[Support] ESS

One of the only good things with my host is I don't have to pack or unpack PBO's. Just use FTP. The necessary files for the script are in my previous post. Here is the loadout script.
I don't use the custom loadouts bit, just the random starter loadouts at the top.
Ok so try this. Untested. But hey it should work.
Follow the instructions to set your files up so it does not provide the class selection in the OP. with everything in the, essentially fresh.
Next find this in the spawn.sqf:
//#include "class.sqf"
Directly underneath this place
[] execVM "spawn\loadouts.sqf";

Take your Loadouts.sqf and remove this;
_custom_loadout_players = ["xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx"];   //replace the "xxxxxxxx" with your player(s) UID to get this loadout instead of default one


//Custom 1 -
_custom1_weapons = ["FHQ_ACR_WDL_CCO_SD","RH_Deagleg"];
_custom1_tools  = ["ItemToolbox","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemEtool","ItemCrowbar","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","Binocular_Vector"];
_custom1_items = ["FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FHQ_rem_30Rnd_680x43_ACR_SD","FoodbaconCooked","ItemSodaRabbit","ItemBloodbag","Skin_Sniper3_DZ","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE"];
_custom1_backpack = "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1";
_custom1_backpack_weapons = ["FHQ_MSR_DESERT"];
_custom1_backpack_items = ["FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT"];
_custom1_players = ["xxxxxxxxx"];  //replace the "xxxxxxxxx" with first UID here

//Custom 2 -
_custom2_weapons = ["M40A3","RH_m9sd"];
_custom2_tools  = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemToolbox","Binocular_Vector","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemEtool","ItemCrowbar","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife"];
_custom2_items = ["5Rnd_762x51_M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24","5Rnd_762x51_M24","FoodSteakCooked","ItemSodaRabbit","ItemBloodbag","Skin_Sniper3_DZ","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD","15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"];
_custom2_backpack = "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1";
_custom2_backpack_weapons = [];
_custom2_backpack_items = ["ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine","ItemAntibiotic","ItemPainkiller","FoodSteakCooked","ItemSodaRabbit"];
_custom2_players = ["xxxxxxxxx"];  //Replace with second UID

//Custom 3 -
_custom3_weapons = ["RH_ctar21m","RH_Deagleg"];
_custom3_tools  = ["ItemToolbox","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemEtool","ItemCrowbar","ItemMatchbox","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","Binocular_Vector"];
_custom3_items = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","FoodbeefCooked","ItemSodaRabbit","ItemSodaRabbit","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE","RH_7Rnd_50_AE"];
_custom3_backpack = "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1";
_custom3_backpack_weapons = ["vil_HK417s"];
_custom3_backpack_items = ["FoodCakeCremeCakeClean","Skin_Sniper2_DZ","Skin_Camo23_DZ","ItemSodaRabbit","ItemTrapBearTrapFlare","ItemTrapBearTrapSmoke","FoodbeefCooked","20Rnd_762x51_DMR"];
_custom3_players = ["xxxxxxxxx"];  //replace with third UID

//Custom 4 -
_custom4_weapons = ["SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD"];
_custom4_tools  = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemToolbox","NVGoggles","ItemCrowbar","ItemKnife"];
_custom4_items = ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"];
_custom4_backpack = "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1";
_custom4_backpack_weapons = ["FHQ_MSR_DESERT"];
_custom4_backpack_items = ["FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_NT","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_T","FHQ_rem_10Rnd_338Lapua_MSR_T"];
_custom4_players = ["xxxxxxxx"];  //replace with forth UID

//remove default overwatch items
{player removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines player;
player removeWeapon "DDOPP_X26";
removeBackpack player;

