Slighty Nicer Debug Monitor

your picture makes it run it. your message says it runs. u only dislike the looks? and if u help me get it. i can see if maby u made a little mistake in the pbo file

BUT RENEMBER - Hole server is not working, 0 objects, 0 zombies, 0 items, u cant even see other players....Thats the problem :F debug monitor working fine.

if u fix it please gimme info k?
I believe I know why the debug monitor is overriding the zed and loot (spawns for me at least).

My Init.SQF contains the following:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\nst\ns_dayz\code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
vs the line the tutorial contains
//Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)

This, I assume, is because I am running Namalsk. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and thank you Tondeco and Dirty Rat for all of the information and help!

I never liked the debug display in DayZ but it provides a lot of useful information so I set out to do something else, smaller, more informative.

I came up with a script that runs server-side that displays the same info as the Debug Display and "other" features can be implemented.


The Mini-map can be removed and whatnot or it can be modified by adding more info on the screen.

how to setup:
You'll need to setup the Debug Display (basically the files for it are used), and the files I have attached.

Unpack them in your maps MPMissions folder (\dayz_1.chernarus\)

You will need to edit your description.ext file

See Post Below for Update
Nicely done, gotta say i like the old one better tho.
The letters of this one are all smashed together, and they arent aligned properly.. it kinda makes my eyes bleed.
Nicely done, gotta say i like the old one better tho.
The letters of this one are all smashed together, and they arent aligned properly.. it kinda makes my eyes bleed.

You can modify the text. And the font.

May switch it to HTML so it looks better. Ill play around with it.
Sweet, keep us up to date! very curious about this, playing around with it as i type this..
If HTML is possible that would be cool!

ok, changed it up. got the display working and formatted like the dialog.

Setup is a touch easier:
description.ext changes:
Add below - class RscPicture { };
#include "Dialogs\Common\DialogColorConstants.hpp"
#include "Dialogs\DialogColorScheme.hpp"
#include "Dialogs\Common\DialogControlClasses.hpp"
class RscTitles {
#include "Dialogs\DB2DZ.hpp"

player_spawn_2.sqf changes:
Add where hint silent is:
call {execVM "Dialogs\DB2DZ.sqf"};
and comment out the Hint (or remove it).

If you want to change the text:
open DB2DZ.sqf and locate: parseText format
the section after that is exactly like the current debug script but re-formatted to fit in the smaller box. Also make sure you change _servername to your server name!

<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='center'>%10</t>
<t size='1.25' font='Bitstream' ><br />%1<br /><br /></t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' color='#ff0000' >Blood: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%2</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Humanity: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%3</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Headshots: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%4</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Murders:  </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%5</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%6</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%7</t>
<t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='left' ><br />Zombies (alive/total): <t size='1' font='Bitstream' align='right' >%9/%8</t>"


I can add a HTML box so you can have a HTML page splash then flip to the main window after hiding the HTML box.

Basically you would call the HTML page via a script:
call {execVM "Dialogs\DB2DZ_HTML.sqf"};
that would rely on the same framework so just an extra file + the HTML file for splash screens. have a small delay on it fading out and it would be good to go.

What Size is reasonable? about the size of the Debug Box? or something bigger?
Seems I have a few errors to work though and a few more changes to make.

Known issues:
mini-map doesn't work /sigh
Issue with script not restarting when you disconnect to lobby
ADD THIS TO init.sqf IN THE "if (!isDedicated) then {" SECTION - should correct the issue.​
if (!isNil{uiNameSpace getVariable 'DB2DZ_IDD_Debug2_DZ'}) then {
uiNameSpace setVariable ['DB2DZ_IDD_Debug2_DZ', nil];


    15.1 KB · Views: 54
Thanks for trying, but my map does not work.
A debug monitor is just at the point where the radar is located.
And now the hard loot bag to shift
Thanks for trying, but my map does not work.
A debug monitor is just at the point where the radar is located.
And now the hard loot bag to shift

it can be moved, just required editing, I'll make an update that puts it around where the other one was, probably just above the ear. but not covering any of the UI up.

