Air raid - bombing and siren

Hello, first let me say thx for that cool plug !

I would like to know, since the last update, if i still can use the init.sqf to make it working ! If not, should i modify the server .pbo only or need i add this last update in addition of what 's already in my missionMP ?
Another thing, if i don't want to include that heli, can i use the last code on the last page and have the siren working ?

Thx, sry if my english isn't good.
Hello, first let met say thx for that cool plug !

I would like to know, since the last update, if i still can use the init.sqf to make it working ! If not, should i modify the server .pbo only or need i add this last update in addition of what 's already in my missionMP ?
Another thing, if i don't want to include that heli, can i use the last code on the last page and have the siren working ?

Thx, sry if my english isn't good.
Hey dude, glad you're interested!

1- I'm not sure if the init.sqf way will work - it should execute the script, but I worry that it may create duplicate sounds.
-->> so please test it! let me know!

2- I'm using the day_server.pbo to do it now, because of my concern about the duplicates. Don't switch unless init.sqf does not work. Add it in the same way as before, I am just changing the script itself, like an update.
--->> the dayz_server.pbo stuff is just extra crap I did for no reason, in other words, I think.

3- If you don't want the heli + ai spawns, use this updated script!
//      DayZ Air Raid written by                                                    //
//              mmmyum    with    work    from                                      //
// sirens: by DarkXess                    //
// bombs: by Maxjoiner                    //
/////////////////////////SETUP repeat and break
private ["_espl","_sound","_pos2","_pos2cnt","_seconds","_rndLoc","_place","_position","_choice","_duration","_xpos","_ypos","_targetpos","_loc","_target","_pos","_siren","_pos1","_choise","_ray","_dblsecs","_repeat","_break"];
sleep 10;
_repeat = 30;                            //times to repeat
_break = 120;                            //time to break between attacks
_position = [13135.9, 10393.3, 1.5]; //leave this
_xpos = 13135.9;
_ypos = 10393.3;
//repeat script
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Starting..."];
sleep 2;
While {_repeat > 1} do {
/////////////////////////SETUP position
//                                      enter positions below. format x,y,z
    _rndLoc=floor(random 6);
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {"Electro"};
      case 1: {"Berezino"};
      case 2: {"NEAF"};
      case 3: {"Stary"};
      case 4: {"Vybor"};
      case 5: {"Gorka"};
    diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Random Location: %1 | %2",_rndLoc,_place];
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {[10480.6, 2217.8, 1.5]};
      case 1: {[12043.9, 9091.3, 1.5]};
      case 2: {[12073.9, 12724.3, 1.5]};
      case 3: {[6143.6, 7721.5, 1.5]};
      case 4: {[3815.1, 8865.0, 1.5]};
      case 5: {[9659.0, 8795.3, 1.5]};
//////////////////////////SETUP type of bombing and duration
_choice = 1;
_duration = 60;
_xpos = _position select 0;
_ypos = _position select 1;
_targetpos = [_xpos, _ypos, 1.5];
_loc = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", _targetpos,[], 0, "NONE"];
_target = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _loc,[], 0, "NONE"];  // target bombing
sleep 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: INCOMING ATTACK: Sounding Siren at: %1 %2 | Repeat: %3| Type: %4 | Duration: %5",_xpos,_ypos,_repeat,_choice,_duration];
//sound siren
_pos = position _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: POS: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH",_pos,_targetpos];
_siren = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], 0, "NONE"];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
_pos1 = position _siren;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: SIREN: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX",_pos1,_targetpos];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 10;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 5;
//start bombing init
_choise = _choice;    // choise bombing: 1 = light 2 = medium 3 = heavy
_ray = 120;          // ray of bombing
_seconds = _duration; // time bombing
_dblsecs = _seconds * 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Bombing Area: %1 %2",_xpos,_ypos];
//start bombing
_pos2 = [getPosATL _siren];
While {_seconds > 1} do {
_sound = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], _ray, "NONE"];
[nil,_sound,rSAY,['mortar1', 3500]] call RE;
_pos2 set [_seconds, getPosATL _sound];
sleep 2;
If (_choise == 1) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_105_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 2) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_125_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 3) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["BO_GBU12_LGB",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
_pos2 = [_dblsecs,getPosATL _espl];
_pos2cnt = count _pos2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: BOMB: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX ||| debug arraycount %3 |",str(_pos2),_targetpos,_pos2cnt];
_seconds = _seconds - 1;
deletevehicle _sound;
sleep 60;
_repeat = _repeat - 1;
deletevehicle _espl;
deletevehicle _siren;
deletevehicle _loc;
deletevehicle _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Going down for sleep: Repeat:%1 | Sleep:%2",_repeat,_break];
sleep _break;                     

I have changed all the say commands to rSAY - so it should execute on all clients. Otherwise the same script, if you were getting bombs before, this should fix the sirens!
Hey dude, glad you're interested!

