Air raid - bombing and siren

Haven't attempted it yet but plan too later tonight.
I've researched and found that servers do not allow you to change the server.cfg. causing the createvehicle.txt to be wiped free of any changes each restart. Not sure if this is true since I have never manipulated the createvehicle.txt myself.
Let me know if it works for you, even if you run into the server restart problem. If that's good BE code, I'll put in into the OP.

I think the guys at will change it for you more permanently if you contact them, but ultimately you'll probably want to get a dedicated server or someone who allows access to everything.
Thank you posting this. Although I am left with 1 more question...
Is it possible to manipulate the createvehicle.txt for DayZ.ST servers without the file resetting each restart?

I can tell you exactly how I did it:
Shut down our server completely > downloaded createvehicle.txt with FileZilla > copied/saved a backup of it just in case > edited the line previously mentioned > saved > used FileZilla to drag the saved version into the BattleEye folder, overwriting the old one.

It hasn't reset for us, so it shouldn't be a problem. I just realised also I didn't mention that we are also on, probably should have started with that :p But yeah it would be nice to be allowed access to all of the files, I didn't realise how limiting was before buying with them.
I can tell you exactly how I did it:
Shut down our server completely > downloaded createvehicle.txt with FileZilla > copied/saved a backup of it just in case > edited the line previously mentioned > saved > used FileZilla to drag the saved version into the BattleEye folder, overwriting the old one.

It hasn't reset for us, so it shouldn't be a problem. I just realised also I didn't mention that we are also on, probably should have started with that :p But yeah it would be nice to be allowed access to all of the files, I didn't realise how limiting was before buying with them.
That is GREAT news! Thank You :)

Glad you got this, thanks everyone. Please let me know if the BE createvehicles.txt fixes work - and with which script.

If you're feeling like testing, give both scripts a try - so I can update the OP with what BE stuff people should use! You'd be helping a ton!

Glad you got this, thanks everyone. Please let me know if the BE createvehicles.txt fixes work - and with which script.

If you're feeling like testing, give both scripts a try - so I can update the OP with what BE stuff people should use! You'd be helping a ton!
Thanks :)
The script corrections for createvehicle.txt work for the non-animated random (NOANIM v0.5a)
. Going to test the animated soon.
Hellooo, just trying to set the new code up at the moment however I've run into an issue with the instructions.

3)>>Open server_functions.sqf and add this below spawn_carePackages...

^Unfortunately my server_functions.sqf doesn't have this carePackages line.

