How can i edit the Default loadout for my server?


New Member
When ever someone respawns on my server they spawn with a flash light and pain killers how can i edit this?

*Edit* i edited the loadout but now when people join they get the message "Server responded, creating character" and it gets stuck there. any help?
You change it in your SQL Database, the table you'll want to edit is Instance. Could you post what you've entered so far?
The only thing i changed in the table instance was this, under the "Inventory row"

I changed it from this []
to this ["ItemMap","Makarov"]
I think u should have changed it to

After u have it fixed u will need to search your survivors & fix anyone with the bugged inventory, otherwise they wont be able to load into the server
It needs to be like this;

[["ItemMap","ItemKnife","Makarov"],["ItemBandage","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","ItemPainkiller"]] The first [] should contain things such as Equipment and actual Primary and Secondary Weapons. Where as the [] to the right should contain Bandages, Ammo, Food and such items.

Colourized the brackets in hope it will be easier to understand :)
and when you use this line of code for the custom layout table... which part should be there

this :


Or is the part after the , the content of the back pack

The Custom Layout Table has rows called

ID: Iventory: Backpack: Model: Discription..

ID I got , it is the ID number you link to a player ID in the other table inside the sql database

Inventory row : I think it has the code you mentioned


then my question remains

what values do you set inside the Backback,Model and Discription
Ok I found a workable solution for my problem










Default Layout
Can u do this for more then one ID ? as in for the admins on the server can have diffrent loadout each time they spwan in to the game ? this would be cool if it can be done how do i do that ?
U could prob do that with some changes to custom inventory package.

I have custom code that detects new spawn if their inventory = [] and not [][]
And based on a random value gives them a preset loadout instead..

Was using the new character flag till it got set to always false :(
All i can see is is this (see blow) but im not sure where to put the input code like it is on the instance where i can edit it the codes you guys have done.
1 id bigint(20) UNSIGNED No None AUTO_INCREMEN
yes you can do this with more ID's

I have created now 4 "profiles" for kit layouts

I have created a ID 1000 which is the default kit layout of all that start on the server
I have created a ID 1001 which is the Sniper Kit with skin and model
I have created a ID 1002 which is the heavy kit Layout
I have created a ID 1003 which is the normal civ unit with only a map , compass and watch

This only to test the customlayout file.

The kit layout with the ID's mentiond above goes into the Cust_loadout

In the table cust_loadout_profile you link the Player ID to the kit ID

For example if my player ID would be 1324235

then my line in the table would be

1002 1324235

So when I die or respawn I get custom loadout no 1002

this list can be as long as you want

'1000', '[[\"ItemMap\",\"ItemKnife\",\"Makarov\"],[\"ItemBandage\",\"8Rnd_9x18_Makarov\",\"ItemPainkiller\"]]', '[\"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1\",[[\"bizon_silenced\"],[1]],[[\"FoodCanBakedBeans\",\"ItemSodaPepsi\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemBloodbag\",\"FoodCanPasta\",\"FoodCanSardines\",\"FoodCanFrankBeans\",\"64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon\"],[1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1]]]', 'SurvivorW2_DZ', 'Stronkie'
'1001', '[[\"ItemFlashlight\",\"ItemMap\",\"ItemMatchbox\",\"Binocular\",\"ItemKnife\",\"ItemEtool\",\"ItemCompass\",\"ItemToolbox\",\"glock17_EP1\",\"M249_DZ\"],[\"ItemPainkiller\",\"64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon\",\"ItemSodaPepsi\",\"FoodCanPasta\",\"FoodCanBakedBeans\",\"64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon\",\"200Rnd_556x45_M249\",[\"200Rnd_556x45_M249\",161],\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"17Rnd_9x19_glock17\",\"17Rnd_9x19_glock17\",\"17Rnd_9x19_glock17\",\"17Rnd_9x19_glock17\",\"ItemBandage\",\"ItemBandage\",\"17Rnd_9x19_glock17\",\"ItemBandage\"]]', '[\"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1\",[[\"bizon_silenced\"],[1]],[[\"FoodCanBakedBeans\",\"ItemSodaPepsi\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemBloodbag\",\"FoodCanPasta\",\"FoodCanSardines\",\"FoodCanFrankBeans\",\"64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon\"],[1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1]]]', 'Sniper1_DZ', 'Sniper'
'1002', '[[\"ItemFlashlight\",\"ItemCompass\",\"revolver_EP1\"],[\"ItemBandage\",\"6Rnd_45ACP\",\"6Rnd_45ACP\",\"ItemMorphine\",\"ItemPainkiller\"]]', '[\"DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1\",[[],[]],[[],[]]]', 'SurvivorW2_DZ', 'Default'

This is my Cust_loadout table
Than for the info man but im still having problems with my loadout i only get aback pack and stuff in but no main gun or side gun or even idems :( this is my code i have
"inventory"  [["ItemToolbox","ItemMatchbo"","ItemMap","ItemHatchet","ItemGPS","NVGoggles","Binocular_Vector","ItemKnife","ItemCompass","DMR","M9SD"]],["Skin_Sniper1_DZ","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","20Rnd_762x51_DMR","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"]]
"backpack"    ["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemBandage","ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemEpinephrine","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","FoodSteakCooked","ItemWaterbottle"],[3,2,1,1,1,2,3,2,2]]]
First off all check the spelling. Itemmatchbox is spelled wrong, also the syntax after in inventory is wrong. Double test it with my settings and then edit the kits

You seem to have misunderstood how the bracketing works, the Inventory and Backpack has it's own block of code [],[] those 2 blocks are then encased by 2 more brackes - like this; [[],[]]. The Bracket I coloured orange should be removed, you also forgot an x at Matchbox and has 1 quote too much at end of Matchbox.
ok guys im still working on this and im still not geting my main gun and items at all ill get my backpack and all the stuff in it but not my main gun :(

im using mysql 5.2 i see where you put in the loadouts 1,2,3 w/e but where do i put them on the survivor tab for people to spawn in with those custom loadouts can anyone help out?