are you using? Are the missions working at all? Can you post your server cleanup here?

I have removed the hacker check from the .fsm file and added it in the server_functions.sqf and i am calling it from there of course.

Why did you add the hacker section from your clean up, to your server functions?

also did you add this to your server functions?

MissionGo = 0;
MissionGoMinor = 0;
if (isServer) then {
SMarray = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10","SM11","SM12","SM13"];
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\major\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts major mission system
SMarray2 = ["SM1","SM2","SM3","SM4","SM5","SM6","SM7","SM8","SM9","SM10","SM11","SM12","SM13"];
[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\EMS\minor\SMfinder.sqf"; //Starts minor mission system
Hi, yeah i've tried EMS, Missions, any type of mission there is out there....They all work perfectly fine...I even edited the loot etc...markers show, markers get removed...bots firing, crates staying, no explosion when you get in veh etc.....BUT spam on the log for the server_updateObject function.....all the time with whatever mission.

My .fsm (cleaned from the function..)

My server_updateObject.sqf with a small modification when it comes to the troubling function:

My server_updateObject.sqf , yesterday (before i tried to do anything possible to fix this)

Both files give the same error: Error Generic error in expression

I even tried to diag_log the variable for every freaking object that gets updated and i get:
"########FREAKING SARGE: 0"
"########FREAKING SARGE: 1"

which means its fine.....its either 0 or 1 the getvariable.
Why its not working when i place the server.pbo on the real server and not the test server, i dont know.
On the test server i tried it with 3 people....and no error no nothing...when i place the pbo on the real server and more than 10 start logging in...the error starts...and doesnt stop.

I've been coding for dayz epoch for a few months now....I not just a copy/paster so i can write some code of my own....but this really messing with my mojo. Its the ONLY bug i have in the logs...

Using: Epoch
infinistar AH (even with that disabled same error)
Battleye 1 (even with 0 same thing)

On this page:
I have included my whole server.pbo and as you can see...2 pages of trying to fix it.
This error shouldn't be there....

ps: yeah my server_function.sqf is like that :)

-Thanks for taking the time though :)
Hi, yeah i've tried EMS, Missions, any type of mission there is out there....They all work perfectly fine...I even edited the loot etc...markers show, markers get removed...bots firing, crates staying, no explosion when you get in veh etc.....BUT spam on the log for the server_updateObject function.....all the time with whatever mission.

My .fsm (cleaned from the function..)

My server_updateObject.sqf with a small modification when it comes to the troubling function:

My server_updateObject.sqf , yesterday (before i tried to do anything possible to fix this)

Both files give the same error: Error Generic error in expression

I even tried to diag_log the variable for every freaking object that gets updated and i get:
"########FREAKING SARGE: 0"
"########FREAKING SARGE: 1"

which means its fine.....its either 0 or 1 the getvariable.
Why its not working when i place the server.pbo on the real server and not the test server, i dont know.
On the test server i tried it with 3 people....and no error no nothing...when i place the pbo on the real server and more than 10 start logging in...the error starts...and doesnt stop.

I've been coding for dayz epoch for a few months now....I not just a copy/paster so i can write some code of my own....but this really messing with my mojo. Its the ONLY bug i have in the logs...

Using: Epoch
infinistar AH (even with that disabled same error)
Battleye 1 (even with 0 same thing)

On this page:
I have included my whole server.pbo and as you can see...2 pages of trying to fix it.
This error shouldn't be there....

ps: yeah my server_function.sqf is like that :)

-Thanks for taking the time though :)
yea Im trying man lol you sound possibly more advanced than I am since I can't write my own code. I know epoch is a little different. I wish some of the more experienced epoch guys would chime in, I know they're out there. Is that your server_cleanup.fsm in the first link cause I didn't see the hacker line in there at all.. did you try completely quoting out the hacker part? if you're using infiSTAR you probably don't need to worry about that... but Im stumped and out of ideas. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Is it possible there is some kind of error when you're repacking your pbo?