Could someone help me add this admin tool? (desc)

yes, but it will explode, just use the admin map
Are you sure? btw do i need to download something extra to be able to teleport me and other players? When i do i get teleported but my screen starts to flash and when i press W+space i just get teleported back! :(
Someone told me that i need another map?
Are you sure? btw do i need to download something extra to be able to teleport me and other players? When i do i get teleported but my screen starts to flash and when i press W+space i just get teleported back! :(
Someone told me that i need another map?
you failed to follow my install instructions in the readme

find this code
if (!isDedicated) then { // If mission is loaded by a player execute the player monitor
0 fadeSound 0;
0 cutText [(localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"), "BLACK FADED", 60];
_id = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];
and change the playermonitor line to
_playerMonitor = [] execFSM "admintools\player_monitor.fsm";