A few problems with my server.


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm sorry I don't have much experience hosting Arma server, or messing with the game files. I'm hosting a Vanilla 1.8.5 server, which is currently live (dj3hac.bounceme.net:2302). I'm running BEC 1.608, and using the pwnoz0r launcher / mysql package.

I seem to be having two problems with the database, vehicles will not spawn, and my character specifically seems to not update properly. I can drop my gear and change location, I will spawn back where I was with my gear again. The gear that I dropped will properly save and stay on the server. Other players seems to sync alright.

I have PrivateHiveTools V2.0 By Nightmare installed. I was able to spawn in one SUV (SUV_TK_EP1) and a MK12 SPR using the hive tools.

Should the vehicles spawn naturally, or should I have a script to spawn them somewhere?
What should I do about banned weapons & vehicles? I would like to have some extra things that are banned by default.

There is very little information on 1.8.5 out there, so I really appreciate any help I can get here.
I believe vehicles only spawn using a php script that runs every so many hours/days ... whenever. I will post one in a few hours. ...

they are banned .. means you cant use them ... congratulations on selecting dayz 1.8.5 .... this is why people use Epoch, nothing is banned.

What do you mean by the gear that you dropped will properly save and stay on the server? When the server restarts, your dropped gear should not be saved anywhere, it should disappear.
Thank you so much for helping me with spawning vehicles!

What I meant when I said that my dropped gear saves is that if I put my gear on the ground, or in a vehicle and relog it will still be where I put it when I get back on the server. However, I with then have a copy if that gear on my player. And my position won't update if a move and relog. Ex; I drove an suv from gvozdno to pobeda dam and logged out. When I logged back in my player was still in gvozdno, and the suv was at pobeda. Any gear I had picked up along the way disappeared and was replaced with the same M4A1 and raw meat I've been stuck with for days.

I chose vanilla dayz for a number of reasons, mainly because it's the lightest version of DayZ, apart from dayzero. The server computer isn't exactly the strongest machine, a new server machine is currently in the works. This server is only for myself and one other person to play a rather lengthy game of cat and mouse, so bases, traders, safe zones, and all the other stuff that lags is not needed. But since we've been playing dayz since the stone age more weapons and vehicles are definitely welcome.

If there no way that I can unban the banned stuff? Is that battleye, or the mod banning these items? I'd rather stick to the vanilla mod and not have to make some weird hybrid just to get the vehicles and guns unbanned. I understand that a lot of the more intimate modifications to the game will require the client download updated mod files, which would make random player drop-ins impossible.

Again, thank you so much for your help. (sorry if the formatting is bad, I'm using my phone @ work)
Banned vehicles and Weapons:
On the server and client, the @dayz folder that contains the actual game mod files must be identical. There is a file for weapons, magazines, markers, ammo and vehicles that sets what is banned. You cannot alter this file without altering the mod. Here is a link to view the CfgWeapons file http://pastebin.com/3fGVWkie located at @DayZ\Addons\dayz_anim\CfgBanned\CfgWeapons.hpp. Every weapon listed here is banned. The ones that are not listed or are commented out with // are NOT banned. You can remove all items from these files and then nothing will be banned. Simple. BUT then nobody can join your server unless they have the same matching file as you have in fact now created your own custom mod.
If you are running a server for just you and your friends, edit the dayz_anim.pbo file on the server and copy it to your @dayz client folder and give the file to your friends who will play on your server. BUT now if you go to join a different dayz server your files will not match theirs and you will not be able to join. The solution is to create a separate folder with your custom mod and load that instead of the @dayz mod when playing your own server.
... but remember, with modified files the random players will not have your files and will not experience the same game as you. The vehicles that are unbanned by you will be visible and usable by you but the random player will see you flying through the air in an invisible car or heli.
Short story: No, you cannot unban items and still have random players join your server .. they could, but it would not be a functioning server for anyone without the modified files. Install Epoch, delete the trader cities. I actually have an Overpoch server almost done that is rather interesting and is more like Dayz than Epoch.

