Zed Nuker script

This is really awesome but, It only seems to work when the sever first starts up and after every restart then zombies can enter the area without a problem. Any reason why this is happening?
I have encountered a few issues and need clarification on how to get the Zed Nuker operating on our server.

In my init.sqf file at the very bottom I added the following. [11565.9,11364.6,0],300] execVM "addons\fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";

Above this line are the crash site cluster cutter and sarge ai lines. Is there an order I should have them in or do I have to have the Zed Nuker at the bottom?

My next question is the code itself. I already had an addons folder, so inside of it I created another folder named fixes, inside that folder I added the sqf file titled SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf, same as in the init code. The file has the following in it

Author: Sarge

Kills all zombies in a given distance from a given point.

Needs 2 parameters:

_location = the exact x/y/z location of the center of the area that should be zed free
_range = the radius within which zeds get killed



if(!isServer) exitwith{};

_location = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;

_nuker = createvehicle ["Sign_sphere25cm_EP1",[_location select 0,_location select 1,1] ,[],0,"NONE"];
_nuker allowDamage false;

_obj_text_string = format["#(argb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,%4,ca)",1,1,0,1];
[nil,nil,rSETOBJECTTEXTURE,_nuker,0,_obj_text_string] call RE;

[_nuker,_radius] spawn {

private ["_nuker","_radius","_entity_array"];
_nuker = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;

while {true} do {

_entity_array = (getPos _nuker) nearEntities ["CAManBase",_radius];
if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
_x setDamage 1;
} forEach _entity_array;
sleep 2;

I made no changes to the above code.

Is there something I needed to modify in the code to make the zed nuker work?

Last question, I retrieved my world location from my bliss profiles. The information I found was
[226,[11565.9,11364.6,1.051]], using the information in this thread, I modified the location to read

I have tried several fixes to get it working, I know it's something simple, but as a novice I know not what it is.

I run a Chernarus server with the patch.

Thanks in advance, Roadblock.
all of the above seems correct. Are you seeing the red sphere at that location ? do you have errors in your rpt ?

I do not see a red sphere at the location while in game or on the map. As for rpt, I'm not sure what rpt is, so I looked it up on Google and think it means how the files report? I could be wrong.

I don't think it's a rpt error since all of the other addons function. I did some reading on missions files and other scripts and found nothing that could help. Does the Nuke zone start right as the server starts or will it take time before it's active?
I do not see a red sphere at the location while in game or on the map. As for rpt, I'm not sure what rpt is, so I looked it up on Google and think it means how the files report? I could be wrong.

I don't think it's a rpt error since all of the other addons function. I did some reading on missions files and other scripts and found nothing that could help. Does the Nuke zone start right as the server starts or will it take time before it's active?

ASAP. Could only have installed it wrong, did you perhaps call the file incorrectly? The way you did your coords seems fine. As for .rpt, go into your control panel and find the FTP address, right click open in new tap, arma20aserver.rpt
I read through the log, all I found was the following.

7:08:43 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\mission.sqm, line 1172: '/Mission/Sensors/Item0.rectangular': Missing ';' at the end of line
ASAP. Could only have installed it wrong, did you perhaps call the file incorrectly? The way you did your coords seems fine. As for .rpt, go into your control panel and find the FTP address, right click open in new tap, arma20aserver.rpt

Now that I am home I was able to go through my rpt line by line and found this error.

[11565.9,11364.6,0],300] execVM "addons\fixes\zednuke.sqf";>
14:57:29 Error position: <] execVM "addons\fixes\zednuke.sqf";>
14:57:29 Error Missing ;
14:57:29 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\init.sqf, line 69
14:57:29 Error in expression <utterCutter=2;

*edit* I renamed the file from SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf to zednuke in all the right places to see if that would fix the problem, and it did not. The above report is from our last server restart.
After everything I posted and all the help you folks gave me I fixed the issue. When I added in my coordinates, I wrote them in as [11565.9,11364.6,0],300], not realizing that I was missing the bracket at the front. I added the missing bracket and the code works like a charm! I may not be a code monkey, but today I kinda feel like one. My friends call me "The Code Gorilla" when I try and add scripts to our server, guess I see why now.
After everything I posted and all the help you folks gave me I fixed the issue. When I added in my coordinates, I wrote them in as [11565.9,11364.6,0],300], not realizing that I was missing the bracket at the front. I added the missing bracket and the code works like a charm! I may not be a code monkey, but today I kinda feel like one. My friends call me "The Code Gorilla" when I try and add scripts to our server, guess I see why now.

Glad you got it working man.
add this (only the second line, the first is to see where you need to add it)

    _nuker allowDamage false;
    [nil, _nuker, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE;

you might need to disable the REsec functionality in your init.sqf for this to work.

First off, fantastic Script.

Secondly, any way to speed up its cycle time? Seems to take a while to rotate and nuke/delete again.
Guys may i ask something?, how can i add two location for this script?, (sorry for my english) can any give me an example coordinate please?
Guys may i ask something?, how can i add two location for this script?, (sorry for my english) can any give me an example coordinate please?

Just repeat the process, like so...

[[13864.2,12045.4,0],200] execVM "addons\fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";

[[3637.5,14871.9,0],100] execVM "addons\fixes\SAR_nuke_zeds.sqf";
add this (only the second line, the first is to see where you need to add it)

    _nuker allowDamage false;
    [nil, _nuker, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE;

you might need to disable the REsec functionality in your init.sqf for this to work.

where is the REsec func. ,since i am on .i don't have this on my DayZ CC init.sqf?

cheers fox
where is the REsec func. ,since i am on .i don't have this on my DayZ CC init.sqf?

cheers fox

The REec func wasn't apart of the as far as I know. but it was an #include "filepath\REsec.sqf";
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