Yes the map does not work due to how the update for the code works, I'd have to make it a seperate control and have it draw more often then the current one. Basically it worked before when I was calling the monitor all the time but it would flicker.

as for the last thing I have no idea what you mean.
@craft i do not believe your issue is namalisk i am almost certain it is because of i am running same host and have the same problem i recommend finding a new default mission file and going from there
@Moses it has nothing to do with I got 2 servers from there and it works just fine.

use this code for Namalisk

open mission\fixes\variables.sqf

select all and delete.

replace with the following code

//Model Variables
Bandit1_DZ =    "Bandit1_DZ";
BanditW1_DZ =    "BanditW1_DZ";
Survivor1_DZ =    "Survivor2_DZ";
Survivor2_DZ =    "Survivor2_DZ";
SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
Sniper1_DZ =    "Sniper1_DZ";
Camo1_DZ =        "Camo1_DZ";
Soldier1_DZ    =        "Soldier1_DZ";
Rocket_DZ    =        "Rocket_DZ";
CamoWinter_DZN    =    "CamoWinter_DZN";
CamoWinterW_DZN    =    "CamoWinterW_DZN";
Sniper1W_DZN    =    "Sniper1W_DZN";
dayz_combatLog = "";
//Hunting Variables
dayZ_partClasses = [
    //"PartGeneric",    //No need to add, it is default for everything
dayZ_explosiveParts = [
//Survival Variables
SleepFood =                2160; //minutes (48 hours)
SleepWater =            1440; //minutes (24 hours)
SleepTemperatur    =        90 / 100;    //Firs Value = Minutes untill Player reaches the coldest Point at night (without other effects! night factor expected to be -1)            //TeeChange
//Server Variables
dayZ_hivePipe1 =        "\\.\pipe\dayz";    //The named pipe
dayZ_hivePipeAuth =    "\\.\pipe\dayzAuth";    //The named pipe
hiveInUse    =            false;
allowConnection =        false;
isSinglePlayer =        false;
dayz_serverObjectMonitor = [];
//Streaming Variables (player only)
dayz_Locations = [];
dayz_locationsActive = [];
Dayz_GUI_R = 0.38; // 0.7
Dayz_GUI_G = 0.63; // -0.63
Dayz_GUI_B = 0.26; // -0.26
//Player self-action handles
dayz_resetSelfActions = {
    s_player_fire =            -1;
    s_player_cook =            -1;
    s_player_fireout =        -1;
    s_player_butcher =        -1;
    s_player_packtent =    -1;
    s_player_fillwater =    -1;
    s_player_fillwater2 =    -1;
    s_player_fillfuel =    -1;
    s_player_grabflare =    -1;
    s_player_removeflare =    -1;
    s_player_painkiller =    -1;
    s_player_studybody =    -1;
    s_build_Sandbag1_DZ =    -1;
    s_build_Hedgehog_DZ =    -1;
    s_build_Wire_cat1 =        -1;
    s_player_deleteBuild =    -1;
    s_player_forceSave =    -1;
call dayz_resetSelfActions;
//Engineering variables
s_player_lastTarget =    objNull;
s_player_repairActions = [];
//Initialize Medical Variables
r_interrupt =            false;
r_doLoop =                false;
r_self =                false;
r_self_actions =        [];
r_drag_sqf =            false;
r_action =                false;
r_action_unload =        false;
r_player_handler =        false;
r_player_handler1 =    false;
r_player_dead =        false;
r_player_unconscious =    false;
r_player_infected =        false;
r_player_injured =        false;
r_player_inpain =        false;
r_player_loaded =        false;
r_player_cardiac =        false;
r_fracture_legs =        false;
r_fracture_arms =        false;
r_player_vehicle =        player;
r_player_blood =        12000;
r_player_lowblood =    false;
r_player_timeout =        0;
r_player_bloodTotal =    r_player_blood;
r_public_blood =        r_player_blood;
r_player_bloodDanger =    r_player_bloodTotal * 0.2;
r_player_actions =        [];
r_handlerCount =        0;
r_action_repair =        false;
r_action_targets =        [];
r_pitchWhine =            false;
r_isBandit =            false;
USEC_woundHit    = [
DAYZ_woundHit    = [
DAYZ_woundHit_ok = [
USEC_MinorWounds    = [