Here is a paste of mine:
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = {
    if ((_this select 1) select 2 == "JIPrequest") then {
        [nil,(_this select 1) select 0,"loc",rJIPEXEC,[any,any,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"]] call RE;
BIS_Effects_Burn =            {};
server_playerLogin =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf";
server_playerSetup =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf";
server_onPlayerDisconnect = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf";
server_updateObject =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf";
server_playerDied =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDied.sqf";
server_publishObj =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishObject.sqf";    //Creates the object in DB
server_deleteObj =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf";    //Removes the object from the DB
server_playerSync =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf";
zombie_findOwner =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\zombie_findOwner.sqf";
server_updateNearbyObjects =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateNearbyObjects.sqf";
fnc_plyrHit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_plyrHit.sqf";
server_spawnCrashSite  =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";
//Get instance name (e.g. dayz_1.chernarus)
fnc_instanceName = {
    "dayz_" + str(dayz_instance) + "." + worldName
vehicle_handleInteract = {
    _object = _this select 0;
    needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_object];
    [_object, "all"] call server_updateObject;
vehicle_handleServerKilled = {
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _killer = _this select 1;
    [_unit, "killed"] call server_updateObject;
    _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPKilled";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
check_publishobject = {
    _object = _this select 0;
    _playername = _this select 1;
    _allowedObjects = ["TentStorage", "Hedgehog_DZ", "Sandbag1_DZ","TrapBear","Wire_cat1"];
    _allowed = false;
    diag_log format ["DEBUG: Checking if Object: %1 is allowed published by %2", _object, _playername];
    if ((typeOf _object) in _allowedObjects) then {
        diag_log format ["DEBUG: Object: %1 published by %2 is Safe",_object, _playername];
        _allowed = true;
//event Handlers
eh_localCleanup = {
    private ["_object"];
    _object = _this select 0;
    _object addEventHandler ["local", {
        if(_this select 1) then {
            _unit = _this select 0;
            _type = typeOf _unit;
            _myGroupUnit = group _unit;
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
            clearVehicleInit _unit;
            deleteVehicle _unit;
            deleteGroup _myGroupUnit;
            _unit = nil;
            diag_log ("CLEANUP: DELETED A " + str(_type) );
server_hiveWrite = {
    //diag_log ("ATTEMPT WRITE: " + _this);
    _data = "HiveExt" callExtension _this;
    //diag_log ("WRITE: " +str(_data));
server_hiveReadWrite = {
    _key = _this;
    //diag_log ("ATTEMPT READ/WRITE: " + _key);
    _data = "HiveExt" callExtension _key;
    //diag_log ("READ/WRITE: " +str(_data));
    _resultArray = call compile format ["%1",_data];
server_characterSync = {
    private ["_characterID","_playerPos","_playerGear","_playerBackp","_medical","_currentState","_currentModel","_key"];
    _characterID =    _this select 0;   
    _playerPos =    _this select 1;
    _playerGear =    _this select 2;
    _playerBackp =    _this select 3;
    _medical =        _this select 4;
    _currentState =    _this select 5;
    _currentModel = _this select 6;
    _key = format["CHILD:201:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:",_characterID,_playerPos,_playerGear,_playerBackp,_medical,false,false,0,0,0,0,_currentState,0,0,_currentModel,0];
    //diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key) + " / " + _characterID);
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
//onPlayerConnected        "[_uid,_name] spawn server_onPlayerConnect;";
onPlayerDisconnected        "[_uid,_name] call server_onPlayerDisconnect;";
server_getDiff =    {
    _variable = _this select 0;
    _object =    _this select 1;
    _vNew =    _object getVariable[_variable,0];
    _vOld =    _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    _result =    0;
    if (_vNew < _vOld) then {
        //JIP issues
        _vNew = _vNew + _vOld;
        _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    } else {
        _result = _vNew - _vOld;
        _object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
server_getDiff2 =    {
    _variable = _this select 0;
    _object =    _this select 1;
    _vNew =    _object getVariable[_variable,0];
    _vOld =    _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    _result = _vNew - _vOld;
    _object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
dayz_objectUID = {
    _object = _this;
    _position = getPosATL _object;
    _dir = direction _object;
    _key = [_dir,_position] call dayz_objectUID2;
dayz_objectUID2 = {
    _dir = _this select 0;
    _key = "";
    _position = _this select 1;
        _x = _x * 10;
        if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
        _key = _key + str(round(_x));
    } forEach _position;
    _key = _key + str(round(_dir));
dayz_recordLogin = {
    _key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
Hellooo, just trying to set the new code up at the moment however I've run into an issue with the instructions.

3)>>Open server_functions.sqf and add this below spawn_carePackages...

^Unfortunately my server_functions.sqf doesn't have this carePackages line.