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _custom_loadout_players) then {
        if ((getPlayerUID player) in _custom1_players) exitWith {
                {player addMagazine _x} forEach _custom1_items;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom1_weapons;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom1_tools;
                player addBackpack _custom1_backpack;
                {(unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom1_backpack_weapons;
                {(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom1_backpack_items;
        if ((getPlayerUID player) in _custom2_players) exitWith {
                {player addMagazine _x} forEach _custom2_items;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom2_weapons;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom2_tools;
                player addBackpack _custom2_backpack;
                {(unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom2_backpack_weapons;
                {(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom2_backpack_items;
        if ((getPlayerUID player) in _custom3_players) exitWith {
                {player addMagazine _x} forEach _custom3_items;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom3_weapons;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom3_tools;
                player addBackpack _custom3_backpack;
                {(unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom3_backpack_weapons;
                {(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom3_backpack_items;
        if ((getPlayerUID player) in _custom4_players) exitWith {
                {player addMagazine _x} forEach _custom4_items;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom4_weapons;
                {player addWeapon _x} forEach _custom4_tools;
                player addBackpack _custom4_backpack;
                {(unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom4_backpack_weapons;
                {(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1]} forEach _custom4_backpack_items;
} else {

Use the way that this scripts manages the custom loadouts in the server_functions.sqf, just copy what you have already into it.

Now place your Loadouts.sqf file in the same folder as the spawn.sqf as per the OP (the "spawn" folder). If you have change the folder name amke sure you change the:
[] execVM "spawn\loadouts.sqf";

To how you have it described, such as:
[] execVM "MYCUSTOMFODLERS\SOMEWHERE\spawn\loadouts.sqf";

Thats it, just repack and load up and let me know how you go and/or hat following errors you get.
On my server, players are using an exploit to get round the 4km exclusion zone after death (which I increased to 8kms) by clicking on random and then just not opening their chute if too far from their dead body. This way they die and try random again until they get closer to where they want to be. I want to keep a map in my default loadout and I want to keep halo as an option.

Is there anyway to make random also go through the exclusion after death code and if it has run out of spawn locations to go to a fixed coordinate? I would then set this to extreme south west.

Any help greatly appreciated.
I applied custom skins from namalsk to the list of spawnable skins, however when I spawn in with the skin and log out and log back in I'm back to being a survivor, I noticed that this does not happen with the skins you provided by default, any idea how to fix this?
You might be right, I added the appropriate files to the mission.sqm (really I just moved them from auto addons to addons and there are no addons I believe in the mission.sqf) in any event, it's still not saving the namalsk skins after relog. Hmmm..
Fixed it, went into server_playerLogin.sqf and commented out the last three lines of this if statement. Works like a charm now.

if (!_isNew) then {
_inventory = _primary select 4;
_backpack = _primary select 5;
_survival = _primary select 6;
_model = _primary select 7;
_hiveVer = _primary select 8;

//if (!(_model in AllPlayers)) then {
// _model = "Survivor2_DZ";
On my server, players are using an exploit to get round the 4km exclusion zone after death (which I increased to 8kms) by clicking on random and then just not opening their chute if too far from their dead body. This way they die and try random again until they get closer to where they want to be. I want to keep a map in my default loadout and I want to keep halo as an option.

Is there anyway to make random also go through the exclusion after death code and if it has run out of spawn locations to go to a fixed coordinate? I would then set this to extreme south west.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Can anyone help on this? I would really like to close down this exploit. Thanks...
Can anyone help on this? I would really like to close down this exploit. Thanks...
If I were you I'd go into spawn.hpp and comment out the random button so it no longer appears as an option to spawn with, look for this

class btnRand: e_RscButton
idc = 1625;
text = "Random";
x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
action = "spawnSelect = 41;";
and do this:

// class btnRand: e_RscButton
//idc = 1625;
//text = "Random";
//x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
//y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
//w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
//h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
//action = "spawnSelect = 41;";

That way if you ever want to turn it back on you can just remove the comment out lines.
If I were you I'd go into spawn.hpp and comment out the random button so it no longer appears as an option to spawn with, look for this

class btnRand: e_RscButton
idc = 1625;
text = "Random";
x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
action = "spawnSelect = 41;";
and do this:

// class btnRand: e_RscButton
//idc = 1625;
//text = "Random";
//x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
//y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
//w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
//h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
//action = "spawnSelect = 41;";

That way if you ever want to turn it back on you can just remove the comment out lines.
Hey man, thanks for the reply. This is great but, one quick question....

