Recent content by d0pefish

  1. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    i think it was reported somewhere about a bandit and non-bandit not being able to enter the same vehicle. not sure if it's been fixed or if its a sarge-ai or dayz issue. sarge would probably be able to give you a better idea :)
  2. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    the chopper crashing sounds like the server_cleanup. check the RPT file for something along the lines of "killing a hacker"....if so, follow the instructions in the guide.
  3. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    from what Sarge told me, removing the lines puts in default values, you have to zero the numbers instead. for example: _check = [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp"],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"SAR_area_5_2"] call SAR_AI_mon_upd;
  4. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    in SAR_AI_init.sqf look for this line and alter accordingly // time after which dead AI bodies are deleted SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 120; // 2 minutes
  5. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    this spawns, but i haven't been able to see what heli's to check if they are all random, but by all means feel free to use this as a base: //HELI ARRAY LIST _heli_list = ["UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ","MH60S","Mi24_D","AH64D"]; // define the type of heli you want to use here for the heli patrols...
  6. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    i'd assume it would be something similar to how the bandit/survivor skin list is used. have an array, when it's spawned it picks a random one. i might go play about too :) one thing i'm not sure about, is if it picks the heli_type once, then creates all spawns, or checks it every spawn. so...
  7. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    my guess (though no idea if it'd work) would be to have the array of heli's above that, and then the actual heli_type picks a random one from that array, as i'm assuming that line can only accept one heli_type. so something like heli_option[1] = ["UH1H_DZ"] heli_option[2] = ["Mi17_DZ"]...
  8. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    also, when did the AI start talking?! scared the hell out of me as i thought i'd forgotten to password protect my server again!!!
  9. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    hey Sarge, attached my updated lingor grps. auto spawns now include a mix of soldiers/survivors and bandits and increased count/chance of each. the heli patrols are now extended in range, and spawn with a random chance of soldier or bandit. i was tempted to do random amounts of the auto spawns...
  10. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    ah cool, thanks. and sorry, didn't realise that about the heli's i thought the marker point was where it spawned from. so choppers should be working. one suggestion, is it possible to move some of the user-configurable settings in to a separate file that might not need updating as much? if...
  11. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    i know i asked this before, but not sure if i'm right. will floor(random 2)+1; give either 2 or 3 as a return, or could it also give 0? not sure if the random 2 will count 1,2 or 0,1,2 as potential? sorry!
  12. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    ok i tell a lie, it did spawn, but it seemed to spawn on the edge of the co-ords, not the actual marker. i could hear a chopper in the distance. will try putting back down to 50,50 and seeing if it spawns. either way, looks to be a weird one-off!
  13. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    hmm my chopper spawns still aren't working with 1.0.3 i commented out all of them and left just the prison one : _this = createMarker ["SAR_patrol_prison", [3024.6147, 7969.0239]]; _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; _this setMarkeralpha 0; _this setMarkerType "Flag"; _this setMarkerBrush...
  14. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    ah cool :)
  15. D

    SARGE AI Framework - Public Release

    is this the heli spawn bug? i was beginning to think i'd screwed up something rotten :P