Adding automatic messages/messages about server restarts

Yeah, those look to me like just the initial messages when you log in. I'm not sure what else to suggest though, you could try loading the file I postbined yesterday and see if it works. If it doesn't there's probably a problem somewhere else, and not in the scheduler itself
How were you able to enter your time of message as an actual time, and not how many hours after the server came back up?+whats the use of the delay line
How the <time> value works and needs to be setup, depends whether or not you decide to enable the <loop>

<job id="3">
                <cmd>say -1 EN:Games and Steam/Origin cards at low prices   ||</cmd>   

In this case, the loop function is enabled, and the time format is HHMMSS. All the delay does is to put a delay on the startup of the schedule/job. So this message will wait 10 minutes after restart, and then begin showing it every 20 minutes. It basically tells the server to wait X minutes/hours before starting the process.

while here:

 <job id="10">
                <cmd>say -1 IT:Questo server verrà restartato tra un minuto   EN:This server will restart in 1 min.</cmd>

the loop function is disabled, and the time format is HH:MM:SS. This message will show up every day at exactly 8:59 am. In this case remember to use 24hr time format.
Ahh i see, sorry to bombard you with questions, but does setting the time on the message go with the current time and timezone of your sever, or the server time, as some servers are day and night etc
No problem, I'm glad I can help. The time goes with the current server time, which depends on where the server is phisically hosted. For example, mine is hosted in Germany, so it would be 21.30 atm
by the way, untill you're able to figure this whole thing out, useing Gotcha to configure server messages is a valid option. It's quick and easy to setup, and your players will be warned before the server restarts. Little things like this can make a server population die quickly. The downside to gotcha, is that the program has to be open for it to work.. so you would have to leave your pc running 24/7 untill you fix your BEC problem
Think i found a workaround, but im not sure if itl work,
I edited the file that controls regular messages on the server:
hostname = "Dayz Saints | Epoch ( |250+ VEHICLES | ROAMING AI, AI MISSIONS AND AI BASES | ACTIVE ADMINS | AUTO REFUEL | NO PLOT POLES | CUSTOM BASES | TOWING/AIRLIFT | CUSTOM BUILDINGS | (";    // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "roflrofl";
maxPlayers = 30;
logFile = "server_log.txt";
voteThreshold = 0.33;
voteMissionPlayers = 3;
reportingIP = "";
timeStampFormat = "short";
motd[] = {
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server TS is ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server Restarts Every 2 Hours.",
    "Hacking will result in a permanent ban!",
    "The server will restart in 15 minutes. ",
    "Welcome to Dayz Saints Epoch server",
    "Be respectful to admins and other players",
    "Server restart in 6 minutes!",
    "Server Restart in 3 minutes!",
    "You should definitely be logged off by now.".
motdInterval = 180; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
kickduplicate = 1;
vonCodecQuality = 30;
disableVoN = 1;
verifySignatures = 0;
persistent = 1;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData =     "kick (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = "";
regularCheck = "";
requiredBuild = 103718;

class Missions
    class Mission1
        template = "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus";


120 Minutes, message every 3 minutes from the moment the server starts, 40 messages so that the list of messages doesnt run out, because they don't repeat, Boom

Thoughts?(Other than the obvious if i manually restart the server the messages wont sync properly)
Huh, seems like a smart idea. In theory, this should work without a hitch. Are all the messeges showing 3 minutes apart so far?

I'm not sure if those messages are triggered by the start of the server, or when each player connects to the server... If they are triggered seperetly for each player as they join, that would make them inaccurate and not synced. Worth a shot though
Last edited:
Christ i cant beleive i did that!, thanks! And il have to test in the morning when people are on the server, if i cant get my config cfg to work, i may try gotcha for a temp fix

Sorry for the late reply, been pretty busy lately, and yeah you were right, the messages corespond with the time the player has been on the server, not the time the server has been up, so players get different messages:(
Same here, so sorry if I didn't get back to you earlier. Still having trouble setting them up, or were you able to fix the problem?
Its a nightmare:(
but there is progress, there is finally an error in the log!
17:05:02 : Parsing the Schedular File Failed, Recheck The File
This has came up after A BEC file update with my server host
so i think its just an error in the file now
but i still dont know why its not working:(((
see any big problems?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows" standalone="yes" ?>


<job id="0">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 30 mins</cmd>

<job id="1">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 15 mins</cmd>

<job id="2">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 10 mins</cmd>

<job id="3">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 5 mins</cmd>

<job id="4">
        <cmd>say -1 Server will Auto restart in 1 min</cmd>