60sec Godmode on spawn HELP

Yes still need help :p and I would greatly appreciate it.
remove however your calling godstart.sqf and at the very bottom of your init.sqf add this
waitUntil{!isNil "dayzPlayerLogin"};
waitUntil{count (dayzPlayerLogin) > 1};
if (dayzPlayerLogin select 4) then {
    execVM "godstart.sqf";
remove however your calling godstart.sqf and at the very bottom of your init.sqf add this
waitUntil{!isNil "dayzPlayerLogin"};
waitUntil{count (dayzPlayerLogin) > 1};
if (dayzPlayerLogin select 4) then {
    execVM "godstart.sqf";

Thanks for the help, however this does not work. It does not give Godmode only to fresh spawns nor does it give godmode to any other player on spawn. Of course all I want is only for fresh spawns but yeah this does nothing. Thanks anyways :D
I will see if I have something for you in a bit, it should work correctly with what you are looking to do
Thanks for the help, however this does not work. It does not give Godmode only to fresh spawns nor does it give godmode to any other player on spawn. Of course all I want is only for fresh spawns but yeah this does nothing. Thanks anyways :D

Okay - Try this, if either don't work it should set you in the right direction, this is telling the server basically when the person is a fresh spawn.

First go to your dayz_server.pbo and go towards the bottem and change the line

dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state];
to this
dayzPlayerLogin2 = [_worldspace,_state, _randomSpot];

Or whatever it is, add _randomSpot (Basicly thats what fresh spawn is)

Then in your init.sqf have one of these two
(Both are for different versions of dayz, you might just have to play with the name of it because it changed in version of dayz and I know you are using fallujah which is older and so is utes.
(might have to look around dayz code or server pbo to find correct values.

//Fresh Spawn- God Mode
God_Mode = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "godstart.sqf";
//Wait until Spawned in
waitUntil { !isNil ("PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord") and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and
typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and
(typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or
typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and
!(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and
(typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or
typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") ) };
if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
    player spawn God_Mode;
//OR THIS (Different versions of dayz, you might have to find the name for login - PVDZ_plr_LoginRecord
//Fresh Spawn- God Mode
God_Mode = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "godstart.sqf";
if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] spawn {
        waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck") and  !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and (typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and (typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") ) };
        if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
            player spawn God_Mode;

Let me know if you get it working or have and questions
I wonder if you could hide the player entirely. Some people started getting creative and just running people over sending them flying into the ocean. I don't know if it would hide the player entirely but something like
_nic = [nil, player, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE;