A few ideas


New Member
Hey guys im sorry for my terrible grammar.
This thread is just a few suggestions i thought up so feel free to critique them as you see fit.

Limited fuel.

Well skimming the forums here i see time and time again the mention of road warrior so why not make more of road warrior part of dayz 2017? Fuel is a valuable resource for groups and often in normal dayz is taken for granted as it can be easily obtained (to easily) my idea is that allot of the fuel stations be dry forcing people into choke points and possible ambushes the next idea is to make fuel limited, YES LIMITED by that i mean that each time a server resets there is a set amount of fuel in each gas station forcing people to ration it and cause even more tension between groups of players.

The next few ideas are probly ones you may think are less likely to be added but they are just small ideas.


The ability to make traps i mean more then just bare traps but perhaps some others that you can be really hurt from like shotgun or crossbow traps. that might be a stupid idea but yeah just ideas :p

Rotting food.

Im surprised no one has mentioned this before (if someone has sorry :p)
Making food rot after a set amount of time in someones inventory would be crazy and make things even more difficult. the foods that could rot would be things that are perishable like meat and things like that not canned food or canned soda.

A few more guns.

Atm with the amount of guns there are i think it gets a little redundent finding the same ones over and over but if people always have something new to find then they will stay longer. some gun ideas would be guns that are very reliable and found very common in third world countries such as the ak47 i know this has been posted like a million times but i just want to add it is a great idea

Adding inventory to boats.

atm no one uses boats at all because they dont have an inventory if they had the ability to hold items it would make them a more viable.

Any ways thats all guys i would love any feed back from you!
Some good tips thanks. The boats idea is simple but great. The fuel is also on my list and I agree is a really good element.
Maybe fuel tanks should hold 1000L of fuel (Enough for one full chopper), and spawn with 100-1000 on a restart. (Increments of 20 though)
I was actually discussing this with my clan mate before i saw this thread.
The "slightly more" amount of fuel amounts: 2000L Capacity, Spawn with 500-2000.
Maybe fuel tanks should hold 1000L of fuel (Enough for one full chopper), and spawn with 100-1000 on a restart. (Increments of 20 though)
I was actually discussing this with my clan mate before i saw this thread.
The "slightly more" amount of fuel amounts: 2000L Capacity, Spawn with 500-2000.
Something like that would probly be cool maybe for different levels of difficulty per server their could be different amounts like a easy server would have 1000L but an expert would only have 200L.
i guess it all depends on how much peoples servers reset and how real/hard they want to play it. :D

On mine, I have it set to 12 hour restarts, and:
Third person: On
Crosshairs: Off
Nameplates: Off
Death Messages: Off
Care Packages/Wrecks/HeliCrashes: Off
Kill Massages: Off

Only about 10-15 real vehicles, and maybe 10 bikes. No tanks.

I would force first person but I hear it makes some people sick, so I don't.

Doing anything I can to make it harder and more barren-wasteland-esqe.