Light Server Load:
All dayz mods are created equally based from the original dayz mod. They add more stuff, but the only things that really affect server performance is the number of vehicles, number of AI and number of zombies. All those are within your control regardless of the mod you are running.
As for server requirements, they are generally greatly exagerrated. If you check your server usage you will see it is using practically zero cpu and at MOST it will use is 2 GB of ram. That is a hard coded upper limit, Dayz cannot and will not benefit from additional ram (the OS and other things running of course need their own cpu and ram allocation). With a dozen players .. 1gb of ram on a dual core server will be WAY WAY WAY too much. That is another hard coded limit, 2 cpu cores, Arma uses a single core and then can overflow into a second core but thats it ... 2 gb ram, 2 cores. Two players, 20 players or 50 players .. thats all the server will ever utilize so anyone touting that you need a quad core cpu with 16 gb of ram is full of crap. Again, keep in mind that the OS and other stuff you run also need resources. Disable EVERYTHING that is not required.

Original Gear Issue:
Your gear and player data is not being saved to the database. To test, find your character in the database, find some weapon or drop all your gear and then check the database again. It will still contain the same original gear. You think that this only happens for you, not other players? THAT is very odd. Is your gear assigned in the init.sqf or some other file during server startup or is it retrieved from the database? Just wondering where your gear is coming from. Edit the gear in your database, does the new edited loadout appear when you log in? or is it the same stuff? We are trying to find out if the gear is being overwritten when you start. Perhaps you have something like a donor gear script that is supposed to give certain players a specific gearset? And its hosed up and resetting your gear every time you log in?
Other debuggin options ...
Open your hiveext.ini file and find the line that says:
;Possible values: trace, debug, information, notice, warning, error, critical, fatal, none
;They are sorted by importance (low to high), with trace being the most verbose, and none would turn off logging
;This controls both the file output level, and the console output level
;Level = information
and change the last line to
level = trace
make sure you remove the semicolon at the front of the line. Now start your server, log in, drop your gear and find new gear to pick up. What does the hiveext.log say?
I just logged in / out, moved around, dropped stuff, etc. My position didn't save. My gear reappeared in my inventory, but was still on the ground.

This is the HiveExt.log file from when I first connected: http://pastebin.com/JeskUTvV

Could perhaps the private hive tools be breaking something? I did TP myself a few times.
this error is throughout the files. its,connexting,to,the db okay though.

15-05-23 10:31:06 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:201:1:[219,[9679.51,13522.5,0.00345612]]:[["Binocular","UZI_EP1","ItemKnife","ItemMatchbox","ItemFlashlight","ItemMachete","ItemMap","ItemWatch","ItemCompass","ItemToolbox","ItemEtool","ItemHatchet","MeleeCrowbar"],["ItemMorphine","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled","ItemPainkiller","FoodbeefRaw","FoodbeefRaw","FoodbeefRaw","FoodbeefRaw","FoodbeefRaw","FoodbeefRaw","ItemAntibacterialWipe","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","30Rnd_9x19_UZI","30Rnd_9x19_UZI","30Rnd_9x19_UZI"],"M4A1"]:["DZ_British_ACU",[[],[]],[["ItemSodaLirik","ItemSodaSmasht","ItemHeatPack","equip_duct_tape","ItemPainkiller","ItemSodaPeppsy","equip_lever","ItemSodaSmashtEmpty","Attachment_Kobra"],[1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[0,0],<null>,[0,0,0],false]:false:false:0:0:0:0:[["MeleeCrowbar","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon_gear",42],[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]]:0:0::0:|
and there are some trace lines that show the actual sql but i am on my cellphone and cant read it properly.
but there you go, error with child 201 hive call which looks like its updating player data.