Here is a paste of mine:
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = {
    if ((_this select 1) select 2 == "JIPrequest") then {
        [nil,(_this select 1) select 0,"loc",rJIPEXEC,[any,any,"per","execVM","ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf"]] call RE;
BIS_Effects_Burn =            {};
server_playerLogin =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerLogin.sqf";
server_playerSetup =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSetup.sqf";
server_onPlayerDisconnect = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_onPlayerDisconnect.sqf";
server_updateObject =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf";
server_playerDied =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDied.sqf";
server_publishObj =        compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishObject.sqf";    //Creates the object in DB
server_deleteObj =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf";    //Removes the object from the DB
server_playerSync =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf";
zombie_findOwner =            compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\zombie_findOwner.sqf";
server_updateNearbyObjects =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateNearbyObjects.sqf";
fnc_plyrHit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_plyrHit.sqf";
server_spawnCrashSite  =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";
//Get instance name (e.g. dayz_1.chernarus)
fnc_instanceName = {
    "dayz_" + str(dayz_instance) + "." + worldName
vehicle_handleInteract = {
    _object = _this select 0;
    needUpdate_objects = needUpdate_objects - [_object];
    [_object, "all"] call server_updateObject;
vehicle_handleServerKilled = {
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _killer = _this select 1;
    [_unit, "killed"] call server_updateObject;
    _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPKilled";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
    _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
check_publishobject = {
    _object = _this select 0;
    _playername = _this select 1;
    _allowedObjects = ["TentStorage", "Hedgehog_DZ", "Sandbag1_DZ","TrapBear","Wire_cat1"];
    _allowed = false;
    diag_log format ["DEBUG: Checking if Object: %1 is allowed published by %2", _object, _playername];
    if ((typeOf _object) in _allowedObjects) then {
        diag_log format ["DEBUG: Object: %1 published by %2 is Safe",_object, _playername];
        _allowed = true;
//event Handlers
eh_localCleanup = {
    private ["_object"];
    _object = _this select 0;
    _object addEventHandler ["local", {
        if(_this select 1) then {
            _unit = _this select 0;
            _type = typeOf _unit;
            _myGroupUnit = group _unit;
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled";
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mphit";
            _unit removeAllMPEventHandlers "mprespawn";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetOut";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "GetIn";
            _unit removeAllEventHandlers "Local";
            clearVehicleInit _unit;
            deleteVehicle _unit;
            deleteGroup _myGroupUnit;
            _unit = nil;
            diag_log ("CLEANUP: DELETED A " + str(_type) );
server_hiveWrite = {
    //diag_log ("ATTEMPT WRITE: " + _this);
    _data = "HiveExt" callExtension _this;
    //diag_log ("WRITE: " +str(_data));
server_hiveReadWrite = {
    _key = _this;
    //diag_log ("ATTEMPT READ/WRITE: " + _key);
    _data = "HiveExt" callExtension _key;
    //diag_log ("READ/WRITE: " +str(_data));
    _resultArray = call compile format ["%1",_data];
server_characterSync = {
    private ["_characterID","_playerPos","_playerGear","_playerBackp","_medical","_currentState","_currentModel","_key"];
    _characterID =    _this select 0; 
    _playerPos =    _this select 1;
    _playerGear =    _this select 2;
    _playerBackp =    _this select 3;
    _medical =        _this select 4;
    _currentState =    _this select 5;
    _currentModel = _this select 6;
    _key = format["CHILD:201:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6:%7:%8:%9:%10:%11:%12:%13:%14:%15:%16:",_characterID,_playerPos,_playerGear,_playerBackp,_medical,false,false,0,0,0,0,_currentState,0,0,_currentModel,0];
    //diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key) + " / " + _characterID);
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
//onPlayerConnected        "[_uid,_name] spawn server_onPlayerConnect;";
onPlayerDisconnected        "[_uid,_name] call server_onPlayerDisconnect;";
server_getDiff =    {
    _variable = _this select 0;
    _object =    _this select 1;
    _vNew =    _object getVariable[_variable,0];
    _vOld =    _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    _result =    0;
    if (_vNew < _vOld) then {
        //JIP issues
        _vNew = _vNew + _vOld;
        _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    } else {
        _result = _vNew - _vOld;
        _object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
server_getDiff2 =    {
    _variable = _this select 0;
    _object =    _this select 1;
    _vNew =    _object getVariable[_variable,0];
    _vOld =    _object getVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
    _result = _vNew - _vOld;
    _object setVariable[(_variable + "_CHK"),_vNew];
dayz_objectUID = {
    _object = _this;
    _position = getPosATL _object;
    _dir = direction _object;
    _key = [_dir,_position] call dayz_objectUID2;
dayz_objectUID2 = {
    _dir = _this select 0;
    _key = "";
    _position = _this select 1;
        _x = _x * 10;
        if ( _x < 0 ) then { _x = _x * -10 };
        _key = _key + str(round(_x));
    } forEach _position;
    _key = _key + str(round(_dir));
dayz_recordLogin = {
    _key = format["CHILD:103:%1:%2:%3:",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2];
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
Enter below
server_spawnCrashSite  =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";

To add care packages follow
Has anyone got this working successfully with SARGE's AI package? I'm unsure of which calls to pass to the framework as it is based on a grid system and not the specific worldspace. I'd like to use SARGE's work to spawn the AI without additional AI spawning logic scripts in my mission file.

