Cannot Get Heli Patrols To Spawn As Bandits


New Member
Some threads here hint at it but I have my patrols working fine with bandits on the ground proble is the AI in the air only spawn in as friendly(unless attacked of course).. What would I change to make it so the AI helis are always Unfriendly to players ?

Any help is appreciated and in laymen terms if you could:p I Assume its in the config in sarge or heli patrol sqfs in sarge but not sure what to change to get them to be mean all the time.

Thanks again
Do you mean that all your heli patrols are military and not bandit? If so them simply change the setting for the heli patrol you want to be bandit to a 3 instead of a 1. It's explained in the SAR_cfg_grps_mapname.sqf right above where you add the heli patrols.

Remember as well that they do have a range setting in the configs (can't remember where exactly off the top of my head) so if the heli patrol is outside that range then they wont engage you unless you shoot them first. If you get closer, they'll attack.