Zed Nuker script

_entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius];
if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
_x deleteVehicle zZombie_Base;

Would this work to delete rather than kill?
this works for deleting them instead of killing em.

                if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                    deleteVehicle _x ;

Also if you're still seeing the sphere then change the createvehicle line:

_nuker = createvehicle ["HeliHEmpty",[_location select 0,_location select 1,1] ,[],0,"NONE"];

HeliHempty is invisible
Okay for everyone having issue with the coordinates:
1. In game, find the location you want the zed shield to be at, go to the center of that location.

2. Go into mysql, and locate you're characters world position.

3. You'll get something like this : [283,[2698.12,5585.29,0.069]]
You wont need anything outside the bracket of [2698.12,5585.29,0.069]

4. the last cordinates of the bracket is the Z position, which is height, it's not needed so set that to 0.

5. [2698.12,5585.29, 0] will become [[2698.12,5585.29, 0],300] execVM "Fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";
Where the 300 is the radius of the shield.

My question is how can I go about having multiple coordinates? I mean I could just rename another .sqf file of the same code and exec it that too, but is there a better way?
you call the same file as often as you need, just with different parameters each time ...
Sarge I am setting up a safe zone and the script is good but players are running people over. How can I give human players god mode in the area?
Thats not that straight forward, cause you will want to remove the godmode after they have left the area.

I suggest to use one of the "safebase" scripts available. Otherwise you would need to recode the above to use a trigger to do what you want.

is it possible to kill the zombies that have entered the circle?
why I am using it in epopch, and is full of spawn in the forest.

for pure testing, I'm using this coordinate
[[7385.563, 8378.4521,0],10000] execVM "SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";
The deletevehicle fix (so zombies are deleted instead of killed) seems to be causing some issues with Hangenders anti hack. Only affects admins. If I touch a building within the nuke zone and hit the f9 key (noticed because that is my screen capture key for fraps) the building dissapears. Loot hangs in the air, etc. Just pointing it out
Hey, i used your script to build up some save-zones inside of cherno and north of NW airfield.. But since i updated my CC to it is not working anymore.. I have no idea from coding so i can't fix this myself, but without you script my save-zones are overrun by zombies^^

Thank you for making this script, even if you may choose to not update it ;)
Hey, i used your script to build up some save-zones inside of cherno and north of NW airfield.. But since i updated my CC to it is not working anymore.. I have no idea from coding so i can't fix this myself, but without you script my save-zones are overrun by zombies^^

Thank you for making this script, even if you may choose to not update it ;)

I am using and it works fine.
working great with

I messed up the coordinates the first time I think, no zombies in the whole server. But a quick fix of the coords took care of it.

Wow^^ Ok thank you all for showing that it is working xD Then i must have a failure in my init or somewhere ok i will try a few things and maybe i report back if it works ;)
Wow^^ Ok thank you all for showing that it is working xD Then i must have a failure in my init or somewhere ok i will try a few things and maybe i report back if it works ;)

Most likely the way your coords are arranged, that's the most common issue from what i've read of this thread :p

in reference to coords :
[[2118.28,11836.8,0],500] execVM "fixes\Zednono.sqf";
is how it should look.
My coordinates are fine ;) I am one of the persons who read the whole thread before downloading and trying ;)
Funny how many people in this thread are not able to read the first page^^

But thank you for your reply ;)
I wonder if this could be executed serverside by calling it at the bottom of server_functions.sqf