1- I'm not sure if the init.sqf way will work - it should execute the script, but I worry that it may create duplicate sounds.
-->> so please test it! let me know!

2- I'm using the day_server.pbo to do it now, because of my concern about the duplicates. Don't switch unless init.sqf does not work. Add it in the same way as before, I am just changing the script itself, like an update.
--->> the dayz_server.pbo stuff is just extra crap I did for no reason, in other words, I think.

3- If you don't want the heli + ai spawns, use this updated script!
//      DayZ Air Raid written by                                                    //
//              mmmyum    with    work    from                                      //
// sirens: by DarkXess                    //
// bombs: by Maxjoiner                    //
/////////////////////////SETUP repeat and break
private ["_espl","_sound","_pos2","_pos2cnt","_seconds","_rndLoc","_place","_position","_choice","_duration","_xpos","_ypos","_targetpos","_loc","_target","_pos","_siren","_pos1","_choise","_ray","_dblsecs","_repeat","_break"];
sleep 10;
_repeat = 30;                            //times to repeat
_break = 120;                            //time to break between attacks
_position = [13135.9, 10393.3, 1.5]; //leave this
_xpos = 13135.9;
_ypos = 10393.3;
//repeat script
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Starting..."];
sleep 2;
While {_repeat > 1} do {
/////////////////////////SETUP position
//                                      enter positions below. format x,y,z
    _rndLoc=floor(random 6);
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {"Electro"};
      case 1: {"Berezino"};
      case 2: {"NEAF"};
      case 3: {"Stary"};
      case 4: {"Vybor"};
      case 5: {"Gorka"};
    diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Random Location: %1 | %2",_rndLoc,_place];
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {[10480.6, 2217.8, 1.5]};
      case 1: {[12043.9, 9091.3, 1.5]};
      case 2: {[12073.9, 12724.3, 1.5]};
      case 3: {[6143.6, 7721.5, 1.5]};
      case 4: {[3815.1, 8865.0, 1.5]};
      case 5: {[9659.0, 8795.3, 1.5]};
//////////////////////////SETUP type of bombing and duration
_choice = 1;
_duration = 60;
_xpos = _position select 0;
_ypos = _position select 1;
_targetpos = [_xpos, _ypos, 1.5];
_loc = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", _targetpos,[], 0, "NONE"];
_target = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _loc,[], 0, "NONE"];  // target bombing
sleep 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: INCOMING ATTACK: Sounding Siren at: %1 %2 | Repeat: %3| Type: %4 | Duration: %5",_xpos,_ypos,_repeat,_choice,_duration];
//sound siren
_pos = position _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: POS: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH",_pos,_targetpos];
_siren = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], 0, "NONE"];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
_pos1 = position _siren;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: SIREN: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX",_pos1,_targetpos];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 10;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 5;
//start bombing init
_choise = _choice;    // choise bombing: 1 = light 2 = medium 3 = heavy
_ray = 120;          // ray of bombing
_seconds = _duration; // time bombing
_dblsecs = _seconds * 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Bombing Area: %1 %2",_xpos,_ypos];
//start bombing
_pos2 = [getPosATL _siren];
While {_seconds > 1} do {
_sound = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], _ray, "NONE"];
[nil,_sound,rSAY,['mortar1', 3500]] call RE;
_pos2 set [_seconds, getPosATL _sound];
sleep 2;
If (_choise == 1) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_105_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 2) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_125_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 3) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["BO_GBU12_LGB",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
_pos2 = [_dblsecs,getPosATL _espl];
_pos2cnt = count _pos2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: BOMB: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX ||| debug arraycount %3 |",str(_pos2),_targetpos,_pos2cnt];
_seconds = _seconds - 1;
deletevehicle _sound;
sleep 60;
_repeat = _repeat - 1;
deletevehicle _espl;
deletevehicle _siren;
deletevehicle _loc;
deletevehicle _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Going down for sleep: Repeat:%1 | Sleep:%2",_repeat,_break];
sleep _break;     

I have changed all the say commands to rSAY - so it should execute on all clients. Otherwise the same script, if you were getting bombs before, this should fix the sirens!

Installation methods
----> executed via mission.sqm
Everything is working, sirens, whistling sounds, and explosions, but
-on first log in bombs will explode somewhere else while the go off in their reported location.
-Only once does this problem occur. You can only hear sirens in the location where the bombs will explode, within 3500m.

