BEC not enough memory when restarting?

I only have 1 server running. Heres the code of my Bat restart

:: Server Start and Restart batch for DayZ Server Controlcenter written by Crosire
:: This is just a sample edit of Crosires file for current version Control Center, made by GermanMG. You NEED to adjust the settings first!
:: Do not use with versions older than
@echo off
:: Settings:
REM Turned all the relative paths into absolute paths to resolve issues people had with "file not found" errors
REM Main directory, very important!!! ""s are inserted further down the page, no need to add them here
set ARMApath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead
REM Set the instance number here.
set instance=1
REM build the location of BEC executable for this instance, start at the \@dayz_config\... folder
set BECpath=\@dayzcc_config\%instance%\BEC
REM Set the port of the server here.
set port=2302
REM Set the server modlist here
set [EMAIL]mod=@dayz;@dayzcc[/EMAIL]
REM 3 = Use built-in php script (recommended)
REM 2 = Generate vehicles using PHP (old) 
REM 1 = Generate vehicles using PERL (old)
REM 0 = Do not generate vehicles
set vehicles=3
REM Path to an external batch file to execute. Set it to 0 if you don't use one.
set externalbat=0
REM Your MySQL connection details - you need this to generate vehicles directly into the DB
set dbhost=
set dbport=3306
set dbuser=dayz
set dbpass=dayz
set dbname=dayz_chernarus
set vehiclelimit=100
set cleanup=deployables
set worldid=1

REM WorldIDs:
REM 1=chernarus  (@dayz)
REM 2=lingor   (@dayzlingor)
REM 3=utes    (@dayz)
REM 4=takistan   (@dayztakistan)
REM 5=panthera2  (@dayzpanthera)
REM 6=allujah   (@dayzfallujah)
REM 7=zargabad   (@dayzzargabad)
REM 8=namalsk   (@dayz;@dayz_namalsk)
REM 9=mbg_celle2  (@mbg_celle;@dayz_celle;@dayz_conflicts)
REM 10=tavi   (@taviana)

:: Do not edit from here on  >>>> LOL

timeout 5
:: see if our settings are correct
echo ARMA main directory is: "%ARMApath%"
echo ARMA BEC directory is:  "%ARMApath%%BECpath%"
cd /d "%ARMApath%"
echo Switched to ArmA 2 main directory:
echo %CD%
echo Killing current running server ...
taskkill /IM arma2oaserver_%instance%
if not "%externalbat%" == "0" (start %externalbat%)
if "%vehicles%" == "1" goto generate_old_perl
if "%vehicles%" == "2" goto generate_old_php
if "%vehicles%" == "3" goto generate_new_php
goto start

timeout 5
echo Generating vehicles with CCs script...
:: use BEC to call batch script to call php script to tamper with databases. someone shoot me please
.\@dayzcc\php\php.exe -r "require_once('%cd%\@dayzcc\htdocs\dayz\modules\lib\class.vehicles.php'); $gen = new vehicle_generator(new mysqli('%dbhost%:%dbport%', '%dbuser%', '%dbpass%', '%dbname%')); $gen->setDatabaseName('%dbname%'); $gen->setInstanceID(%instance%); $gen->setWorldID(%worldid%); $gen->execute();"
::settings are at the top of the file
goto start
timeout 5
echo Generating vehicles old school with php...
:: use BEC to call batch script to call perl script to tamper with databases. someone shoot me please
.\@dayzcc\php\php.exe vehicles.php --limit %vehiclelimit% --cleanup %cleanup% --instance %instance% --host %dbhost% --port %dbport% --user %dbuser% --pass %dbpass% --database %dbname% 
::settings are at the top of the file
goto start
timeout 5
echo Generating vehicles old school...
"@dayzcc\perl\bin\perl.exe" -w @dayzcc\utils\ --limit %vehiclelimit% --cleanup %cleanup% --host %dbhost% --port %dbport% --user %dbuser% --password %dbpass% --database %dbname% 
::settings are at the top of the file
timeout 5
echo Starting server again ...
@start @dayzcc_config\%instance%\arma2oaserver_%instance%.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=%mod% -name=Server [EMAIL]-config=@dayzcc_config\%instance%\config.cfg[/EMAIL] [EMAIL]-cfg=@dayzcc_config\%instance%\basic.cfg[/EMAIL] [EMAIL]-profiles=@dayzcc_config\%instance%\[/EMAIL] -port=%port% -cpuCount=2 -maxMem=2048 -exThreads=1 -noPause -noSound
timeout 15
echo starting BEC again...
cd /d "%ARMApath%%BECpath%"
echo Switched to instance %instance%'s BEC directory:
echo %CD%
start "" "bec_startup" -f Config.cfg
echo restart procedure completed
Are you using Reality build? I had that same problem with 16GB Ram running 2 servers... I just changed the hiveext.ini setting SeparateConsole = false at the bottom and it hasn't happen since.
Are you using Reality build? I had that same problem with 16GB Ram running 2 servers... I just changed the hiveext.ini setting SeparateConsole = false at the bottom and it hasn't happen since.
Im not using reality build but i just checked that file at the bottom, and my setting is already set to false