We are a heavy PvP server so, what happens if a player gets killed, say 3 times in a row inside 30 minutes and runs out of spawn selection points? Will they get dropped somewhere still or get stuck at a blank spawn screen?
If I were you I'd go into spawn.hpp and comment out the random button so it no longer appears as an option to spawn with, look for this

class btnRand: e_RscButton
idc = 1625;
text = "Random";
x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
action = "spawnSelect = 41;";
and do this:

// class btnRand: e_RscButton
//idc = 1625;
//text = "Random";
//x = 0.6 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
//y = 0.230556 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
//w = 0.0422917 * safezoneW;
//h = 0.0188889 * safezoneH;
//action = "spawnSelect = 41;";

That way if you ever want to turn it back on you can just remove the comment out lines.
Is there a way to make random either open chute straight away or, even better only be able to spawn on the ground and not halo? Is this easy to do?

Thanks for any help. :)
If you want to remove the halo option for random then you'd have to write some sort of if statement into the spawn.sqf, off the top of my head it'd be something like this at the very bottom:

this line is already here:

if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

I'd add this right under it:

if ((haloSelect == 1) &&(_seldRandom == 1)) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];[player,0] spawn BIS_fnc_findSafePos;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

Not saying that this is going to work and this would still allow them to select the halo option, it would just spawn them on the ground instead of being in the air and this is just off the top of my head, I'm an amature at best with this stuff. Good luck!
If you want to remove the halo option for random then you'd have to write some sort of if statement into the spawn.sqf, off the top of my head it'd be something like this at the very bottom:

this line is already here:

if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

I'd add this right under it:

if ((haloSelect == 1) &&(_seldRandom == 1)) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];[player,0] spawn BIS_fnc_findSafePos;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

Not saying that this is going to work and this would still allow them to select the halo option, it would just spawn them on the ground instead of being in the air and this is just off the top of my head, I'm an amature at best with this stuff. Good luck!
Cheers mate, I'll give it a go tomorrow when I'm a bit more awake...! I'll also change the text for random in spawn.hpp to tell players they'll spawn on the ground. I'll post back here either way to let you know if it worked.
If you want to remove the halo option for random then you'd have to write some sort of if statement into the spawn.sqf, off the top of my head it'd be something like this at the very bottom:

this line is already here:

if (haloSelect == 1) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,2000];[player,2000] spawn BIS_fnc_halo;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

I'd add this right under it:

if ((haloSelect == 1) &&(_seldRandom == 1)) then {player setPosATL [_position select 0,_position select 1,0];[player,0] spawn BIS_fnc_findSafePos;} else {player setPosATL _position;};

Not saying that this is going to work and this would still allow them to select the halo option, it would just spawn them on the ground instead of being in the air and this is just off the top of my head, I'm an amature at best with this stuff. Good luck!
Hi, unfortunately this didn't work. Random still allows you spawn in halo mode. Any more ideas.....?
I've setup the script perfectly as instructed however, the donation classes aren't working. I've replaced the UID's with the new Steam ID's and it still fails to work? Any reason behind this?
would love to say "great work", but... :D
followed installation guide and there is no selection.. no class nor spawn.. :(
using vanilla epoch and @DayZSauerland map..

any ideas??

okay, found the eorror.. not pbo manager 0.14beta nor cbpo nor totalcommander plugin were able to unpack "$PREFIX$"... :mad:
now i use PBOView and everything runs fine.. :D

now its the time to say, thank you for this very good working skript.. :)

many thanks..
Last edited:
Hi, can anyone help? I'm trying to disable halo when the random spawn button is used....

Bump, would really like to solve this exploit and I'm sure to someone in the know it would be fairly simple to disable halo when 'Random' is selected.....
Anyone able to help fix my problem ??? I seen a few had this issue but no answers

I set the coordinates for my base but it spawns me in the water FAR FAR away....

my database coords [136,[14728.6,16796.7,0.241]]
donorListBases = [
[14728.6,16796.7,0] //-TC-calamity
[16796.7,14728.6,0] tried switching numbers around