[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

the thing with custom loot tables and custom Ai is that they do need customizing.
To fix the tables go to the .SQF that were in the fix above and play around with the chances. With the DZAI go to the dayz_server PBO, >DAZAI>init>dzai_config.sqf. I have dumbed down the ai for my players. I still need to muck around with the spawns though as an ai can spawn infront of you then, with the default setting, kneecap you and hs you in 0.2 of a second.....
the thing with custom loot tables and custom Ai is that they do need customizing.
To fix the tables go to the .SQF that were in the fix above and play around with the chances. With the DZAI go to the dayz_server PBO, >DAZAI>init>dzai_config.sqf. I have dumbed down the ai for my players. I still need to muck around with the spawns though as an ai can spawn infront of you then, with the default setting, kneecap you and hs you in 0.2 of a second.....
ill add instructions in readme (0.11 Collaboration ) for custumising loot, AI, Missions, etc.
So you guys don't think that there is anything wrong with the hit detection / player dmg? What file handles that and I'll compare it.
what version of the repack? - .10

what version of epoch? -

what beta patch? - Linux 102451 (Same as 103718)

any RPT errors? - no

changed/added/removed ANYTHING in the repack? - The Admintools

private or hosted server? - Private On a dedicated

server host (if hosted)? - None

any anti hack? - INFIstar

Issue: All my players get this error here it was only after switching to your pack do you have anything that modifies the player database as this is what the issue usually is?

Now After I redid my database it seems that it loads the authentication really fast and then counts upwards? Ininitley???
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what version of the repack? - .10

what version of epoch? -

what beta patch? - Linux 102451 (Same as 103718)

any RPT errors? - no

changed/added/removed ANYTHING in the repack? - The Admintools

private or hosted server? - Private On a dedicated

server host (if hosted)? - None

any anti hack? - INFIstar

Issue: All my players get this error here it was only after switching to your pack do you have anything that modifies the player database as this is what the issue usually is?

Now After I redid my database it seems that it loads the authentication really fast and then counts upwards? Ininitley???
try the repack by itself un moddified and see if you get the same issue

also i do think it works for the linux version (i cant test it) :( , 0.11 is coming soon maybe wait and try that.

If any nice member of the community has my repack working on a linux setup please let us know if you had to change anything to get it to work
Hmm seems to be spamming chat with
"AIRRAID: BOMB: [120,[6241.41,7761.09,2.95285]] | TARGET: [6143.6,7721.5,1.5] | SHOULD MATCH APPROX ||| debug arraycount 2 |"
after just installing your also I get into it, it authenticates, then counts up infinitely for players

It just put into chat this
Error in expression <ray = call compile format ["%1",_data];

21:32:58 Error position: <_resultArray

21:32:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _resultarray
21:32:58 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 177
21:32:58 Error in expression <y call server_hiveReadWrite;
_outcome = _result select 0;
if(_outcome == "PASS")>
21:32:58 Error position: <_result select 0;
if(_outcome == "PASS")>
21:32:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result
21:32:58 File z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf, line 735
I have read though this thread and have yet to find the issue I'm having. So I figured i would just ask.

I'm using just the repack nothing added nothing removed.

When hit by a zombie everything goes gray, the blood on the right side goes all the way down, and debug displays "scaler" for blood amount.

Here is a picture to show what I mean.

This was fresh spawned and just put into the game.

Any ideas?

Seems like a great repack btw, just a small black screen issue after choosing where to go and this issue but other then that awesome.
"AIRRAID: BOMB: [120,[6241.41,7761.09,2.95285]] | TARGET: [6143.6,7721.5,1.5] | SHOULD MATCH APPROX ||| debug arraycount 2 |"

is the airraid script thats normal

the other errors seem to be patch related as the 2 errors try a newer patch

I have read though this thread and have yet to find the issue I'm having. So I figured i would just ask.

I'm using just the repack nothing added nothing removed.

When hit by a zombie everything goes gray, the blood on the right side goes all the way down, and debug displays "scaler" for blood amount.

