BEC Commands


Do these work for anyone? I'm trying to get my admins setup in the tiers and it detects when they connect but none of my commands work. Do they NEED to go in global chat? Thats the only thing I could think of...

Really need to get this figured out because I don't wanna give out my RCON password to people. All my files have been double checked by my server host and he's as stumped as me.
!say and !kid work... but the id's dont show up correctly in the userlist.

Banning by name still does nothing I've tried !b6 playername / [!b6 playername]
yes, they work fine... i have some Moderators on my server who can only use !kpl, works like a charm.

!kpl Playername -> Player gets insta kick
!bpl Playername -> Player gets banned
!upt -> Shows you the uptime of the server


you can find a complete list of all commands on the bec homepage or in the commands.xml
!say will only work if another user is in that channel at the same time. IE using !say in vehicle will work if someone is in your vehicle. In group, it only works in lobby, etc etc etc.
Hm, after migrating to a new dedi I can't get this to work. Even the default commands such as !upt etc are not showing any output in-game. I've added myself and all other players to the admins.xml. The info that the admin connects is displayed.