Zed Scoops


Staff member
Not worked on the retexture yet, will start on this soon, but here are the prototypes. The original models were by oyman an arma modeler and I have since then stripped out the turret guns which were way to OTT for 2017


Expect the final models to look a lot more crazy. I hope to have a couple of Zed heads on impaled on spikes and various bits of kit tacked onto the side (such as water carriers and barbed wire).
They will be much stronger then the standard ones, but no where near tank strength. They are also 2 seaters, one driver, one gunner (without guns). I was going to put a water cannon on the roof for clearing Zeds but not killing them, but there is nothing like a water stream tracer to use in Arma 2.
I was going to put a water cannon on the roof for clearing Zeds but not killing them, but there is nothing like a water stream tracer to use in Arma 2.

I hear the Elektro police are paying a pretty penny for Less than Lethal weaponry for Arresting criminals.