Cannot Sync Character PlayerName as no characterID


Well-Known Member
2014/04/19, 4:41:57 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character Player as no characterID"

I find this in my RPT logfile recently a lot.
So the player who experiences this error has a couple of things happening to him.

1. Disconnect and Relog causes occasional black screen/stuck in debug
2. Disconnect and Relog causes character being brought back to the point before error occured
3. Upon being killed and spawning back in, player finds himself in a location prior to the error with all his gear

I have no idea what causes this problem, I think its related to the database maybe?
If someone could shed on some light onto this issue that'd be great.

Hosted server, DayZ Epoch + Taviana 2.0
2 and 3 would suggest that the database had not been updated
If you look at the code in player_sync.sqf you see that it produces that error if you have no characterID just like the log says.
if (_character isKindOf "Animal") exitWith {
    diag_log ("ERROR: Cannot Sync Character " + (name _character) + " is an Animal class");

if (isnil "_characterID") exitWith {
    diag_log ("ERROR: Cannot Sync Character " + (name _character) + " has nil characterID");   

if (_characterID == "0") exitWith {
    diag_log ("ERROR: Cannot Sync Character " + (name _character) + " as no characterID");

BUT it seems the playersync.sqf is only called from onplayerdisconnect.sqf
So it would seem that when a player gets disconnected this is called to update their stats and location in the database. If for some reason they got disconnected while joining and the characterID couldn't be retrieved from the database then this error is displayed and playersync is exited as there is no valid data to be saved.
So .. standard error during failed login?