DayZ Mission System

no, neither. Friendly AI, as in heroes and military, are attacking friendly players. For example, on my server if you're over -2500 humanity you are not flagged as hostile to non bandit AI. So if you had lets say 10,000 humanity and were a hero, you could move around the military bases or approach friendly AI without worrying about getting shot. Now if you go and kill the bandits at the missions, you somehow become flagged as hostile and heroes and military AI will shoot you on sight, even though you are a hero. As long as you don't kill the missions bandits, you're fine.

I wanted to edit back on this, the mission AI were set to the side of resitance, once I changed them to east the problem was resolved. Sarge AI "Friendly" are set to resitance. So when I killed the mission AI the other sarge ai thought I was killing friendly AI and would flag me as hostile.
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Hey :)

I'm getting a spam of this in the RPT log:

18:03:39  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
18:03:40 Error in expression < ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:40  Error position: <_safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:40  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
18:03:41 Error in expression < ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:41  Error position: <_safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:41  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
18:03:42 Error in expression < ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:42  Error position: <_safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:42  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
18:03:43 Error in expression < ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:43  Error position: <_safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:43  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety
18:03:44 Error in expression < ["Mission",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:44  Error position: <_safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != "Para>
18:03:44  Error Undefined variable in expression: _safety

What did I do wrong? :S
Sure - thanks for the quick response! I'm dying to get my server updated :)

      name = "group_cleanup";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Check for hackers" \n
      " {" \n
      "    if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n    //**MISSIONS**
      "        diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
      "        (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
      "        _x setDamage 1;" \n
      "    };" \n
      " } forEach allUnits;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
      precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
      class Links
Your line looks like this
 if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n

and it should look like this (for
 if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

Oh, by the way - I'm using 1.0.3.
I haven't seen anyone posting about it being broken for 1.0.3 or a fix for it. It might very well be that the update broke the mod and it has to be fixed in some way. That is out of my league and I don't run epoch so I can't help you, I would search the forums or create a separate thread, or revert back to 1.o.2.5 until the fixes have been released.
Ok I think I've fixed something:

I changed my server cleanup section to this:

      name = "group_cleanup";
      init = /*%FSM<STATEINIT""">*/"//Check for hackers" \n
      " {" \n
      "    "  if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"" && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""DZAI"",0] != 1) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n //**MISSIONS**
      "        diag_log (""CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER "" + (name _x) + "" "" + str(_x) + "" IN "" + (typeOf vehicle _x));" \n
      "        (vehicle _x) setDamage 1;" \n
      "        _x setDamage 1;" \n
      "    };" \n
      " } forEach allUnits;"/*%FSM</STATEINIT""">*/;
      precondition = /*%FSM<STATEPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</STATEPRECONDITION""">*/;
      class Links

This seems to have somehow fixed the boxes spawning. What I'm getting now is that some items which I put in the crates are not showing. Can I put whatever I like in a crate?

Lastly, As soon as the server starts, there are twon missions already marked up on the map, and as soon as you 'complete' the mission, it instantly spawns 2 more. I have the times set on goMinor & goMajor to 2000,600. Why would that be?

i was looking at this for a reference on cleanup files and crates - but im still unsure....
The C130 mission isn't clearing once it's completed. This is on Epoch 1.0.3. Any way to fix this?

Someone suggested this to me a while ago - in SM2.sqf, change:

waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _c130wreck < 5 } count playableunits > 0};

waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _crate < 10 } count playableunits > 0};

This way, all you need to do to trigger completion is walk next to the mission crate.
Epoch 1.0.3 problem.

16:40:14 Error in expression <us\debug\addmarkers.sqf"

_MainMarker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
16:40:14 Error position: <createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
16:40:14 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
16:40:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers.sqf, line 2
16:40:14 Error in expression <ebug\addmarkers75.sqf"

_MainMarker75 = createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];
16:40:14 Error position: <createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];
16:40:14 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
16:40:14 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\debug\addmarkers75.sqf, line 2

Any tips?
I use Epoch 1.03 and the box seems despawning after some minits. Any clue how to fix that?

PS: ( Bfe, it seems this rpt error is normal as the marker isnt already on map when server start that's why this error appear)
the box have always randomly despawned for me on vanilla dayz 1.8. Sometimes they stay for awhile, other times they're gone before you can loot them. I have not seen a fix for this. As for the c130 missions, I completely removed them from my server because of how buggy they are. I just pasted another mission over it.,
I use missions Ai since and it s never despawning the mission box...

It's happens only since 1.0.3
For any crate you spawn in Epoch, always use: setVariable ["permaLoot",true];

i.e _crate setVariable ["permaLoot",true];

Works 100% and doesn't require any fiddling around with Epoch files :)
For any crate you spawn in Epoch, always use: setVariable ["permaLoot",true];

i.e _crate setVariable ["permaLoot",true];

Works 100% and doesn't require any fiddling around with Epoch files :)

Neither does the suggestion above ;D
But at least for EMS "my" suggestions are easier as there are ~26 missions which you had to change instead of just one addition to the server_functions.sqf

Using the permaloot solution for the AI base though and they work