Also I noticed that I'm getting the two rmod helis showing up even though I'm not running rmod! I like the variety, but I think the check on the rmod variable isn't working as intended.

Keep up the great work!
Enter below
server_spawnCrashSite  =    compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";

To add care packages follow
Yes, good work, you are correct! It just needs to be above
//Get instance name (e.g. dayz_1.chernarus)
fnc_instanceName = {
"dayz_" + str(dayz_instance) + "." + worldName

(it might not even have to be, but it works there!)
I'll add this to the OP, thanks for pointing it out guys.

@angry_pineapple (great name)
1 - Sarge's AI - can you show me how you call AI groups to spawn? I assume it's a call in your init.sqf? Just paste the whole line - you should be able to just paste the whole line for a single AI spawn in overtop of what I have spawning AIs.
But we need to get the worldspace for the chopper so we can have the AI's spawn in under it, right? So paste whatever the call is that you make to get an ai group to spawn, and we'll plug in the current _bomber position to it, and get it working!:D

2 - you have rmodyn set to false, right? True = rmod on, false = rmod off.
I only get the rmod choppers, no UH1H or Mi17, when I have it set to true. If you have it set to false, do you get all 4? That is obviously not intended, but I'm glad it's working at lease, maybe no rmod is required?

I'm working on something else (big!) right now, but I'll give false a shot later tonight if I have time, see if I can reproduce the bug.
Yes, good work, you are correct! It just needs to be above
//Get instance name (e.g. dayz_1.chernarus)
fnc_instanceName = {
"dayz_" + str(dayz_instance) + "." + worldName

(it might not even have to be, but it works there!)
I'll add this to the OP, thanks for pointing it out guys.

@angry_pineapple (great name)
1 - Sarge's AI - can you show me how you call AI groups to spawn? I assume it's a call in your init.sqf? Just paste the whole line - you should be able to just paste the whole line for a single AI spawn in overtop of what I have spawning AIs.
But we need to get the worldspace for the chopper so we can have the AI's spawn in under it, right? So paste whatever the call is that you make to get an ai group to spawn, and we'll plug in the current _bomber position to it, and get it working!:D

2 - you have rmodyn set to false, right? True = rmod on, false = rmod off.
I only get the rmod choppers, no UH1H or Mi17, when I have it set to true. If you have it set to false, do you get all 4? That is obviously not intended, but I'm glad it's working at lease, maybe no rmod is required?

I'm working on something else (big!) right now, but I'll give false a shot later tonight if I have time, see if I can reproduce the bug.

Thanks for the quick reply!

This is what is in my mission init
  [] execVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";
However, the function that is called is using a great deal of configuration. Sarge spawns AI in based on a grid system or a prefined starting area - which is passed to his functions - not just passing in the I'm typing this it may be a question for SARGE.

Re the heli types: you are corred the rmodyn is set to true. But I'm not running a rmod server - so I guess those models work in non-rmod servers! Call it a "feature" :)
Thanks for the quick reply!

This is what is in my mission init
  [] execVM "addons\SARGE\SAR_AI_init.sqf";
However, the function that is called is using a great deal of configuration. Sarge spawns AI in based on a grid system or a prefined starting area - which is passed to his functions - not just passing in the I'm typing this it may be a question for SARGE.

Re the heli types: you are corred the rmodyn is set to true. But I'm not running a rmod server - so I guess those models work in non-rmod servers! Call it a "feature" :)
Hell yeah more features! :)

You can just eliminate the if statement, and make all the chopper choices in one of the two random calls, and you'll get all 4 types!

