Dayz Missions markers


New Member
I am looking for a solution to the "missions mod" markers not showing for players who were not logged on the server during mission start.

I am looking for code that will either:
start the missions ONLY when a player is logged into the server (not in lobby but in game),
would this work??

waitUntil{ count playableunits > 0};
waitUntil{{isPlayer _x} count playableunits > 0};

(this one makes more sense if players log out - would prefer a fix for the markers over anything else)
code for a marker system that will show markers to ANY player who logs onto the server even after mission start, but also deletes any "expired" mission markers for all players.

If anyone knows how I can add this into my missions, I would really appreciate any help, and thanks in advance.

server running Chernarus

ExtremeZDayZ server admin
Last edited:
I tested the waitUntil{{isPlayer _x} count playableunits > 0}; and it works, it keeps my missions from starting when players are not logged on the server, so it will wait untill after a player logs on to start missions.

I added this line to the top of SMFinder for both major and minor missions, this is only a temporary fix for the problem, I am unable to find a fix for the map markers.
If anyone is interested in trying out my modified version of the missions mod, your welcome to log onto my server, you can find the server on the website.

I modified missions to be a lot more fun, explosions and stuff :) though im not releasing the modding =P it will be private on ExtremeZDayZ servers only.

ExtremeZDayZ server admin
Did you add the Debug folder to your mission.pbo and call it from the init like the instructions for the missions state?
I tested the waitUntil{{isPlayer _x} count playableunits > 0}; and it works, it keeps my missions from starting when players are not logged on the server, so it will wait untill after a player logs on to start missions.

I added this line to the top of SMFinder for both major and minor missions, this is only a temporary fix for the problem, I am unable to find a fix for the map markers.
If anyone is interested in trying out my modified version of the missions mod, your welcome to log onto my server, you can find the server on the website.

I modified missions to be a lot more fun, explosions and stuff :) though im not releasing the modding =P it will be private on ExtremeZDayZ servers only.

ExtremeZDayZ server admin

really, you got the missions files from somewhere, edited them, claim them to be amazing, but not giving back to the community that what you took? Awesome man!