Hey there. I've found a solution to the fog in DayZ.

To add this effect:

1. Unpack your Mission.PBO.

2. Find the init.sqf int the root of your Mission.PBO.

Add at the bottom:

// Extra Local actions:if(local player)then{
    [] execVM "nofog.sqf";};

3. Then make a file called nofog.sqf and put this in:

setviewdistance 9000;
bis_fog =0;
setviewdistance 9050;0 setovercast 0;0 setrain 0;//0 setfog 0;0 setfog bis_fog;
[] spawn {
    _delay =3;
    sleep 0.01;
        _delay  setovercast 0;
        _delay  setrain 0;
        _delay  setfog bis_fog;
        sleep _delay ;

Copy this file into your Mission root folder.

4. Repack your Mission.PBO.

You now have no fog, massive view distance and it never rains.

I take no credit for this work. All code by Audio Rejectz's.
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Rather than constantly changing the fog and rain and overcast values every 3 seconds in a loop I would recommend just altering the max values for each of them in DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf Then you just need to change viewdistance once and you're done.

This seems like a very inefficient way of doing things to me and could also result in weird flashes where the weather changes for people logging in.