Adding a item class


Hey guys...

I want to add a custom item to the game, so I prepared a .paa and .p3d file and put it in my mission.pbo.

In order to setup the new item, I included the item.hpp (located in my mission.pbo) to the description.etx

#include "path\to\my\item.hpp"

As it is supposed to be handled like a trash-item, I put the following code in the item.hpp...

class CfgMagazines {
    class TrashTinCan;
    class ItemAwesome : TrashTinCan {
        scope = public;
        count = 1;
        displayName = "Itemname";
        descriptionShort = "Long description";
        model = "path\to\my\item.p3d";
        picture = "path\to\my\item.paa";
        type = 256;

Ingame-Error: no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.ItemAwesome'

What am I missing?!
It has to be added to your client files, config.bin. You need to use unwrap to open it, and then rewrap it with a valid BIS signature. Then you have to have everyone who plays on your server download those client files after changing the mod files that are on your server.

All in all, it can't be done from the serverside, it has to be done from the clientside which means a new version of the mod.
Ok, I understand that there is no way of putting even small single assets into the missionfile? The only way is to wrap it as a mod and make the player download it. Which is basicly the same thing as downloading the missionfile and that is not signed and validated in any way as I see it... strange world this is...
They purposefully restricted it that way for arma 2, that you can only edit certain things from the description.ext and included files.

Unfortunately, it's just how it is.