---->executed via dayz_server.pbo
This is where it's at. Working perfectly so far as I can tell. USE THIS ONE!
Everything is working perfectly. USE THIS METHOD, IT WORKS. Still have two methods to call sounds, one with foreach and with with no foreach (it'll say what's what in the RPT) -- this is for testing when more clients are connected.
-No bugs so far!
Again, this is only tested by myself on my server, not sure what happens when more clients connect.

NO issue when calling through dayz_server.pbo? So good! This is the best way to call that I have found!

other ways to call:

init.sqf untested by me. mission.sqm bug two selections on start, runs normally after. dayz_server.pbo - no issues noticed (tested with aihelibomber), maybe a problem with my mmmyum_bomb.sqf script that causes duplicates?

I've been rolling the animaiheli bomber scripte v0.42a (slightly updated *) all day since my last big update, and calling it through dayz_server.pbo.
It is working perfectly.

Further updated, uploading v0.43a as soon as tested with multiple clients (could be a while unless someone joins my sever! a lot of dayz friends have finals!)

I will continue to test, and report back after playing with other people connected (if you want to test, message me!).
After confirming finally that the sound calls work with multiple people connected, I will upload a new version.

*random added back in, changed order of sirens, added a couple pauses in the heli movement, _rmodyn set true for rmod vehicles.

UPLOADING NEW SCRIPT SOON. RANDOM TYPE OF BOMBER, random location, better order of sirens, helis fly around city a bit during bombing, helis pause on land and pause on ai spawn (looks great!)


Tested and working, only tested with one client. Sound calls should work consistently, yay sirens! NEED TESTERS FOR MULTIPLE CLIENTS!

Features: random selection, nice sirens, rmod support,
-creates heli and pilot & sends them to selected city
-when within approx 2000m sirens begin to play at city
-chopper arrives, hangs out a bit flying around, them bombs begin
-whistling noise as bombs fall
-when bombardment complete, lowers chopper, spawns AI group in landingzone (optional), flies away.
Should be more realistic guys, I'm liking it. I'll up a video soon.

Installation requirements - animated heli crashes, add_unit_server.sqf change to however you spawn AIs.

1)>>Add to compile folder the script you want to use - I named my new one

2)>>Open server_monitor.sqf and add this line to it below the crash site code
// mmmmyum airraid
nul = [] spawn server_airRaid; ///change to name of your script

3)>>Open server_functions.sqf and add this below spawn_carePackages...
///////////////////////////mmmyum custom
server_airRaid = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_airRaid.sqf";

If chopper is destroyed, script hangs. Adding exception - or condition to waituntil
- may still hang if bomber doesn't reach initial target - need to add exception exitwith or something to skip to the cleanup part of the script

Alright, I used Sarge's AI and the Animated Heli Crashes - sarges doesn't have a add_unit_server.sqf, how would I go about what you are saying for me to do - Who's add_unit_server.sqf should I be using seeing as how there's a few other people who use it for their AI's.. and would I need to add ALL their AI stuff, or just that file?
How does sarge add units? Like in your init.sqf. I am using some hodgepodge combination of a few different AI scripts, but the base wasn't sarges. Should work fine with sarge's though.

Here's how my ai's are added on server start - mission.pbo/init.sqf
_aispawn = [[6689.49,2623.59,0],160,8,4] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//Chernogorsk
    _aispawn = [[7622.51,7912.7,0],5000,20,6] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//Chernaurs (Whole map)
    _aispawn = [[7625.51,7915.7,0],5000,20,6] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//Chernaurs (Whole map)
    _aispawn = [[4598.66,10197.7,0],650,12,4] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//NW Airfield
    _aispawn = [[10447.5,2246.96,0],180,3,3] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//Electrozavodsk
    _aispawn = [[13253.3,6406.53,0],180,4,3] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf";//Solnichniy
    _aispawn = [[1905.5612,6198.8955,0],80,3,8] execVM "units\add_unit_server_band.sqf";//banditbase EVIL

So in my code
if (_repeat > 25) then {
_aispawncoords = position _bomber;
sleep 15;
diag_log(format["AIRRAID: BOMBER: AISPAWN: %1 ",_aispawncoords]);
_aispawn = [[_aispawncoords select 0,_aispawncoords select 1,0],5000,20,6] execVM "units\add_unit_server.sqf"; //whole map waypoints/

You just have to change it to how you call sarge's ai spawns

_aispawn = [array] execVM "sarge\sarges_ai_spawn.sqf"
Hey dude, glad you're interested!

