automatic Aircraft Carrier

Note: I've never seen the ASLW line before today, if anyone is unfamiliar with it, it means At Seal Level above Waves, from what I've read ASL and ATL can return false variables for Z when the object in question is over the sea, so I decided to use ASLW at it determines the level including waves.

If you are using this on the DayZMod, it will not work as setPosASLW is only available for ARMA3!
Anyone else get the ghost ship west of Kamenka? I have my co-ords set for Cherno docks and I have a ghost ship west of Kamenka. I only have the one entry for the ship, yet there are two in-game.To make matters more mysterious another admin and I took a helo over there and we lost control near the ghost ship and died. Possibly haunted lol.
Hey guys. Trying to add this to my Epoch Chernarus server with Dayz.St.

Where does this part go in my init.sqf...

if (isServer) then {
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
LHD1 call BIS_EW_fnc_createLHD;

I put it at the bottom and the server wouldnt load up. Tried to put it in the isServer section that is already in my init and server still wont load up. Any thoughts?

EDIT: RPT shows an error whenever I try to put this part in my init.
Hey guys, im running an overpoch server and trying to get an lhd just for fun. I am pretty sure they changed some coding in arma since I have been here last.

Ive tried both ways to get this lhd to spawn with no avail.

does anyone know what i should put for the LHDspawnpoint?

Thanks for any help.

22:33:15 File mpmissions\DayZ_Overpoch_1.Chernarus\lhd.sqf, line 18
22:33:15 Error in expression <d_LHD_6"
_dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint;
_dummy setdir _LHDdir;
22:33:15   Error position: <_LHDspawnpoint;
_dummy setdir _LHDdir;
22:33:15   Error Undefined variable in expression: _lhdspawnpoint

Here is the lhd.sqf im using
_LHDspawn = _this select 0;
_LHDdir = getdir _LHDspawn;
_LHDspawnpoint = getposasl _LHDspawn;
deletevehicle _LHDspawn;
_parts =
    _dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint; //LINE 18 from error
    _dummy setdir _LHDdir;
    _dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint;
}foreach _parts;

Any chance we could make this into an sqf like excelsiors bridge and just exec it in the init.sqf? I totally forgot how to edit it to work like that.

You guys are doing it all wrong. Understand that by putting it in the mission file, you are causing two issues:
1) you can't park aircraft or anything on it, because the server has already started and called the hive before running the mission file
2) Your mission file gains a little size

You want everything you can in your server file to prevent bloated large files. This does multiple things for you: prevents others from snagging your mission file, copying it to their server, and taking your customers; as well as making updates easier for your players. Update server side, they don't have to reload the mission file.

Anyways, in the mind set of open(source)dayz, here is what I have done.

in your server pbo, init folder, create a file called "carrier.sqf"

Add this code to the file:
if (isServer) then {

diag_log "creating carrier";

_this = createVehicle ["Zodiac", [15447.737,11146.749, -8.7990531], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _carrier = _this;
  _this setDir 253;
  _this setPos [15447.737, 11146.749, -8.7990531];

_LHDspawn = _carrier;
_LHDspawnpoint = getposasl _LHDspawn;
deletevehicle _LHDspawn;
_parts =
    _dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint;
    _dummy setdir 235;
    _dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint;
}foreach _parts;
diag_log "carrier done";

Then in your server \ init \ server_functions.sqf
Add this line at the very bottom:
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\carrier.sqf";

Using this method, the server will create the objects BEFORE calling the hive (vehicles), and all is good!
This also works for any other map addition files: place in your server pbo, and call from server_functions.sqf. Then vehicles will properly interact with them.
Using this method, the server will create the objects BEFORE calling the hive (vehicles), and all is good!
This also works for any other map addition files: place in your server pbo, and call from server_functions.sqf. Then vehicles will properly interact with them.

Tried it. The heli exploded on restart.

You guys are doing it all wrong. Understand that by putting it in the mission file, you are causing two issues:
1) you can't park aircraft or anything on it, because the server has already started and called the hive before running the mission file
2) Your mission file gains a little size

You want everything you can in your server file to prevent bloated large files. This does multiple things for you: prevents others from snagging your mission file, copying it to their server, and taking your customers; as well as making updates easier for your players. Update server side, they don't have to reload the mission file.

Anyways, in the mind set of open(source)dayz, here is what I have done.

in your server pbo, init folder, create a file called "carrier.sqf"

Add this code to the file:
if (isServer) then {

diag_log "creating carrier";

_this = createVehicle ["Zodiac", [15447.737,11146.749, -8.7990531], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
  _carrier = _this;
  _this setDir 253;
  _this setPos [15447.737, 11146.749, -8.7990531];

_LHDspawn = _carrier;
_LHDspawnpoint = getposasl _LHDspawn;
deletevehicle _LHDspawn;
_parts =
    _dummy = _x createvehicle _LHDspawnpoint;
    _dummy setdir 235;
    _dummy setpos _LHDspawnpoint;
}foreach _parts;
diag_log "carrier done";

Then in your server \ init \ server_functions.sqf
Add this line at the very bottom:
execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\carrier.sqf";

Using this method, the server will create the objects BEFORE calling the hive (vehicles), and all is good!
This also works for any other map addition files: place in your server pbo, and call from server_functions.sqf. Then vehicles will properly interact with them.

I followed your instructions but the carrier did not appear when I started the server. Will this show up in a log somewhere?