Here is a picture to show what I mean.

This was fresh spawned and just put into the game.

Any ideas?

Seems like a great repack btw, just a small black screen issue after choosing where to go and this issue but other then that awesome.

I'll pm you a beta of 0.11 see if it has the same issue (won't be till later as I'm not near pc )
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No biggie I'm a good waiter lol.
Hands, so when you deployed the repack, did you modify the locations listed in the readme file for the Welcome Screen and what not? It looks like you might have left a coma off somewhere, and the parser is reading in something else as a global variable.

The debug monitor calls "r_player_blood" to display the blood, and somehow that variable is being set to "scaler" because of an error somewhere else.

The Debug monitor doesn't affect the player health, it just displays variables, so in this case its more of a hint to the problem than causing the problem. I'll have to see if I can find where that variable is set, unless it is a global variable, but my first step if I were you is start with a completely fresh deployment, and then copy the files back on with no config edits.
here are my files for Napf as it stands atm - the readme has more info


I took your repack, and updated the AdminTools from the latest GIT test branch, and the new tools work fine btw, and seem to be much better, wish that author would go ahead and release his test branch, as its far superior to the existing public branch...

I copied all the files I edited over to a new folder on my computer calling it Sheep .11 Napf Edits, so I can redeploy the repack and then re-deploy my edits over top of it. I then pasted the repack over a default Epoch Napf, and my edits over the repack.

The AI are so aggressive and persistent that I have had a hard time testing it or getting anyone to help me test it. I would like to disable the AI so that I can get some players to play on it that are willing to test, but when looking through all the DZAI setup steps, reversing them seems like a big chore. Is there a way to just disable the dynamic and static spawning without turning all of the DZAI compiles and functions off?
Hands, so when you deployed the repack, did you modify the locations listed in the readme file for the Welcome Screen and what not? It looks like you might have left a coma off somewhere, and the parser is reading in something else as a global variable.

The debug monitor calls "r_player_blood" to display the blood, and somehow that variable is being set to "scaler" because of an error somewhere else.

The Debug monitor doesn't affect the player health, it just displays variables, so in this case its more of a hint to the problem than causing the problem. I'll have to see if I can find where that variable is set, unless it is a global variable, but my first step if I were you is start with a completely fresh deployment, and then copy the files back on with no config edits.

Well i got it working from the mediafire link in the WIP/Release thread. "0.10 - Organised (mediafire)" I used the git one at lest 6 times to no avail. I can work with this though. :)
When I said I used the latest "GIT" test branch, I mean that I used the test branch from Epoch Admin Tools. I wasn't using the .11 from Falling Sheep's GIT. I was using the NAPF version that 1st Degree put out that already had some of the .11 repack in it.

All of these edits were made in a blank folder with the correct structure maintained so when copied it would over-write the repack files without me having to go back through each edit multiple times as the repack progresses. I can simply keep my changes in a "Branch" and keep the repack at default. If my edits break the repack, I can simply redeploy the repack without any changes to verify its me and not the repack that is broken.

Then once verified I can paste my changes in and try to find where I broke the repack with my edits. But so far its everything has worked for me, except for the AI damage handler.
When I said I used the latest "GIT" test branch, I mean that I used the test branch from Epoch Admin Tools. I wasn't using the .11 from Falling Sheep's GIT. I was using the NAPF version that 1st Degree put out that already had some of the .11 repack in it.

All of these edits were made in a blank folder with the correct structure maintained so when copied it would over-write the repack files without me having to go back through each edit multiple times as the repack progresses. I can simply keep my changes in a "Branch" and keep the repack at default. If my edits break the repack, I can simply redeploy the repack without any changes to verify its me and not the repack that is broken.

Then once verified I can paste my changes in and try to find where I broke the repack with my edits. But so far its everything has worked for me, except for the AI damage handler.

I know you where talking about a different github. I was saying I used the .11 github and it did not work for me. Once I used the .10 mediafire link it worked like a charm.

Sorry for any confusion you had. :) Unless this wasn't to me then I digress.