USEC_woundPoint    = [
    ["aimpoint"], //,"RightShoulder","LeftShoulder"
USEC_typeOfWounds = [
//Initialize Zombie Variables
dayz_zombieTargetList = [
dayzHit = [];
dayzPublishObj = [];        //used for eventhandler to spawn a mirror of players tent
dayzHideBody = objNull;
//DayZ settings
dayz_dawn = 6;
dayz_dusk = 18;
dayz_maxAnimals = 2;
DAYZ_agentnumber = 0;
dayz_animalDistance = 800;
dayz_zSpawnDistance = 1000;
dayz_maxLocalZombies = 40;
dayz_spawnPos = getPosATL player;
if(isDedicated) then {
    dayz_disco = [];
if(isServer) then {
    dayz_players = [];
    dead_bodyCleanup = [];
    needUpdate_objects = [];
if(!isDedicated) then {
    //Establish Location Streaming
    _funcGetLocation =
        for "_i" from 0 to ((count _this) - 1) do
            private ["_location","_config","_locHdr","_position","_size","_type"];
            //Get Location Data from config
            _config =    (_this select _i);
            _locHdr =    configName _config;
            _position = getArray    (_config >> "position");
            _size =    getNumber    (_config >> "size");
            _type =    getText        (_config >> "type");
            //Find the Location
            _location = nearestLocation [_position, _type];
            //Record details
            dayz_Locations set [count dayz_Locations, [_location,_locHdr,_size]];
    _cfgLocation = configFile >> "CfgTownGeneratorNamalsk";
    _cfgLocation call _funcGetLocation;
    dayz_buildingMonitor = [];    //Buildings to check
    dayz_bodyMonitor = [];
    dayz_flyMonitor = [];        //used for monitor flies
    dayz_baseTypes =        getArray (configFile >> dayzNam_buildingLoot >> "Default" >> "zombieClass");
    //temperature variables
    dayz_temperatur        =    36;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturnormal    =    36;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturmax        =    42;        //TeeChange
    dayz_temperaturmin        =    27;        //TeeChange
    //player special variables
    dayZ_lastPlayerUpdate = 0;
    dayZ_everyonesTents =    [];
    dayz_hunger    =            0;
    dayz_thirst =            0;
    dayz_combat =            0;
    dayz_preloadFinished =    false;
    dayz_statusArray =        [1,1];
    dayz_disAudial =        0;
    dayz_disVisual =        0;
    dayz_firedCooldown =    0;
    dayz_DeathActioned =    false;
    dayz_canDisconnect =    true;
    dayz_damageCounter =    time;
    dayz_lastSave =            time;
    dayz_isSwimming    =        true;
    dayz_currentDay =        0;
    dayz_hasLight =        false;
    dayz_surfaceNoise =        0;
    dayz_surfaceType =        "None";
    dayz_noPenalty =        [];
    dayz_heavenCooldown =    0;
    deathHandled =            false;
    dayz_lastHumanity =        0;
    dayz_guiHumanity =        -90000;
    dayz_firstGroup =        group player;
    dayz_originalPlayer =    player;
    dayz_playerName =        "Unknown";
    dayz_sourceBleeding =    objNull;
    dayz_clientPreload =    false;
    dayz_panicCooldown =    0;
    dayz_areaAffect =        2;
    dayz_heartBeat =        false;
    dayzClickTime =            0;
    dayz_spawnDelay =        300;
    dayz_spawnWait =        -300;
    dayz_lootDelay =        3;
    dayz_lootWait =            -300;
    dayz_spawnZombies =        0;
    dayz_inVehicle =        false;
    dayz_Magazines =        [];
    dayzGearSave =            false;
    dayz_unsaved =            false;
    dayz_scaleLight =        0;
    dayzDebug = false;
    dayzState = -1;
    uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display',displayNull];
    //if (uiNamespace getVariable ['DZ_displayUI', 0] == 2) then {
    //    dayzDebug = true;

now follow the rest of the steps
Is there a way to make it so players can turn it off? Or maybe cycle throug different types, because some of my players want to see only their blood and humanity, and others want to see kills only etc