createCenter Twice??


Well-Known Member
What happens if you create a center for a side twice?

I've got something I'm working on where I need to make sure a center is created for the RESISTENCE side.

However, at time, it looks like DZAI is doing so as well. Is it going to freak out if done twice?
I dont, I have never had an issue with it. I always have it at the top.of my spawn ai scripts so its in multiple times
hmm. . ok. Something weird is going on with DZMS after I put this in and I'm assuming its connected.
what 'weird' is going on? I just checked with google and he said there are no comments about arma and multiple instances of createcenter command.
I found the problem. I part of his code, he is adding arrays with () vs []. What I don't know is why it just started showing up. Maybe I just noticed it??

Anyhow, all is good now.