Adding furniture as buildables in DayZ Epoch


I was wondering if this is possible? Would be awesome to be able to build furniture inside your house/base. If any of you experienced scripters feel like giving it a go i'd be more then willing to help you in what way i can. I'm no scripter at all but with a little guidance i'd probably be able to offer some help. What i'm thinking is could it be possible to maybe like take the "script" or "code" for buildables in Epoch like walls and etc. and basically somehow convert this to furniture like chairs or something like that, like i've mentioned before i'm no scripter but i've started reading up about the topic tho. Maybe in the future i'll be able to give it a shot.
It would require a custom CfgMagazines.hpp which isn't possible without an entire new mod.
You would also have to include the new models which would have to be made.