DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

nice, but hang on, just got released... W T F? what to do..?

What i did was just updating dayz to and use version from pawnzor, and it worked great. The only difference between those two versions is a bug that makes loot spawn underground, so if you use you will find very little loot.
What i did was just updating dayz to and use version from pawnzor, and it worked great. The only difference between those two versions is a bug that makes loot spawn underground, so if you use you will find very little loot.

I am using dayz_server.pbo on pwnz0r's platform (database too!), and with the vehicles I have to re-add everything manually one by one again, can't just copy the file over and replace the existing which sucks, but meh, 30 minutes task, it's all good and running now, however with alot of old scripts no longer works like deployable bikes, remove clothes etc, guess we have to wait... :(
I am using dayz_server.pbo on pwnz0r's platform (database too!), and with the vehicles I have to re-add everything manually one by one again, can't just copy the file over and replace the existing which sucks, but meh, 30 minutes task, it's all good and running now, however with alot of old scripts no longer works like deployable bikes, remove clothes etc, guess we have to wait... :(
What else needs to be done exept replacing dayz_server.pbo? I mean, what files has to be replaced, to get database? (Im new to dayz server hosting).
What else needs to be done exept replacing dayz_server.pbo? I mean, what files has to be replaced, to get database? (Im new to dayz server hosting).

all I changed really was the dayz_server.pbo in @hive folder and replace @dayz with , I downloaded the files from and replaced the one on pwnz0r's, it seemed running ok with existing from pwnz0r's server pack even with dayz_server.pbo file.... dont expect to use your existing old v1.8 database onto cuz it just won't work.....
Hello... since two week i try to create a private server. Step by step like the tutorials. But every time i joined the server, i get an error:
>>@hive\addons\dayz_server.pbo are not signed by a key accepted by this server. Remove listed files or install additional accepted keys<<
I dont know what is wrong...Can somebody help me please?

Hello! I got some problems when running your server.. When the MySQL server is starting up, this appears: 130221

130221 15:12:09 [Warning] option 'thread_stack': unsigned value 65536 adjusted t
o 131072
130221 15:12:09 [ERROR] Can't find messagefile 'E:\arma 2 co\Server\mysql\share\
130221 15:12:09 [Warning] Can't create test file E:\arma 2 co\Server\mysql\data\
130221 15:12:09 [Warning] Can't create test file E:\arma 2 co\Server\mysql\data\
.\bin\mysqld: Can't change dir to 'E:\arma 2 co\MySQL\..\Server\mysql\data\' (Er
rcode: 2)
130221 15:12:09 [ERROR] Aborting
130221 15:12:09 [Note]

Other than that, the server is starting.. What do i do? Thanks!
Try editing the start_server.bat and adding
@echo off :: BatchGotAdmin :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" set params = %*:"="" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "%params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- on the top.
this will give the bat admin rights
as far as i know isnt changed anything on the serverfiles in Pwn has changed his github already to give the new version info. He isnt just very active here :).

But as we see from the sta.. ehm ... from other Gamedevelopers: its better to go fast with the code insead of go fast with the mouth :)
as far as i know isnt changed anything on the serverfiles in Pwn has changed his github already to give the new version info. He isnt just very active here :).

But as we see from the sta.. ehm ... from other Gamedevelopers: its better to go fast with the code insead of go fast with the mouth :)

I am very active here, but I don't respond to every single post. It's a community effort, so the developers don't need to be the only ones fixing user created issues.
all I changed really was the dayz_server.pbo in @hive folder and replace @dayz with , I downloaded the files from and replaced the one on pwnz0r's, it seemed running ok with existing from pwnz0r's server pack even with dayz_server.pbo file.... dont expect to use your existing old v1.8 database onto cuz it just won't work.....

I haven't changed anything on my database and nothing is broken as far as I know. Should I have changed something when updating my files? I'm on now and seems to work ok. If there is anything I need to change please let me know! :)
Hello, guys. I'm new here.

Just wanted to report on DayZ version, as it is working for me. I had to disable BattlEye to be able to join, otherwise it would kick me due to the vehicle spawn script, I believe.

I went through the following steps (I had other server files, so I had to do these.):
- Clean uninstall of ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 OA and re-installed both;
- Installed DayZ Commander;
- Updated both ArmA 2 OA and DayZ;
- Downloaded and applied the latest server pack version.

Sorry if this was mentioned before but I was working through my own knowledge, so it was slightly difficult. I was trying many different processes of getting to work without having to re-install, but my guess is that my server mates won't need to do this, as they can uninstall DayZ through DayZ Commander and re-install it or repair it. I'll be checking on that later.
Hello, guys. I'm new here.

Just wanted to report on DayZ version, as it is working for me. I had to disable BattlEye to be able to join, otherwise it would kick me due to the vehicle spawn script, I believe.

I went through the following steps (I had other server files, so I had to do these.):
- Clean uninstall of ArmA 2 + ArmA 2 OA and re-installed both;
- Installed DayZ Commander;
- Updated both ArmA 2 OA and DayZ;
- Downloaded and applied the latest server pack version.

Sorry if this was mentioned before but I was working through my own knowledge, so it was slightly difficult. I was trying many different processes of getting to work without having to re-install, but my guess is that my server mates won't need to do this, as they can uninstall DayZ through DayZ Commander and re-install it or repair it. I'll be checking on that later.

Make sure you have the latest battleye filters.
Make sure you have the latest battleye filters.

Oh, nice. That fixed the issue.

Also, I found some other issues and I have some complaints, some related with the latest server files, others related with DayZ itself:
  1. Small percentage of progress lost upon server shut-down; (Fixed by shutting down the server through the server control menu.)
  2. Zeds in the vicinity of a building that you're inside of, will instantly aggro you;
  3. Zeds are now a higher threat: Can keep up with the player*; No stamina; Attack through/Walk through anything; Ranged attacks; Odd animation sets.
  4. Some other problems.
Guess that's about it, for now. Any possible fix for the ones mentioned?

*Their speed was nerf'd in previous updates because they could run faster than a player, and eventually attack them. Now it was buffed back again, but they cannot reach players to attack them. But now it makes them difficult to avoid, as they can follow you anywhere.
I have created my owns server from following But I keep getting this kick message shown at the bottom of this post after about 5 seconds after I Log into it. I don't understand why, Could someone please help me.

You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #1)

Make sure you have the latest battleye filters.
Place them in cfgdayz/battleye folder
So i was lookin through the init.sqf and came across these, i've tried to see if they do anything but never seen any effect, do these 2 lines effect anything?

dayz_spawnCrashSite_clutterCutter = 2; // Helicrash Settings / 0 = loot hidden in grass // 1 = loot lifted // 2 = no grass around the Helicrash
dayz_spawnInfectedSite_clutterCutter = 2; // Infected Base Settings / 0 = loot hidden in grass // 1 = loot lifted // 2 = no grass around the infected base

The commented stuff says it removes grass or rases the loot but i never seen any of that, do they only work for certian heli crashes or all?
By the way, what more configurations are there to be made? I have only found the optional time changes, but I'm talking about other changes that can be made, by the host himself, for the server. I would like to enable spawn locations, maybe change some loot spawn/spawn-rates and possibly more configuration options.