SUV (or generally vehicle) reskin without extra mods?

Dude, are you still alive? I got a solution for you right here. I have been working to find a way to do this for so long, it's ridiculous. I will be making a release for this shortly that will include my modded vehicle textures, but I remembered your post and thought I would update you now with the way to do it. Very, very simple script. Just open your init.sqf and paste this at the bottom:
_nul = [] execVM "scripts\tex.sqf";
Now the code for tex.sqf. It goes in your scripts folder in the mission.pbo:
if (isServer) exitwith {};
waitUntil {sleep 2; count vehicles > 1};
sleep 10;
If (typeOf _x in ["SUV_TK_CIV_EP1"]) then
nul = _x setObjectTexture [0,"paa\zombieland.paa"]
} forEach (vehicles);
Almost done. Just add a paa folder to the mission pbo. Use the sample I provided below or substitute your own paa.
sample paa
I will be including a large variety of textures and detailed instructions on adding multiple cars in the release.
One issue: right after reset you won't see the new textures, you will need to log out and back in. Not sure why, if anyone has an idea I can fix that before I release it.
.paa file is almost 3mb. Can you call this from server files? Theres no point to make mission file so huge.
.paa file is almost 3mb. Can you call this from server files? Theres no point to make mission file so huge.
All of the vehicles aren't as huge. The hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1 reskins with a 342 kb file. datsun1_civil_1_open is like 1366. car_sedan is also smallish at around 600 kb.
To answer your question, I suppose you could put the paa files inside their own mod or even inside one of the dayz pbos and have it call from there, but everyone would need to download that mod to connect. It's a whole can of worms. Like I said, I've been working with this for a while, there's no small client side solution unless someone can find a way to optimize these paa files.
Yeah, makes sense. No matter where you place these files they have to be downloaded by client anyway.