1- I'm not sure if the init.sqf way will work - it should execute the script, but I worry that it may create duplicate sounds.
-->> so please test it! let me know!

2- I'm using the day_server.pbo to do it now, because of my concern about the duplicates. Don't switch unless init.sqf does not work. Add it in the same way as before, I am just changing the script itself, like an update.
--->> the dayz_server.pbo stuff is just extra crap I did for no reason, in other words, I think.

3- If you don't want the heli + ai spawns, use this updated script!
//      DayZ Air Raid written by                                                    //
//              mmmyum    with    work    from                                      //
// sirens: by DarkXess                    //
// bombs: by Maxjoiner                    //
/////////////////////////SETUP repeat and break
private ["_espl","_sound","_pos2","_pos2cnt","_seconds","_rndLoc","_place","_position","_choice","_duration","_xpos","_ypos","_targetpos","_loc","_target","_pos","_siren","_pos1","_choise","_ray","_dblsecs","_repeat","_break"];
sleep 10;
_repeat = 30;                            //times to repeat
_break = 120;                            //time to break between attacks
_position = [13135.9, 10393.3, 1.5]; //leave this
_xpos = 13135.9;
_ypos = 10393.3;
//repeat script
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Starting..."];
sleep 2;
While {_repeat > 1} do {
/////////////////////////SETUP position
//                                      enter positions below. format x,y,z
    _rndLoc=floor(random 6);
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {"Electro"};
      case 1: {"Berezino"};
      case 2: {"NEAF"};
      case 3: {"Stary"};
      case 4: {"Vybor"};
      case 5: {"Gorka"};
    diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Random Location: %1 | %2",_rndLoc,_place];
    switch (_rndLoc) do
      case 0: {[10480.6, 2217.8, 1.5]};
      case 1: {[12043.9, 9091.3, 1.5]};
      case 2: {[12073.9, 12724.3, 1.5]};
      case 3: {[6143.6, 7721.5, 1.5]};
      case 4: {[3815.1, 8865.0, 1.5]};
      case 5: {[9659.0, 8795.3, 1.5]};
//////////////////////////SETUP type of bombing and duration
_choice = 1;
_duration = 60;
_xpos = _position select 0;
_ypos = _position select 1;
_targetpos = [_xpos, _ypos, 1.5];
_loc = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty", _targetpos,[], 0, "NONE"];
_target = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _loc,[], 0, "NONE"];  // target bombing
sleep 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: INCOMING ATTACK: Sounding Siren at: %1 %2 | Repeat: %3| Type: %4 | Duration: %5",_xpos,_ypos,_repeat,_choice,_duration];
//sound siren
_pos = position _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: POS: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH",_pos,_targetpos];
_siren = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], 0, "NONE"];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
_pos1 = position _siren;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: SIREN: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX",_pos1,_targetpos];
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['eve', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 10;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 60;
[nil,_siren,rSAY,['nam', 3500]] call RE;
sleep 5;
//start bombing init
_choise = _choice;    // choise bombing: 1 = light 2 = medium 3 = heavy
_ray = 120;          // ray of bombing
_seconds = _duration; // time bombing
_dblsecs = _seconds * 2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Bombing Area: %1 %2",_xpos,_ypos];
//start bombing
_pos2 = [getPosATL _siren];
While {_seconds > 1} do {
_sound = createVehicle ["HeliHEmpty",position _target,[], _ray, "NONE"];
[nil,_sound,rSAY,['mortar1', 3500]] call RE;
_pos2 set [_seconds, getPosATL _sound];
sleep 2;
If (_choise == 1) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_105_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 2) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["SH_125_HE",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
If (_choise == 3) then {
_espl = createVehicle ["BO_GBU12_LGB",position _sound,[], 0, "NONE"];
_pos2 = [_dblsecs,getPosATL _espl];
_pos2cnt = count _pos2;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: BOMB: %1 | TARGET: %2 | SHOULD MATCH APPROX ||| debug arraycount %3 |",str(_pos2),_targetpos,_pos2cnt];
_seconds = _seconds - 1;
deletevehicle _sound;
sleep 60;
_repeat = _repeat - 1;
deletevehicle _espl;
deletevehicle _siren;
deletevehicle _loc;
deletevehicle _target;
diag_log format ["AIRRAID: Going down for sleep: Repeat:%1 | Sleep:%2",_repeat,_break];
sleep _break;                 

I have changed all the say commands to rSAY - so it should execute on all clients. Otherwise the same script, if you were getting bombs before, this should fix the sirens!

