Open DayZ Community

Hi there, does this problem happen even without touching the relations settings? During my playtesting in Elektro, where there can be 2-3 intersecting patrol AI groups, I've never seen them attack each other. Do the AI go free for all or is it like team vs team? If using default settings doesn't work, send me the files you modified and I'll take a look.
Just managed to fix it, not sure what I did lol. Anyways, quick question if u dont mind. is there a way to increase the distance the player has to be from the trigger. and also in the config file for the map type, is there a way to define the side, so resistance or east etc.
Im looking at using the triggers, because I dont want my AI all over the map, just around 2 towns, I have turned into bases :) Loving how lag free it is compared to sarges
Found the loot tables, thats good :p
Im thinking the spawn in range is part of this
_this setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, false];
The AI sides are set in the spawnBandits_bldgs, _markers, _random, and _random_NR if you're using the 0.06 test version. I've left the sides hardcoded because I wanted to avoid any chance of reaching the 144 group/side limit. The largest config files have 70-80 triggers, so that is 80 groups already.
Depending on how many randomly-spawned triggers are configured, there may be 10-30 more groups spawned (110 total). If you want to change the sides, just make sure you won't reach 144 groups/side. I have no AI added to West (player side) since I haven't added any features to account for players attacking friendly units.
Also I'm surprised you mention there is less lag compared to Sarge's AI. It's probably because DZAI uses an ultra-simple patrol script instead of UPSMON. The patrols are a simple circle that is randomly clockwise or randomly clockwise, with a 33% chance of jumping to a random waypoint to break the predictability.
Also, you guessed correctly about the trigger distance. If you want to add spawn points, make sure you have a way of separating the ones you added and the default ones, since I have a habit of changing around triggers with each version. If you find that there's something that needs to be changed with the existing spawns (too little/much?) please contact me about it.
Ok so, I have my AI all set up, they spawn in beautifully, fight great aswell. The only issue im still having is, that when they have despawned, they are not spawning back in when you go back to the trigger area. Any ideas? Sorry for constantly harressing you :p
Well, that's confusing. I've tested the despawn/respawn scripts to hell and back and I've never had that happen. Have you tried to enable debug markers to locate the AI? Certain areas in the map don't have a minimum number of AI to spawn, so sometimes you can have anywhere from zero to 3 (for example) AI spawning.
I re-read your message. If it's an AI spawn you added, can you copy over the parameters you used to call the spawning script? I just want to see if its an issue of misunderstanding or if there is something wrong with the script.
Sooo it wont let me paste the code here, not enough space.

So ive put the two pages ive changed on pastebin

Ive not edited anything else, tho I do intend to change the weapon loot table, that seems easy enough tho,

It could just be because my server is always 50/50 so the lag can get a bit much, even my heli's dont spawn on time when it gets like that
I haven't playtested Panthera (I think that's what you're running) so I don't know if there are issues with its default trigger configs. I can only suggest you turn on debug level 2 and make sure the despawn script runs without problems. Once the despawn script has run, the trigger should be able to spawn AI as if it were activated for the first time.
Another thing, the reason I suggested to use the debug markers is to make sure that the AI aren't being spawned off in the middle of nowhere. This used to happen incredibly often in cramped areas such as in Namalsk. Since I use BIS_fnc_findSafePos to select a spawn location with the building-spawned AI script, if the function can't find a clear location, it simply spits out the AI in the middle of the map.