Ok, Sarge's AI is more complicated (probably why I haven't installed it, haha). That's his init statement, I'm assuming theres a folder with some more scripts in it, right? One of them creates a group of units - now he may have it set up to select a location at random from within a grid like you mentioned, but at some point he has to pass exact worldspace to the AI spawn. Probably selects a random safe location from within the bounds of the grid cell, and uses the coords it chose there to spawn AIs in. If you can find the function that does it, you can just make you own add_unit_server.sqf file, or call the specific sarges AI code that does it with the right parameters.

Basically - you need to figure out how to get the _bomber position coords, and hand them to sarge's AI code (whatever part specifically is responsible for the spawning of AI). You can do it!
Hell yeah more features! :)

You can just eliminate the if statement, and make all the chopper choices in one of the two random calls, and you'll get all 4 types!

Ok, Sarge's AI is more complicated (probably why I haven't installed it, haha). That's his init statement, I'm assuming theres a folder with some more scripts in it, right? One of them creates a group of units - now he may have it set up to select a location at random from within a grid like you mentioned, but at some point he has to pass exact worldspace to the AI spawn. Probably selects a random safe location from within the bounds of the grid cell, and uses the coords it chose there to spawn AIs in. If you can find the function that does it, you can just make you own add_unit_server.sqf file, or call the specific sarges AI code that does it with the right parameters.

Basically - you need to figure out how to get the _bomber position coords, and hand them to sarge's AI code (whatever part specifically is responsible for the spawning of AI). You can do it!

Cheers - digging through SARGE's stuff now. I'll post it when I get it working.
Does anyone have a good solution for the sound file sizes? Perhaps some use of sirens within the game files? If so how, I know celle has a bunch of functional siren types - I'm curious to find a way to incorporate?
I haven't tried that Manatee, but I'm sure it could be done. If you want to make it smaller (2mb is pretty small, really, but ok!) you should just use one of the siren files. 2 of the sound files are ~2 mins, and much bigger, but unnecessary I guess.

Just use the one loop SirenLoopMono.ogg, it's only 84kb! Tiny!!!

Remove the references to the other sounds in CfgSound in descriptions.ext, and make every sound call refer to the class name of the one sound file you kept.
thanks for the quick reply, I'll give that a shot - right now trying to have lots of new things, but minimizing the size is important too... My mission file is huge atm.
Got the new script working on our server now! :D I have a quick question for you mmmyum. I've set mine to bomb Cherno/Elektro/Berezino once every 2 hours 30 minutes, but that ofc means it starts bombing the second the server comes up. Do you know what I'd need to change in order for it to start bombing 2 hours 30 mins after the server comes up?
Got the new script working on our server now! :D I have a quick question for you mmmyum. I've set mine to bomb Cherno/Elektro/Berezino once every 2 hours 30 minutes, but that ofc means it starts bombing the second the server comes up. Do you know what I'd need to change in order for it to start bombing 2 hours 30 mins after the server comes up?
Great news! Do you have it working with BE?

To make it wait a whlie before starting at all (so it waits a while on the first start!) just add a sleep command to the beginning!

for example
private ["_preWaypointPos","_spawnMarker","_spawnRadius","_x","_wp","_espl","_sound","_duration","_aispawncoords","_aispawn","_rndSel","_loc","_city","_z","_xx","_y","_coords","_target","_posdebug","_heliModel","_heliStart","_safetyPoint","_bomberName","_positionLand","_startTime","_bomber","_landingzone2","_aigroup2","_helipilot2","_wp2","_pos","_siren","_pos1","_bombardStart","_bombardDone","_wp3","_posBomb","_repeat","_break","_choice","_rmodyn","_preWaypoints","_sounddist","_ray","_xypossir","_pos2","_targetpos","_pos2cnt","_seconds","_dblsecs","_playNum","_poswhistl","_sirenB","_citySwing","_wpT","_citySwing2","_wpT2","_wpLand"];
sleep 5000; //sleeps for 5000 seconds!
_loc = ["BalottaAirstrip",1.5,4829.9868,2450.1104];
_city = "BalottaAirstrip";