DayZ Admin tools

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all of the changes such as health, vehicles, and vehicle repairs are intended to be temporary. my reasons behind this are to reduce the for lack of a better term "temptation to abuse". for example if the vehicle that you spawn in is only temporary you are less likely to spawn in one to give your self a advantage over other players, now there is nothing to stop you from repeatedly spawning that vehicle but i had hoped to reduce the temptation to "cheat" solely for the reason of cheating. having said that i can see the advantages of being able to add things to the map with out having to stop the server and use 3rd party tools such as control panel to add things. but my reservations about adding this functionally remain the same, hear is another example say these tools had a nuke script(something that will NEVER happen) the temptation even for the most responsible server admin is just to great and they will eventually use it.
i hope all of you can understand where im coming from on this. while its not my place to say what you can and can not do with these tools i would/will feel some responsibility toward the players on your servers if there game-play experience was ruined because of the work i have done.

Yes I totally understand your point of view.

But in my case, I imagine that server administrators can have its vantanges without any problem, because admin is to for be admin. I think that fits in a dilemma of superiority.
But this is just my point of view, I have nothing against!

Even so I'm grateful for sharing your work with us.
If you want to make these changes in the future, I'll be waiting. Otherwise, I'm grateful so anyway!

all of the changes such as health, vehicles, and vehicle repairs are intended to be temporary. my reasons behind this are to reduce the for lack of a better term "temptation to abuse". for example if the vehicle that you spawn in is only temporary you are less likely to spawn in one to give your self a advantage over other players, now there is nothing to stop you from repeatedly spawning that vehicle but i had hoped to reduce the temptation to "cheat" solely for the reason of cheating. having said that i can see the advantages of being able to add things to the map with out having to stop the server and use 3rd party tools such as control panel to add things. but my reservations about adding this functionally remain the same, hear is another example say these tools had a nuke script(something that will NEVER happen) the temptation even for the most responsible server admin is just to great and they will eventually use it.
i hope all of you can understand where im coming from on this. while its not my place to say what you can and can not do with these tools i would/will feel some responsibility toward the players on your servers if there game-play experience was ruined because of the work i have done.

I understand what you are saying. I hate using the map to add vehicles or the silent warrior to add vehicles. The ability to see what I am placing in game is nice. I don't like to let helis/planes up to chance and some other vehicles such as the MTVR or the SUV. I'd much rather place them manually from time to time. The ability for me to do this in game without a server restart can be valuable.

When a"hacked" vehicle is spawned in I assume that it creates a world vehicle entry that is not referenced correctly in the other vehicle table. Is this why it gets deleted on server restarts?

NVM I guess it never gets into the database.
Alright Im attempting to add a script to the admin panel, the script being
[CODE]_abox = "AmmoBoxBig" createVehicle (position player);
[_abox] execVM "\???\cargo.sqf";

Now where would I put the cargo.sqf its going to be refering to and how would I insert this location into the script? would the cargo.sqf in the same directory as the file shown above, if so how do I insert that location into the script above? I have already added it to the panel it just receives the error when the button is pressed, "cannot find cargo.sqf"
I'm also trying to figure out this problem, let me know if you find a solution. Have you made sure that you entered the correct Player ID in the admintools.sqf?

yesh ... you can download mine and look over it maybe i mad a error somewhere :/
I run the SAR AI mod on my server with NPCs all set hostile. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to insta-spawn a group of them or a large group of zombies as a test. Not sure if thats something I could trigger via the admin menu with a little creative scripting?
Being able to spawn items or vehicles would be good too. Trying to get unbanned vehis and weapons working and its a PITA to test by hand. Ive seen hackers do all that stuff, but Id rather not run hacks on my server.
TY for this useful mod
I found if you are running Sarge's AI, if you use the variable "Sarge" to fix the disappearing/explosion issue, it causes some issue with the Sarge AI choppers not deleting if a player gets into them. I changed my variable to "Tool" in all the vehicle spawn files and in the objectupdate file and made an additional entry for "Tool" while leaving the "Sarge" part of the code there for the cleanup.fsm file.
Yes íts in that file too. Thats why i just don't know why it doesn't work

Well, from what I noticed, your ID would have to be placed in 4 different places.

There in the "AdminToolsMain.sqf" are 2x
A part of the "all admins" and in another part of the "super admins"

After that would also place in file "activate.sqf"

and finally, there in the file Debug.

If your ID appears in the correct place, can only be some wrong setting in there "init.sqf"

look again to see how this all this.
Well, from what I noticed, your ID would have to be placed in 4 different places.

There in the "AdminToolsMain.sqf" are 2x
A part of the "all admins" and in another part of the "super admins"

After that would also place in file "activate.sqf"

and finally, there in the file Debug.

If your ID appears in the correct place, can only be some wrong setting in there "init.sqf"

look again to see how this all this.

well i looked over it again and the id's are in the right place. Maybe you can download it and give it a look?
I was able to get this to work on my private server, but i noticed that the vehicle's spawned via the admin tools would disappear when spawned or kill the player when they get in the vehicle. Is this intended for now or did i mess something up with the vehicles?
I found this code and it works very well for spawning custom ammo boxes.
modify the contents to your needs...
The box will spawn at your location and despawn in 90 seconds.

_classname = "USBasicWeaponsBox";
_mypos = getposATL player;
_dir = getdir player;
_mypos = [(_mypos select 0)+2*sin(_dir),(_mypos select 1)+2*cos(_dir), (_mypos select 2)];
_spawn = createVehicle [_className, _mypos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_spawn setDir _dir;
_spawn setposATL _mypos;
_weapons = [
_magazine = [
_backpack = [
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawn;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawn;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawn;
{_spawn addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 5];} forEach _weapons;
{_spawn addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 20];} forEach _magazine;
{_spawn addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x, 1];} forEach _backpack;
sleep 90;
deleteVehicle _spawn;
if (true) exitWith {};

currently I am trying to modify a script to parachute ammo boxes in by clicking on the map, so far i have a MV22 spawn in fly over head and drops the boxes with parachutes but the boxes wont fall to the ground only the parachutes fall.

I put this in my weapon kits section, but I get kicked for script #115 when spawning it?
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