Backpacks - Custom Skins


I am currently porting a map.
Got all the skins working no problem.

Is there a way i can add the backpack visually to the model?
I'm not talking about to use, already done this, i just mean so you can visually see the backpack.

I can't see where rocket defines the other backpack models.
Here is where he sets them up:

dayz_code > cfgVehicles

class Bag_Base_EP1;
class DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Patrol Pack (coyote)";
picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_ASSAULT_COYOTE_CA.paa";
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapsize = 2;
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us_assault_Coyote.p3d";
transportMaxWeapons = 1;
transportMaxMagazines = 8;
class DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Assault Pack (ACU)";
picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_ASSAULT_CA.paa";
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapSize = 2;
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us_assault.p3d";
transportMaxWeapons = 2;
transportMaxMagazines = 12;
class DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Czech Backpack";
picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_ACR_CA.paa";
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapsize = 2;
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_acr.p3d";
transportMaxWeapons = 3;
transportMaxMagazines = 16;
class DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "ALICE Pack";
picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_TK_ALICE_CA.paa";
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapsize = 2;
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_tk_alice.p3d";
transportMaxWeapons = 4;
transportMaxMagazines = 20;
class DZ_Backpack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Backpack (coyote)";
picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_CA.paa";
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapsize = 2;
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us.p3d";
transportMaxWeapons = 6;
transportMaxMagazines = 24;

If you wanted to add them to a new class you would add:

backpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
canCarryBackPack = 1;

class MySoldier: US_Soldier_Base_EP1
canCarryBackPack = 1;
backpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";

Doing that would spawn the model in with the back pack you name (unless its blocked in dayz_anim).
I have no problem getting the backpacks to work.
What i meant was to see the backpack on the model, you know what i am saying?

For example i chose to put a "suit" type skin in, he can wear any backpack with the changes, but you can't see it.
I've been told that arma 2 models don't show them, but i am not sure.
I think I have got you. You would like a model to have a backpack and that backpack (visually) persists, even when picking up a new backpack:

Only way I can think of that is to assign the same model to every backpack:

So if you wanted every player to have the Coyote assault pack then, set the model in the base class (Bag_Base_EP1) which is then inherited by all the backpack classes.

class Bag_Base_EP1;

picture = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\backpack_US_ASSAULT_COYOTE_CA.paa";
model = "\ca\weapons_e\AmmoBoxes\backpack_us_assault_Coyote.p3d";

class DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Patrol Pack (coyote)";
// removed model
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapsize = 2;
transportMaxWeapons = 1;
transportMaxMagazines = 8;

class DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1: Bag_Base_EP1
scope = 2;
displayName = "Assault Pack (ACU)";
// removed model
icon = "\ca\weapons_e\data\icons\mapIcon_backpack_CA.paa";
mapSize = 2;
transportMaxWeapons = 2;
transportMaxMagazines = 12;

Its a bit of a hacky way, but will do the job.

Another way of course would be change the models itself, but the ones in arma are all binarized PSD's which you would not be able to open and edit in oxygen 2. You could use one of the example BI unit models, but that's only practical if your already a wiz with O2.
there is no way to visually have backpacks appear on models atm because you have to actually make the model with the proxy for the backpack...