A second look at my Mission PBO

The Fuzz

Hello guys,
I have read a lot of the post in this section along with the guides at the day.St wiki and am still having issues trying to get my server to cooperate with me when it comes to editing the pbo's with notepad++. I have documented what I did and I hope that someone can point out what I'm doing wrong on this.

Step1: Download my
default mission & server pbo from the control panel options.Step2: Download pboviewer from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1434 #2 install it in a folder I call dayz server.Step3: Move the two pbos into the folder called dayz server and unpack the pbos. The only thing in the folder called sayz server now is dayz_Mission(folder),dayz_Server(folder),Mission.pbo,server.pbo Pbo view, binary.dll,texture.ddl,PboView.xml

Step4: I use note pad++ to edit the files inside dayz_Mission to add a custom loading screen & the auto refuel script. (http://sponsored.dayz.st/wiki/index.php?title=Custom_Load_Screen ,

Step5:I repack the dayz_mission folder using Pbo view and it shows up as a AO mission pbo

Step6: I upload it via the dayz.St CP and restart my server.

Step7: After the server has a ping again in Day Commander I attempt to connect

Step8: I then get a dayz loading screen, that changes to “waiting for host”, after about 5 mins on this screen I look at the server console logs and the file is empty with 0 B as the size in FTP.

Step9: I restore default pbo and restart server loading in just fine.

I have tried Uploading the default pbo juts as I had down loaded it from Dayz.St ( worked fine). So I am thinking its when I repack my mission pbo file that I’m doing something wrong. I have attached it below I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look at it. The file below I can confirm will send me to waiting for host for some period of time.



  • dayz_mission.pbo
    982.3 KB · Views: 71
respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 5;
onLoadMission= "DayZ Chernarus";
OnLoadIntro = "Welcome to Chernarus";
OnLoadIntroTime = False;
OnLoadMissionTime = False;
disabledAI = true;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
onPauseScript = "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_onPause.sqf";
loadScreen = "Photos\SCEDayZ.jpg";

This is from your description.ext. Notice how you have duplicate entries on line 1 and 13. This is not necessary and may be an issue. I would attempt removing line 1 and seeing if that helps at all. I am by no means knowledgeable on this subject. However, this is just something that stuck out to me.