Death Screen and sound

where do i put my custom deathscreen.paa and how can i direct it to a custom folder
in example: scripts\Death Screen\deathscreen.paa
look at step 3.


so you can change it to
text="scripts\Death Screen\deathscreen.paa";
We used a jpg without issue.
You can't... This is bad...
Well, alright. Just try to use .paa instead and you'll see the difference between texture and image, and maybe you'll understand why you can't use jpg. :p
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Hi - trying to install this, but where do I have to put the
1. compiles.sqf from dayz_code.pbo after changing the line?

here it is clear:
2. "Grab player_death.sqf from your dayz_code.pbo and put in "whatyouwantfolder" in missions;"
-> this is clear and I did all the other things, but I dont know what to do with the changed compiles.sqf. If I put it in my missions, I have to change something in ini, like I did with other scripts, or dont? Thanks for your help!
Hi - trying to install this, but where do I have to put the
1. compiles.sqf from dayz_code.pbo after changing the line?

here it is clear:
2. "Grab player_death.sqf from your dayz_code.pbo and put in "whatyouwantfolder" in missions;"
-> this is clear and I did all the other things, but I dont know what to do with the changed compiles.sqf. If I put it in my missions, I have to change something in ini, like I did with other scripts, or dont? Thanks for your help!

Hi ( ^_^)/

In init.sqf find and change compiles.sqf line
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "whatyouwantfolder\compiles.sqf";
Here you can change folder "whatyouwantfolder\compiles.sqf"
So in mission create folder "whatyouwantfolder" and put there "compiles.sqf"
I have a custom watermarker, any way to have both? Rsctitles is already taken

// DayZ Watermark
class RscTitles {
class wm_disp {
idd = -1;
onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]";
fadein = 0;
fadeout = 0;
duration = 10e10;
controlsBackground[] = {};
objects[] = {};
class controls {
class wm_text2 {
idc = 1;
x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01;
y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16;
w = 1.151*safeZoneH;
h = 0.057*safeZoneH;
shadow = 2;
class Attributes
font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
color = "#24FFFFFF";
align = "left"; // put "center" here if you want some background
valign = "middle";
shadow = 2;
colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 }; // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
size = 0.06*safeZoneH;
type = 13;
style = 0;
I have a custom watermarker, any way to have both? Rsctitles is already taken

Yep, here:
class RscTitles
titles[] = {"DeathScr","wm_disp"};
class DeathScr {
  idd = -1;
  movingEnable = 0;
  duration = 10;
  fadein = 2;
  fadeout = 2;
  class Picture {
    x = safezoneX; y = safezoneY; w = safezoneW; h = safezoneH;
    sizeEx = -1;
class wm_disp {
  idd = -1;
  onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['wm_disp', _this select 0]";
  fadein = 0;
  fadeout = 0;
  duration = 10e10;
  controlsBackground[] = {};
  objects[] = {};
  class controls {
    class wm_text2 {
    idc = 1;
    x = safeZoneX+0.027;//safeZoneW*0.01;
    y = safeZoneY+safeZoneH-0.16;
    w = 1.151*safeZoneH;
    h = 0.057*safeZoneH;
    shadow = 2;
   class Attributes
    font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
    color = "#24FFFFFF";
    align = "left"; // put "center" here if you want some background
    valign = "middle";
    shadow = 2;
    colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0 }; // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
    font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
    size = 0.06*safeZoneH;
    type = 13;
    style = 0;
i get this error "ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\dayz_epoch_11.Chernarus\description.ext, line 165: .RscTitles: Member already defined."

there was a RSCtitle already there that i needed to remove
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There can only be a single class defined. Some coders decide to give their classnames something common like rsctitles which is of course already taken. So when they make a dialog etc they need to rename them to something unique like RscTitles_unique.
One of your OTHER files has a already existing classname. Its not in that file you showed us. do you have BTC towing, or R3F or ... or ... one of those OTHER files has an #include that matches an existing classname.
what i would do is use notepad++ find in files and search your entire mission for rsctitle and it should show you the other one. then you can include one into the other or rename one to rsctitle_1 and of course you have to rename any reference to it also.
Not quite sure I understand what you are saying. That section is from my description.ext. Here's the section with out the death screen, which works fine:

That RscTitles has a section for the group management script, custom GUI and watermark. I should be able to just add the section for the death screen to that section.
what I am sayind is that you have rsctitles in your description.ext and one of the other files that is #included in your description.ext also has an rsctitles class. you can only have one. so.copy the contents of one into the other and delete the second rsctitles.

so look at all those lines in description.ext that say #include and one of those has rsctitles in it
exactly .. any help would be appreciated.

What kind of 'respawning properly' issues are you having? Select the error you are experiencing.
  1. Spawning in debug.
  2. Not spawning in at all.
  3. Spawning in the Hooker skin but there is no $20 on my pillow.
  4. Spawning in at someone elses body.
  5. Resurrecting my dead body instead of creating a new one.
  6. Having terrible flashbacks when looking at my dead body.
  7. Spawning in correctly but they person who killed me keeps killing me again.
  8. other .. please attach RPT.
number 5
the post you linked is from the epuke website .. your post made it sound like you want to respawn at your dead body. But this forum is a custom death screen and that is what your other post says ..

So is that all you want, a custom death screen?