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  1. P

    DZAI Adaptation for ArmA 3 Epoch (News, Updates, Information)

    We miss you Buttface the Arma community is not the same with out you.
  2. P

    [Mod] Arma 3 DeadZ

    So are you still working on this?
  3. P

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    It really sucks that one of the best mods out there was given up on.
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    For now I just deleted the whole player_remove so people don't abuse the glitch.
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    I have it working except the player cant delete the items that they place down.
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    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Anyone using basebuilding 1.3 in this pack? I need a working player_remove items that are removed come back after restart I wasn't sure if anyone fixed this issue?
  7. P

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    Thanks for the help I am just going to remove the remove option so people cant glitch the stuff. That will solve my problem for now.
  8. P

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    Ok I pasted this at the end of player remove and it still didn't work.
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    Like i said there is not a player_remove in the compile I opened @epoch found dayz_code unpacked it went to compile and its not there. Just download it and you can see its not there. I have been installing scripts for a while. I am not the best but I understand where everything is.
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    I don't see a player removed like in the building files i see a remove in actions.
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    What do i change it to?
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    Anyone get the building items to stay gone after they are removed after a restart for epoch people are starting to abuse this bad on my server.
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    Blur Gaming Custom Spawn Tutorial

  14. P

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Sorry if I missed it but does anyone have a player_spawnCheck.sqf"; for the basebuilding 1.3? I don't want gear to spawn at the buildings that people build.
  15. P

    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    ya every time i do it, it stops the who server from spawning gear and zs anyone have a working player_spawnCheck.sqf"; i just want gear not to spawn at the buildings that they build.
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    Blur Gaming Custom Spawn Tutorial

    Has anyone got the music working with just the para spawn instead of every time you log in?
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    DayZ Base Building 1.3 Discussion

    What can i do to stop gear from spawning in the buildings?
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    Selling DZAI Land Vehicles

    All good :D
  19. P

    Selling DZAI Land Vehicles

    no it doesn't it works fine just add this in DZAI\spawn_functions\spawn_vehPatrol and the clean up and it works fine trust me its working fine on my server. _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; _vehicle setVariable ["ObjectID","1"]; _vehicle setVariable ["ObjectUID","1"];
  20. P

    Selling DZAI Land Vehicles

    I got it there is a clean up when the AI get out of vehicles 900 sec change it to what you want.