possible solutions

child 201 is located in compile/player_sync.sqf in notepad++ Install the compare plugin and compare yours with the original for errors. you can of course just visually compare the two but you WILL use the compare plugin in the future ... often here is the original code. this MIGHT also be in,another file, better check using your notepad++ "find in files" function
if (!isNull _character) then {
            if (alive _character) then {
                //Wait for HIVE to be free
                //Send request
                _key = format["CHILD:201:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:",_characterID,_playerPos,_playerGear,_playerBackp,_medical,false,false,_kills,_headShots,_distanceFoot,_timeSince,_currentState,_killsH,_killsB,_currentModel,_humanity];
                //diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key) + " / " + _characterID);
                _key call server_hiveWrite;

did you edit any server files when you had to install the admin hacks? if so, double check what you were supposed to change matches what you did actually change.

perhaps that tool is outdated, i have seen it but never heard of anyone using it. maybe it has you insert outdated code
I'm assuming that player_sync.sqf is supposed to be located at: (dayz_code.pbo/compile/player_sync.sqf)? In either case the file is not there. So I'm guessing that either that path is wrong, or they've done away with the file. I have noticed that a lot of older tutorials reference files that no longer exist in newer versions of DayZ, it probably goes without saying that I was unable to edit the file player_sync.sqf because of this.

Also, I forgot to mention this until now; the vehicle spawn script you gave me is throwing the following errors:
Deleting damaged vehicles
Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\respawn.php on line 32
Respawning vehicles
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\respawn.php on line 35

I didn't have to edit any files on the game server when I installed the admin tools, I just had to put in db login information. I understand though, that it could have still messed something up by inserting outdated item names or whatever.

Maybe its best to just start from scratch with all the proper tools in the beginning, I'm pretty sure that initially I was using a combination of 1.8.5 and 1.8.4 files, which could have muffed something. what do you think?
Thats odd .. because here is a screenshot showing the file and the file location ... You should have assumed that I was mistaken on the name .. its server_playersync.sqf :D


Not sure what the differences were between 1.8.4 and 1.8.5 but they are making BIG changes every update now ... server breaking changes. So I wouldn't mix anything and all the scripts need to be revised to fit the new file structure.

The errors where it says "expects mysqli_result" returned boolean means that the sql query did not return a valid result array. My bad .. (actually its YOUR bad for trusting me). That script was for dayz 1.8 or earlier .. the names of the tables and columns have changed to match epoch so we would have to edit the script which isnt a big deal.

I had a thought that somebody must have created a spawn script and posted it so I did a search and lo and behold, there is actually one one in the repository http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.5/ .. experimentalspawnscript.rar
I downloaded it and looked quickly, its not a php script, its a bunch of sql scripts you have to execute on your database I think. Its going to add some procedures that get run on server restart just like pmain does , which is actually updated with this script.
So I would copy the database, and run all these on the backup, see what happens.
I did try the experimental spawn script a few days ago. all the scripts ran, but nothing changed. when i connect to the db with navicat all the functions are still there :s
The if statement for child 201 looks okay, I'm going to try killing the character. Starting with a new one may help, if it does work I will try to recreate the problem.
Killing my character seems to have done the trick. I was unable to recreate the problem with the admin tools, so I guess that's fixed. I'm not exactly happy that it was so simple and I didn't try it sooner and wasted your time. My only remaining problem is the vehicle spawning issue, I will continue to fiddle with this.




I may or may not have noticed a missing file in the db and placed it in there, all seems well now. I cannot thank you enough ShootingBlanks for helping me out, especially since all of my problems turned out to be stupid mistakes :p
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Been there, Done that .. :rolleyes: .. Have been all day figuring out something that was just an oversight .. many times.
I think people feel I am treating them like retards when I ask if they have done the obvious things .. but sometimes we overlook the obvious because its such a complicated system.

I noticed that some of those files had some comments on how to edit the spawns .. Poke around and see what you can change, locations, number, types etc .. I can install them into a local DB and test them, its interesting to see how it all works out. I dislike the epoch random spawns and this can maybe be utilized.