Morox AI - Sycosis Simple AI mod

Cool and understandable, it would be extremely difficult for Sarge and I to commit to supporting both of these systems in parallel, Essix if you really need/want this functionality PM me and I will play with a custom built solution for you though realize I cannot support Sarge's bit and he can't support mine so any weirdness you would have to troubleshoot yourself as I don't run Sarge's and I assume he does not run mine.
The reason why i like the Idea of aggro'd zeds is while in gameplay encounters with friendly AI can bolster an opprotunity to heal your character and is also good for providing time to access your gear menu while Ai simply blow away zeds around you providing some time to configure what you have to do. without the aggro on, Zeds will only agro the player causing a big issue with the Ai shooting the zeds near you and ultimatley shooting the player in the process. plus it adds more of sense of realism to the Ai defending themselves. Ai aggroing the zeds would take some of the stress away from being chased around by zeds and getting caught in a friendly fire incident from the friendly AI. The reason why I like to see if I can incorporate this with sarges Ai, is His Ai only spawns in when the player enters the grid, wich aleviates server processing/stress as opposed to having static AI all over the map as well as a full server of players.also to mention the abilitys that come with them such as looting and vehicle driving,( not sure if yours does that though Morox I havent been able to see the Ai long enough and live to tell the tale, plus being down most of the time) i communicate with some dedicated players on the server and ask their opinions on what they would like to see more of/less of, any changes they would like to see, and the issue of friendly Ai shooting players by mistake because of all aggro'd zeds chasing just the players seems to annoy them for the most part. A configurable Aggro feature would definatley benefit in more ways than one I think. I do however like Morox's setup for the ai loadout and spawn locations, easily understandable and user friendly. Both of you have made excellent scripts by the way. Ive tried using both to have some static AI placed in locations such as guard points at roadblocks and ( when we get it up) player domes as sentry guards. but they end up cancelling each other out, wich is understandable. Either way you both have made excellent scripts and the players seem to be drawn in to servers using them. keep looking forward to more updates, thanks
For some reason zombies won't spawn anymore. In my RPT it says "Server error: Player without identity BOLBIES (id ###########)." It was all working fine a few days ago but I can't seem to figure out what's causing this. Can anyone help?

EDIT: Never mind I figured it out
Is there any way to make the AI spawn randomly between different coordinates? For instance, one group can, upon restart, spawn in either Cherno, Elektro, or the NW Airfield? And how's it going with getting them to use vehicles?
I have this script installed and configured no problem, I have 12 groups of ai spawn, factions working, customized their gear and spawn points all of this no problem. However, the ai engage zeds but not the other way around. They just run up to them and stand there, I've read through every post on this thread and have installed the original files and then replaced them with the files, and deleted wildzombiespawn. :/ Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll gladly upload any files that you might need to see, thanks.

Side Note, Scripts Running: custom loot, selfblood, autorefuel, blur antihack
Mods: rmod
I have this script installed and configured no problem, I have 12 groups of ai spawn, factions working, customized their gear and spawn points all of this no problem. However, the ai engage zeds but not the other way around. They just run up to them and stand there, I've read through every post on this thread and have installed the original files and then replaced them with the files, and deleted wildzombiespawn. :/ Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll gladly upload any files that you might need to see, thanks.

Side Note, Scripts Running: custom loot, selfblood, autorefuel, blur antihack
Mods: rmod

I don't think he has included zeds killing AI yet, not sure though...good chance I am wrong
Ok, so I have completed the very "ALPHA" version of a couple of the requests that I have had here on this board and others, as well as some minor bug fixes to the code. The newly added features are the following:

1. AI will as they enter towns and pass near buildings spawn their own Zombies.
2. Zombies will, on sight/hearing attack AI - not only run towards but actually damage and kill them.

This gave me the impression that he had, sorry if I was mistaken.
So I have another question.
Is it possible to make an ai group invulnerable? I have a 4th group set up that I want as guards in an area, i thought it could be done by changing this line in add_unit_server.sqf .

case 4 : {
for [{y=1},{y<=3},{y=y+1}] do {
switch (y) do {
case 1 : {
_sniperSkin createUnit [_unitpos, _aigroup, "_aiunit=this;",1,"Private"];
_aiunit enableAI "TARGET";
_aiunit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
_aiunit enableAI "MOVE";
_aiunit enableAI "ANIM";
_aiunit enableAI "FSM";
_aiunit allowDammage false;

But that didn't seem to work, the 4th group I created works perfectly, except that I don't know how to make them invulnerable. Is there some way to make them spawn with handledamge=false?

Any help you guys can give would be great, I only started my server about a week ago and still don't really know what I'm doing.
Hey guys,

My NPCs spawn in great and behave as they should, however try as I might, I cannot get AI to respawn after being killed. After I kill an NPC my RPT log says:
22:49:59 "NPC dead! Respawning in any"
22:49:59 "Respawning NPC at [10130.2,2193.28,5.092]"
22:49:59 "globalFaction is 2"
This is the correct location and I am guessing that the RPT log indicates that it is respawning ok but the NPC doesnt respawn.

My init line is:
_aispawn = [[10130,2193.31,0],1,1,1,1,2,1,3,2,60] execVM "scripts\add_unit_server.sqf";

I am using the original files from the OP along with the new 1.7.7 files. I am runnign dayz

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Do you have them set to respawn where they die or where they originally spawned at? In unit_killed.sqf these lines.

// TO Respwan where I died use this
//aispawnpos = _aispawnpos;

// To Respawn where I started use this
aispawnpos = _wpme select 1;