[Community Poll] Should Inventory & Backpack be shared between maps?

Should Inventory & Backpack be shared between maps?

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I guess with the new system I would see 2 different ways....
Way 1: You end up gearless wherever you logged off
Way 2: Deaths are accross all maps meaning if you die in chenarus, you are dead in other maps too

I'm not a fan of either of those options lol!
A couple of things i see wrong with this.

1. if you die on one map you lose all your gear on the other map.
2. weapons and gear are different on most maps.
3. most people that run 2 or more servers have 1 server they mod and add guns and gear to while the other is stock.

but if this is applied then it should be setup for the server admin to turn it off or on. Cause I for one would use it if i had 2 chern servers but if i was running one chern and one ling i would want it turned off.
The other problem I see with this is that it allows me the have a character I can loot farm with and a character to play with. For example, I get one guy at NWAF barracks, and the other I play with. Terrorize Elektro as a bandit, finally get killed. Respawn on the shore with nothing. But wait!

I switch to the other server and gear up at NWAF. Logout, go back to chernarus. Now I'm geared and I get to go kill people again. Rinse and repeat.

I don't really see a huge benefit to this, but I can understand that some do, and that you want to build in enough flexibility to the DB to allow more features in the future. My vote is to not worry about adding this functionality, but thats just me.