Tried to call the script with init.sqf. Like you said, wrong locations at start. I didn't test further myself, a friend told me there are no sirens at all.
By modifying server .pbo everything works perfectly (we were 2 people on the server)

Two questions : - If you're going to update your script, would you like to update in parallel the one which doesn't include the copter anim ?
- To improve the range of that siren, should i modify the line below and change "3500" by something higher ? The power reduces very fast when you're going a bit far away.

[nil,_siren,rSAY,['puk', 3500]] call RE;

Thanks for your answer, keep the good work !! ;)
Yup change that number for distance. Let me know if you find a better number, I'm not sure about the distance fading controls yet to change the amount it fades over distance.

I will try to keep it updated, but now that the sirens are working with the new way to call - it might not be changed much. What would you like to see?

THANK YOU! For confirming it works with multiple people via the new call. Soon I will update the OP, remove old instructions about how to install and only have people install via dayz_server.pbo.
This means if those sound calls are working, surely the sirens are working correctly in multiplayer for both scripts! BOTH SCRIPTS WORKING
Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for making this script, its actually fantastic. I've been using the original version on my server for a few days now set to strike randomly every 3 hours, but with your new addition of dropping AI squads it gives us an excuse to have it happen more frequently :D

Anyone have this working with battleye at the moment?
If so... could you attach a copy of your scripts.txt?
I'm not sure if it'll apply now that the script has changed so drastically but we got ours working by editing a line in createvehicle.txt

Look for this:
5 "_105"
Change it to:
1 "_105"
Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for making this script, its actually fantastic. I've been using the original version on my server for a few days now set to strike randomly every 3 hours, but with your new addition of dropping AI squads it gives us an excuse to have it happen more frequently :D

I'm not sure if it'll apply now that the script has changed so drastically but we got ours working by editing a line in createvehicle.txt

Look for this:
5 "_105"
Change it to:
1 "_105"
:):) You are very welcome! Thanks for dropping by, please let me know when you test the newest code with more than one person logged in at the same time.

Next update will have full error handling for if the heli gets killed before it bombs, but current update is working perfectly!
With the big list of cities, it can run a buttload of times without hitting the same one twice.

BIG thanks for the BE script, please someone confirm this will work!
I will try to keep it updated, but now that the sirens are working with the new way to call - it might not be changed much. What would you like to see?

Nooo don't worry, your script is great like this ! Was just wondering if you had new ideas to add in coz you were speaking about order of sirens, type of bombers, ... ;)
Order of sirens in that script I think already sounds pretty good

Types of bombers is only for the animated - refers to the selection of the helicopter to be the bomber (Mi17 or UH1H for non rmod ATM, MV22 and Mi24 for rmodders). I'll probably add more vehicles like this for the rmodders.

You can select type of bomb, but the only thing I've got planned is to make it randomly choose which type of bomb for each bomb dropped, or randomly for each round of bombs. Hit me up with new ideas if you've got em!

Probably going to add script for the radio to both scripts - so that if you have a radio item(ai's drop it for me) you can turn it on and you'll hear some bandits talking on the radio about what their next bombing target is- but this won't be till later this week earliest. Also going to add - makes helicrash when it's shot down, potentailly version replacing helicrash code so it runs instead of just generating a heli crash, with it blowing up in the same manner as the helicrashes do now eventually and creating a crashsite.

With your updated script I can confirm that it is working Sirens too on Panthera 1.8

So thanks for all the effort you have put into this!
Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for making this script, its actually fantastic. I've been using the original version on my server for a few days now set to strike randomly every 3 hours, but with your new addition of dropping AI squads it gives us an excuse to have it happen more frequently :D

I'm not sure if it'll apply now that the script has changed so drastically but we got ours working by editing a line in createvehicle.txt

Look for this:
5 "_105"
Change it to:
1 "_105"
Thank you posting this. Although I am left with 1 more question...
Is it possible to manipulate the createvehicle.txt for DayZ.ST servers without the file resetting each restart?
Thank you posting this. Although I am left with 1 more question...
Is it possible to manipulate the createvehicle.txt for DayZ.ST servers without the file resetting each restart?
Does this BE fix work for you? And which version of the script are you using? I've never used so I'm not sure, sorry.
Does this BE fix work for you? And which version of the script are you using? I've never used so I'm not sure, sorry.
Haven't attempted it yet but plan too later tonight.
I've researched and found that servers do not allow you to change the server.cfg. causing the createvehicle.txt to be wiped free of any changes each restart. Not sure if this is true since I have never manipulated the createvehicle.txt myself.