Custom skin lets me relogin, but not spawn with it? help please


Well-Known Member
I'm on 1.8.1, and i'm wanting to give certain clans special skins. Mostly all of them are unlocked on my server.

For example, i gave my guy the FR_GL skin.

I figured out how to save the skin after i log out, by changing the server_playerlogin.sqf to this

To remove this completely and open any models:if(!_isNew)then{
        //RETURNING CHARACTER          
        _inventory =    _primary select4;
        _backpack =     _primary select5;
        _survival =             _primary select6;
        _model =                _primary select7;
        _hiveVer =              _primary select8;
        _model =                _primary select3;
        _hiveVer =              _primary select4;
        if(isNil "_model")then{
                _model ="Survivor2_DZ";
                if(_model =="")then{
                        _model ="Survivor2_DZ";

So, I have the skin if i already had it applied/saved to my character in the database.

Problem is, i can't seem to get the skin to apply to me when i fresh spawn.

I have this in server_playerlogin.sqf for custom loadouts:

if (_playerID in ["#","##","##"
  ]) then {

_inventory = [["ItemMap"],[]];
  _backpack = ["",[[],[]],[[],[]]];
_model =  "FR_GL";

but the model is always default.

Does anyone know of a way for it to allow me to fresh spawn with the skin as well?

I think I know how to fix the issue but before I say I'm gonna test it really fast to make sure it really works.
Well I couldn't figure out the new spawns spawning in it but the better fix for skins sticking with a player while they are alive is adding the skin in variables.sqf.
when you say adding the skin in variables i assume you mean like this
//Model Variables
Bandit1_DZ = "Bandit1_DZ";
BanditW1_DZ = "BanditW1_DZ";
Survivor1_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ";
Survivor2_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ";
SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
Sniper1_DZ = "Sniper1_DZ";
Camo1_DZ = "Camo1_DZ";
Soldier1_DZ = "Soldier1_DZ";
Rocket_DZ = "Rocket_DZ";
FR_GL = "FR_GL";

i reversed the edit to the login, and see if this does help.

Some servers offer clans special skins at a price, so im sure this is possible to do on spawn, just need to figure it out :p
or make it easier for people to apply it themselves.
when you say adding the skin in variables i assume you mean like this
//Model Variables
Bandit1_DZ = "Bandit1_DZ";
BanditW1_DZ = "BanditW1_DZ";
Survivor1_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ";
Survivor2_DZ = "Survivor2_DZ";
SurvivorW2_DZ = "SurvivorW2_DZ";
Sniper1_DZ = "Sniper1_DZ";
Camo1_DZ = "Camo1_DZ";
Soldier1_DZ = "Soldier1_DZ";
Rocket_DZ = "Rocket_DZ";
FR_GL = "FR_GL";

Also need to add it to AllPlayers:
AllPlayers = ["SurvivorW2_DZ","Survivor2_DZ","Sniper1_DZ","Soldier1_DZ","Camo1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ","Bandit1_DZ","Survivor3_DZ"];