By far the lamest loadout I've seen in DayZ


Well-Known Member
let alone DayZ 2017.

In my quest for good 2017 servers mit ze gut ping, I came across this particular server and was sorely disappointed:


Yep... this is what you start with on this server... everything and then some. Ugh... I mean, seriously... what's the point?
This completely defeats the purpose of 2017. Personally, I don't approve of servers with custom loadouts (except if you get like a Makarov)
I used to have just a Mak on start, but with the increased zombies and stuff we have added an MP5 as well. GREAT for getting in more trouble than you need.
All I can figure is those admins like the 2017 skins. But I completely agree, the point to 2017 is a tougher environment with less loot to scavange. I like it! :)
Wow! What a generous load out..... You login and 'boom' you've completed the game... What next? A server that breathes for you too and whipes your ass for you as well???
I quite like giving a FAL with 2 clips on loadout. Have seen zeds coming from miles around to investigate that..

Totally agree with not giving too much, have found people don't actually want to be given stuff.. dayZ is all about scavenging, pain and ultimately a disappointing end in the stomach of the ravenous undead, only we get to try again..
Interestingly enough, the next server I logged into also gave you everything... A Lee Enfield, revolver and pretty much all the tools and bandages, even gave you an extra heatpack, painkillers and cooked meat in your King Hobo backpack. Even in vanilla DayZ, the above is a lame loadout. It's no longer DayZ if you've already got everything you need to survive. It was really bizarre to see the Bizon and the gold revolver into 2017? It would be odd to see an MP5, for that matter.

These just seen to be people who don't want to play DayZ... they want to play some other game where you already have everything you need, so just kill whatever you see.
There are better ways of keeping people interested. A full loadout is a bit of a kop out, people like it in the short term and then ask 'what's next ?'. Normally that answer is nothing, they move on to the next server a little less fulfilled.

It takes some real additions to a server, building on the atmosfear and hardship, yet offering the odd unexpected gem, to keep them coming back..
The first couple of hours of 2o17 (whether you can get that far or not) after spawning are the funnest part imho.

Thinking about the moment when I first realized I wasn't going to find ANY food cans or pops and my brain "clicked" over to "2017 mode" still makes me smile.

I'm fine with starting off naked and dying a lot, makes it feel awesome when you finally get a grip and manage to fill a canteen at a stream under a bridge or eat critters to heal yourself up or whatever.

Maybe a bandage 'cause of the way that first zombie hit ALWAYS makes you bleed haha man I hate that.

Anyways when I first tried Lingor I got a silenced assault rifle in the first couple of minutes and I got so bored of trying to fit everybody's medicine and food in my backpack (three dead guys packed with loot who tried to kill me with light machine guns and silly stuff like that) that I quit the game five minutes later.

I really only wanted to check out the map and artwork and new buildings and explore it a bit but giving me all that junk in the beginning made it seem like a waste of time, there's no reason to scavenge or go in any buildings when you can't even fit anymore stuff in your uber bags.

Meanwhile I'm still learning new things in 2017, like how charging a group of zombies with an axe is a really bad idea when they can knock you out and break your legs on the first couple hits heh.

Hmm maybe I WON'T try to save all my ammo for players next time haha.

Its a sign of a great game when it makes you change the way you play against your will and you have even more fun than you were having before.
Haha! I've been there, Cheney... though, I've been busy with work lately. It's just that nobody seems to be on when I am. :)