[SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

test server should be up and running tonight with latest steam patch and fixes for most errors (it WILL be getting restarted during testing to to see if base building is saving) so far there is no BE kicks!!
sounds like an idea...

I imagine this would be a "sleep 180" but where though?? as it can't go in the base jump script.......
I think It would be be this


systemChat ("BaseJump Will Be Loaded In 2 Minutes");

sleep 60;

systemChat ("BaseJump Will Be Loaded In 1 Minute");

sleep 60;

_meters = 40;
_action = -1;

while { alive player } do {

    _vehicle = vehicle player;
    _pos = getPosASL player;
    if !(surfaceIsWater _pos ) then {_pos =  ASLToATL _pos;};
    if( !(_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && (_pos select 2) > _meters ) then {   
            if (  _action < 0  ) then {
                JumpVehicle = _vehicle;
                _action = JumpVehicle addAction [ ("<t color=""#FE9A2E"">" + ( localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE" ) + "</t>" ),"\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_halo.sqf",[],1,true,true,"",""];
    } else {
        JumpVehicle removeAction _action;
        _action = -1;
I think It would be be this


systemChat ("BaseJump Will Be Loaded In 2 Minutes");

sleep 60;

systemChat ("BaseJump Will Be Loaded In 1 Minute");

sleep 60;

_meters = 40;
_action = -1;

while { alive player } do {

    _vehicle = vehicle player;
    _pos = getPosASL player;
    if !(surfaceIsWater _pos ) then {_pos =  ASLToATL _pos;};
    if( !(_vehicle isKindOf "Air") && (_pos select 2) > _meters ) then {  
            if (  _action < 0  ) then {
                JumpVehicle = _vehicle;
                _action = JumpVehicle addAction [ ("<t color=""#FE9A2E"">" + ( localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE" ) + "</t>" ),"\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\BIS_fnc\fn_halo.sqf",[],1,true,true,"",""];
    } else {
        JumpVehicle removeAction _action;
        _action = -1;
yep that will do it
ok I must be missing something I am tying to get Napf working... Well it is. However the player built bases that are in the SQL are simply not showing up..... However they show up fine with the original PBOs.
ok I must be missing something I am tying to get Napf working... Well it is. However the player built bases that are in the SQL are simply not showing up..... However they show up fine with the original PBOs.
hmm havent messed with napf and the repack so not sure ho it works but in theory it should be the same
YUp agree and thats what i have basically done. though the serverfunction.sqf does look different in the objectuid calls. You mentioned that the items not saving to the db was fixed......
well sort of :( it works sometimes and others it dosnt...no idea why bassically its a SQL function thats converts IDs ... cant remeber wher i got it from... looking for post now
0.14 loadscreen
release should be tommorrow! (all devs ill send you the pack to test)

Yes its the newest steam patch! (125548)

yes its compatiable with infistar
(you will need to make/merge your BE filters, disable debugmonitor and admintools as well)

2 new scripts

adjustable view distance (right click binoculars) - Credits: alexlawson
elevator script - Credits: Axecop
dam it still solid fix for base building 1.3 saving to DB with new steam ID :( ....but i never give up!

to help speed 0.14 release join the test server and ... well test!
(server can be found on commander - just filter sheep :) )

so far the only bug ive found is the base building not saving
if you find a bug or get a BE kick post it here!
FallinSheep thanks again for releasing this the players on my server love it! I will be donating to the cause soon!
Hey hows it coming along? u think i cud get early release maybe find sum bugs? just it much harder to test stuff without admin tools lol?