Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

Instead of this line:
_crashwreck setVariable["Sarge",1];

You can simple add this:
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _crashwreck];

It will be much better i think.
Instead of this line:
_crashwreck setVariable["Sarge",1];

You can simple add this:
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _crashwreck];

It will be much better i think.
In which file please ?
everywhere in server_spawnCrashSite.sqf change:
_xxx setVariable["Sarge",1];
dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _xxx];

where _xxx is object. (_crashwreck, _landingzone, _crash)
And when you set ObjectID to heliCrash, you should add a "STRING" rather than "SCALAR"

_crash setVariable ["ObjectID",1,true]; - invalid.

_crash setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true]; - valid.
I get a error and here is the part where the error always appear:
13:31:54 Warning: z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_r4z0r_clean_full.p3d:0 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 143, 176, 175
13:31:54 Warnings in z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\soda_r4z0r_clean_full.p3d:shadow(1000)
13:31:54 Warnings in z\addons\dayz_communityassets\models\can_small_rus_stew_empty.p3d:shadow(1000)
13:31:55 "z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_antiwallhack.sqf: 14 buildings patched with 87 objects"
13:31:55 Error in expression <e;
publicVariable "sm_done";
if (Flywreck && worldName != "namalsk") then>
13:31:55 Error position: <Flywreck && worldName != "namalsk") then>
13:31:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: flywreck
13:31:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 306
13:31:55 "PLANE: Starting spawn logic for animated AN2 Carepackage drops - written by Grafzahl, modded by fofinho [CD:0.7]"
13:31:55 "PLANE: 50% chance to start a AN2 Cargo Plane Carepackagedrop at 2409.45 with 4 drop points"

I am running dayz and CC

I have added this in my init:
"heliCrash" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
_list = nearestObjects [_this select 1, ["CraterLong"], 100];
{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _list;

I have this in my server_cleanup:
"//Check for hackers" \n
" {" \n
" if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (typeOf vehicle _x) != ""ParachuteWest"") then {" \n

And this in my server_functions:
// Crash Sites
server_spawnCrashSite = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf";
server_spawnFlywreck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnFlywreck.sqf";

I have also added this at the bottom of my server_monitor.sqf
// Anti Wallhack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_antiwallhack.sqf";
    sm_done = true;
    publicVariable "sm_done";
// Animated Crashes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (Flywreck && worldName != "namalsk") then {
    //Flying Heli Wrecks
    // [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire, _useStatic, _preWaypoint, _crashDamage]
    nul = [4, 4, 1000, 250, 0.5, 'center', 6000, true, false, false, 1, 0.5000] spawn server_spawnFlywreck;
can anyone help me?
i try to install the script on a DayZ / Epoch Chernarus Server but nothing spawns?
Sorry for my english i´m german.
Hi Folks, im a noob @ Serverscripts and now i stuck @ the animated Heli Crash

in RPG i get this Message:
18:59:50 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for Crash Spawner"
18:59:50 "CRASHSPAWNER: 75% chance to spawn 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'Military' at 3336"
18:59:50 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for animated helicrashs - written by Grafzahl [SC:true||PW:5||CD:3]"
18:59:50 "C130CRASHSPAWNER: 99% chance to start a crashing C-130J with loot table 'HeliCrash' at 647"
18:59:50 "PLANE: Starting spawn logic for animated AN2 Carepackage drops - written by Grafzahl, modded by fofinho [CD:1]"
18:59:50 "PLANE: 99% chance to start a AN2 Cargo Plane Carepackagedrop at 627 with 8 drop points"


19:03:00 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2013,9,22,19,3]"
19:03:00 "CRASHSPAWNER: Spawning 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'HeliCrash' NOW! (100.581) at: [10835.4,9075.81]"
19:03:00 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source mainTurret
19:03:00 UH60Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
19:03:00 UH60Wreck_DZ: MachineGun_1 - unknown animation source Gatling_1
19:03:00 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
19:03:00 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
19:03:00 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
19:03:00 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at 'UH-60 Wreck' with loot table 'HeliCrash'"
19:03:22 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:265:[150,[11624.2,10745.1,0.0160522]]:0.795:""

so you can see i get Crashsites, but they are not flying Oo

I ran a Epoch
with scripts:
AI Busroute
Lightmods (House and Tower)
exc. Bridge
AC130 Anim. Crash
AN2 Cargo drop
i hope i forgot nothing;)

any idea what i have done wrong?
Hello I add this scripts and at first look, all is alright, the chopper appear from the south and it flies to one random crash site, well, in the monitor appear 2 errors, one of them is:

10:39:45 Error position: <_item

10:39:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _item
10:39:45 File z\addons\dayz_code\compile\spawn_loot.sqf, line 76
10:39:45 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot Table: 'HeliCrash', ItemTypes: '[]', Index: '0', ItemType: '', Item: ''"
10:39:45 Error in expression <able, str(_itemTypes), str(_index), str(_itemType), str(_itemType select 0)]);

10:39:45 Error position: <_itemType), str(_itemType select 0)]);

10:39:45 Error Undefined variable in expression: _itemtype
10:39:45 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnC130CrashSite.sqf, line 240
10:39:46 Error in expression < select 2]};


10:55:51 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot Table: 'HeliCrash', ItemTypes: '[]', Index: '0', ItemType: '', Item: ''"
10:55:51 Error in expression <
_itemType = _itemTypes select _index;
[_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, >
10:55:51 Error position: <_itemType select 0, _itemType select 1, >
10:55:51 Error Undefined variable in expression: _itemtype
10:55:51 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnC130CrashSite.sqf, line 238
10:55:52 Error in expression < select 2]};

the second error appears and repeat all time:

if (_tv>2) then {_dr=1/_tv} else {>
10:55:52 Error position: <_zv);
if (_tv>2) then {_dr=1/_tv} else {>
10:55:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: _zv
10:55:52 File ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf, line 59
10:55:52 Error in expression < select 2]};

Can someone provide help to me?

Arma2 103817
Overwatch 0.2.4
Custom Scripts: Helicrash, Drink water, tent sleep, IA-bus "Bambi-Bus" and C130 AM2 with care packages.

*I'm allowed to provide help about what i have done by PM*
Hi guys,

Just trying to install this on Epoch but I don't get any 'CRASHSPAWNER' logs in the RPT at all, no errors that I can see either. any idea what might be wrong?


i have a problem with version Dayz

arma2oaserver.RTP has this error:

13:53:57 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for animated helicrashs - written by Grafzahl [SC:false||PW:1||CD:1]"
13:53:57 "CRASHSPAWNER: 90000% chance to start a crashing UH-1H with loot table 'MilitarySpecial' at -1043.74"
13:53:57 Error in expression <fnc_selectRandom;
} else {
_position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius>
13:53:57 Error position: <getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius>
13:53:57 Error getmarkerpos: Type Number, expected String
13:53:57 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 118

The line 118 is: _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

Thx for help
Hope someone can help me with this one:
I run on Chernarus and got everything working so far: Helis spawn, fly around and crashes, but there is no loot spawning around them :confused:

This is what i've changed:
the complete server_spawnCrashSite.sqf with the animated .sqf

replaced this:
3, 4, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, true, false] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

with this:
 dayz_Crashspawner = [] spawn {
// [_guaranteedLoot, _randomizedLoot, spawnOnStart, _frequency, _variance, _spawnChance, _spawnMarker, _spawnRadius, _spawnFire, _fadeFire]
3,        //Number of the guaranteed Loot-Piles at the Crashside
                4,        //Number of the random Loot-Piles at the Crashside 3+(1,2,3 or 4)
                2400,    //Fixed-Time (in seconds) between each start of a new Chopper
                800,      //Random time (in seconds) added between each start of a new Chopper
                1,        //Spawnchance of the Heli (1 will spawn all possible Choppers, 0.5 only 50% of them)
                'center', //Center-Marker for the Random-Crashpoints, for Chernarus this is a point near Stary
                4000,    //Radius in Meters from the Center-Marker in which the Choppers can crash and get waypoints
                true,    //Should the spawned crashsite burn (at night) & have smoke?
                false,    //Should the flames & smoke fade after a while?
                false,    //Use the Static-Crashpoint-Function? If true, you have to add Coordinates into server_spawnCrashSite.sqf
                1,        //Amount of Random-Waypoints the Heli gets before he flys to his Point-Of-Crash (using Static-Crashpoint-Coordinates if its enabled)
                0.7      //Amount of Damage the Heli has to get while in-air to explode before the POC. (0.0001 = Insta-Explode when any damage//bullethit, 1 = Only Explode when completly damaged)
            ] spawn server_spawnCrashSite;

my RPT:
 9:46:01 "CRASHSPAWNER: Starting spawn logic for animated helicrashs - written by Grafzahl [SC:false||PW:1||CD:0.7]"
9:46:01 "CRASHSPAWNER: 100% chance to start a crashing UH-1H with loot table 'Military' at 2840.48"
10:33:32 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1H started flying from [1623.71,218.188,300] to [11593,10410.7] NOW!(TIME:2845||LT:Military)"
10:33:33 "CRASHSPAWNER: Adding Pre-POC-Waypoint #1 on [5903.18,8409.67]"
10:38:44 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1H just exploded at [11430.8,10428,90.656]!, "
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11460,10426.5,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11464.3,10429.6,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11470.1,10426,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11471.4,10426.4,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11465,10430.5,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Loot spawn at '[11463.1,10418.3,0]' with loot table '15.3165'"
10:38:58 Error in expression <HeliCrash";
_weights =        dayz_CBLChances select _index;
_cntWeights = count _weig>
10:38:58  Error position: <select _index;
_cntWeights = count _weig>
10:38:58  Error Zero divisor
10:38:58 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnCrashSite.sqf, line 237
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: Crash completed! Wreck at: [11464.7,10423.9,0.0563889] - Runtime: 324 Seconds || Distance from calculated POC: 128 meters"
10:38:58 "CRASHSPAWNER: 100% chance to start a crashing UH-1H with loot table 'HeliCrash' at 6023.87"

This is the part where the Error is:
        _config =        configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> _lootTable;
        _itemTypes =    [] + getArray (_config >> "itemType");
        _index =        dayz_CBLBase  find "HeliCrash";
      ---> _weights =        dayz_CBLChances select _index;<---
        _cntWeights = count _weights;

I hope someone can help me :)

I believe this script has removed a used vehicle from my server. It had A LOT of stuff, including almost every weapon. It hasn't been reset either because we looked over its spawn, and none to be found.

I remember its location which was at the airstrip, and I had died afterwards. After that I had been cruising around the map, fixing a vehicle and looking for mates and it has been three days since I left it there.

Can {deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _list; in the init.sqf be the problem?
Hope someone can help me with this one:
I run on Chernarus and got everything working so far: Helis spawn, fly around and crashes, but there is no loot spawning around them :confused:

This is what i've changed:
the complete server_spawnCrashSite.sqf with the animated .sqf


I hope someone can help me :)


Hi! I used this guide and files Works with - loot spawn normally. Tomorrow I will try with I think the difference between the versions is not big, so it should work with

upd: It works with =)